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    managements oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The managements of both Litton and Ingalls knew from the start that they had bitten off far more than they could chew and/or swallow

    2. This is, of course, entirely contrary to the stated goal of government managements, which is “to keep healthcare costs from increasing out of control

    3. I have found no reference that reports any reduction of costs in programs that political managements sponsored, started, or ran by the approaches of federal government (or State governments for that matter)

    4. allowed me the latitude to interact with the managements of these entities and find

    5. managements now often reflecting the new

    6. As he was being helped in the rehabilitation center in terms of psychotherapy an psychiatric treatment, other managements as physical exercises and fitness as sports , educational intervention, spiritual regeneration, psychodrama , 12 steps and other uplifting therapies

    7. Past managements had forgotten them; palace revolutions had taken no notice of them; the history of France had run its course unknown to them; and nobody recollected their existence

    8. Whether there is a sheep-like mentality in business, whether financial advisers then see the chance of income and urge their clients to grab a share of what is left, or whether managements really do fear being left behind, the speculation quite often becomes fact

    9. Graham was particularly mistrustful of executives (he did not like to visit managements for this reason)

    10. On the other hand, some managements, especially those in struggling industries, would benefit their investors by returning capital to them rather than reinvesting in the business at low rates of return

    11. The rank and file of stockholders will give such policies their support, either because they are individually convinced that this procedure redounds to their advantage or because they accept uncritically the authority of the managements and bankers who recommend it

    12. It is customary to commend managements for “plowing earnings back into the property”; but, in measuring the benefits from such a policy, the time element is usually left out of account

    13. The result would be to subject dividend policies to greater scrutiny and more intelligent criticism than they now receive, thus imposing a salutary check upon the tendency of managements to expand unwisely and to accumulate excessive working capital

    14. (Such moves are decided upon by managements and ratified by the stockholders as a matter of course

    15. The basing of common-stock values on reported per-share earnings has made it much easier for managements to exercise an arbitrary and unwholesome control over the price level of their shares

    16. Whereas it should be emphasized that the overwhelming majority of managements are honest, it must be emphasized also that loose or “purposive” accounting is a highly contagious disease

    17. On comparatively rare occasions, managements resort to padding their income account by including items in earnings that have no real existence

    18. We do not imply that corporate managements are not to be trusted

    19. Managements are naturally loath to return any part of the capital to its owners, even though this capital may be far more useful—and therefore valuable—outside of the business than in it

    20. Wars against corporate managements take time, energy and money

    21. Managements have succeeded very well in avoiding these questions with the aid of the time-honored principle that market prices are no concern or responsibility of theirs

    22. It follows that the responsibility of managements to act in the interest of their shareholders includes the obligation to prevent—in so far as they are able—the establishment of either absurdly high or unduly low prices for their securities

    23. These facts, thus briefly stated, illustrate the vicious possibilities inherent in permitting managements to exercise discretionary powers to purchase shares with the company’s funds

    24. The relationship between stockholders and their managements, after undergoing many unsound developments during the hectic years from 1928 to 1933, have since been subjected to salutary controls—emanating both from S

    25. Buffett, a student of Graham and Dodd’s at Columbia in the 1950s, had, by the early 1980s, evolved from being purely a balance sheet investor to being an investor who was seeking companies with exceptional business franchises that were run by honest, capable, and shareholder-friendly managements

    26. Graham and Dodd—and Buffett—are properly concerned with the tendency of some managements to cling tightly to corporate assets, to withhold dividends, and to make acquisitions whose sole purpose seems to be to increase the prestige and salaries of management

    27. The typical “special situation” has grown out of the increasing number of acquisitions of smaller firms by large ones, as the gospel of diversification of products has been adopted by more and more managements

    28. On the contrary, managements have always insisted that they have no responsibility of any kind for what happens to the market value of their shares

    29. Good managements produce a good average market price, and bad managements produce bad market prices

    30. 1 Others, known as “no-load” funds, make no such charge; the managements are content with the usual investment-counsel fees for handling the capital

    31. But “if managements talk more about the stock price than about the business,” warns Robert Torray of the Torray Fund, “we’re not interested

    32. We want to see not only whether managements are honest with shareholders but also whether they’re honest with themselves

    33. * We said in Chapter 8 that poor managements produce poor market prices

    34. Innumerable such acquisitions have been accomplished by agreement with the existing managements, or else by accumulation of shares in the market and by offers made over the head of those in control

    35. It can be stated as a rule with very few exceptions that poor managements are not changed by action of the “public stockholders,” but only by the assertion of control by an individual or compact group

    36. Those individual shareholders who have enough gumption to make their presence felt at annual meetings—generally a completely futile performance—will not need our counsel on what points to raise with the managements

    37. In the past the dividend policy was a fairly frequent subject of argument between public, or “minority,” shareholders and managements

    38. In general these shareholders wanted more liberal dividends, while the managements preferred to keep the earnings in the business “to strengthen the company

    39. It is our belief that shareholders should demand of their managements either a normal payout of earnings—on the order, say, of two-thirds—or else a clear-cut demonstration that the reinvested profits have produced a satisfactory increase in per-share earnings

    40. Acting as a majority they can hire and fire managements and bend them completely to their will

    41. 19 Throughout his writings, Graham insists that corporate managements have a duty not just to make sure their stock is not undervalued, but also to make sure it never gets overvalued

    42. 515), “the responsibility of managements to act in the interest of their shareholders includes the obligation to prevent—in so far as they are able—the establishment of either absurdly high or unduly low prices for their securities

    43. 3) Many managements apparently were overexposed in impressionable childhood years to the story in which the imprisoned handsome prince is released from a toad's body by a kiss from a beautiful princess

    44. He does not believe in speculating that an underperforming company will be taken over, because most managements resist selling out

    45. He sees a general trend having developed over the last decade or so in which managements have become more attentive to the views of their institutional shareholders, and he no doubt played his part in that change

    46. In business you don’t want to put yourself in the position of having to manage too much—if you buy fifty companies you then have fifty managements to straighten out

    47. Nobody understand human nature as well as Bill O’Neil, in particular when it came to the managements of certain companies who can get carried away as a result of their heady success

    48. The authors’ most successful investments have revolved around being in bed with superior managements who were able to be opportunistic on a long-term basis, say five years or so, in taking advantage of the resources in the business

    49. The underlying characteristic of these superior managements, in our opinion, is that they seem to focus on the same things we focus on as buy-and-hold investors; that is, long-term wealth creation

    50. Unlike most stock market participants, the primary focus of these managements is not on what periodic reported earnings per share, or periodic EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization), might be

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