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    Use "chagrined" in a sentence

    chagrined example sentences


    1. He had the good grace to look chagrined

    2. I was suitably chagrined

    3. “Oh crap,” she said throwing her head onto the pillows “I totally forgot about that” she chuckled chagrined

    4. “That is one of those ideas that is so brilliant, I’m chagrined that I never thought of it myself

    5. Louise looked suitably chagrined as she backed out of the door but once the door

    6. Looking suitably chagrined, Tyrus and Sonya dressed in the overalls after they

    7. Judas had been shocked by the death of John the Baptist, severely hurt by the Master's rebukes on several occasions, disappointed when Jesus refused to be made king, humiliated when he fled from the Pharisees, chagrined when he refused to accept the challenge of the Pharisees for a sign, bewildered by the refusal of his Master to resort to manifestations of power, and now, more recently, depressed and sometimes dejected by an empty treasury

    8. 7 Andrew was deeply chagrined at this ill-advised effort and its dismal failure

    9. The girl, watching the swing of his broad shoulders, was piqued to note that there was nothing in his bearing to show that he was in any way chagrined or abashed

    10. The police lieutenant in charge oozed contemptuousness for the chagrined investigators and ordered them to stand down while they (the professionals) did their job

    11. ―What in hell is wrong with you?‖ Pulling himself to a sitting position and chagrined after his outburst, Sam patted the magnificent head, feeling mud and slime glued to the sleek hair coat

    12. “Wha’d you do that fer?” asked the chagrined and excited farmer

    13. The wife was somewhat chagrined at her husband’s impropriety

    14. ‘’As the plenipotentiary envoy in Indochina of the President of the United States, I am chagrined to say that France, which repeatedly promised to gradually leave Indochina and to give full independence to its local people, has been doing more than drag itself concerning its promise

    15. “I'm sorry,” NuFaith chagrined

    16. " He looked chagrined

    17. Noticing the sheepish gazes on the faces of the visitors in the room, she shrugged her shoulders in a chagrined apology and went about her work

    18. The fellow, a tad chagrined, remained pleasant

    19. But so greatly was she chagrined in her soul that she should have to talk of boots at all instead of telling him, her Robert, her after all _hind_ Robert, with delight of Italy and of her discoveries in beautiful new feelings, that when she had gulped and cleared her throat and gulped again and opened her mouth she found herself not talking of boots nor yet of Berlin, but addressing him with something of the indignant irrelevance of a suffragette who because she has been forcibly fed demands the vote

    20. And best of all, his wife and mother in-law would now be deeply chagrined that they had ever doubted his manly ability to bring prosperity to his family

    21. chagrined at the completely inappropriate conversation,

    22. What you will hear I did, don’t be overly chagrined about it, for it also was writ in the stars

    23. I still couldn’t see his eyes, due to the sunglasses, but just as I knew he had been shocked a moment ago, I knew now he was chagrined

    24. He looked chagrined

    25. Clara, ashamed and chagrined, brought him a bottle of stout and a glass

    26. ” Merlin’s expression was chagrined

    27. By the second night it was cause for chagrined laughter, and by the fifth it was grim mouths and silence, a reminder to both Ben and my mom that they weren’t good enough: weak, small, slow, lacking

    28. He seemed chagrined but not sad

    29. — Chagrined and surprised, they were obliged, though unwillingly, to turn back, for no shelter was nearer than their own house

    30. "Clayton has gone there?" exclaimed Canler, visibly chagrined

    31. Every one seemed to be in confusion and perplexity, because Yulian Mastakovitch was apparently much chagrined

    32. "No!" answered my acquaintance, chagrined to the bottom of his heart by the awkwardness of which I had intentionally been guilty

    33. He was chagrined when he saw the events unfolding in the Old World, and witnessed such a paralyzing system going on in his own country

    34. The mother appears quickly on the scene, and Renard retires, foiled and chagrined at the loss of his dinner

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    Synonyms for "chagrined"

    abashed chagrined embarrassed

    "chagrined" definitions

    feeling or caused to feel ill at ease or self-conscious or ashamed