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    institutions примеры предложений


    1. Only sixty eight percent of aluminums change hands without being tested, seventy nine percent of the aluminum that changes hands is shipped between financial institutions in sealed and indexed plastic pouches

    2. Social institutions (such as religion, family, work) are nothing but different faces of vampirism

    3. and institutions locked into the sambo-mentality,

    4. The world has seen many marvels during recent years, and one of the many things that helps to illustrate the fusion of technical modernism with the established status quo is the way in which England’s ancient feudal institutions have embraced the social and political structures of modern times

    5. other institutions to further test the healing effects

    6. England’s ancient feudal institutions have embraced the social and

    7. The major institutions of the village's commerce and livelihood were spared, but the younger local residents were not

    8. Graduation requirements shall be set in harmony with the entrance requirements of the Higher Institutions of this State, and the corollary testing commiserate with same

    9. It had, perhaps, even long before his time, acquired that full complement of riches which the nature of its laws and institutions permits it to acquire

    10. China seems to have been long stationary, and had, probably, long ago acquired that full complement of riches which is consistent with the nature of its laws and institutions

    11. But this complement may be much inferior to what, with other laws and institutions, the nature of its soil, climate, and situation, might admit of

    12. A country which neglects or despises foreign commerce, and which admits the vessel of foreign nations into one or two of its ports only, cannot transact the same quantity of business which it might do with different laws and institutions

    13. It challenges the religious institutions and false beliefs we trust in, and it is easier to put it aside

    14. ’ In most other institutions it would

    15. his mind which of the two institutions bred the holier men!

    16. In this way, the first institutions appeared,

    17. is just the fact that they have institutions for every

    18. state has specialized institutions for it

    19. Structure of the institutions: beyond

    20. Maybe slow to change institutions saved

    21. institutions they stay and endure

    22. out, or from which of the seven great institutions, they look upon

    23. If human institutions had never thwarted those natural inclinations, the towns could nowhere have increased beyond what the improvement and cultivation of the territory in which they were situated could support; till such time, at least, as the whole of that territory was completely cultivated and improved

    24. Had human institutions, therefore, never disturbed the natural course of things, the progressive wealth and increase of the towns would, in every political society, be consequential, and in proportion to the improvement and cultivation of the territory of country

    25. The right of primogeniture, however, still continues to be respected ; and as of all institutions it is the fittest to support the pride of family distinctions, it is still likely to endure for many centuries

    26. In the disorderly times which gave birth to those barbarous institutions, the great proprietor was sufficiently employed in defending his own territories, or in extending his jurisdiction and authority over those of his neighbours

    27. But what all the violence of the feudal institutions could never have effected, the silent and insensible operation of foreign commerce and manufactures gradually brought about

    28. But that degradation in the value of silver, which, being the effect either of the peculiar situation or of the political institutions of a particular country, takes place only in that country, is a matter of very great consequence, which, far from tending to make anybody really richer, tends to make every body really poorer

    29. Spain and Portugal, therefore, could suffer very little from their peculiar situation, if they did not aggravate its disadvantages by their political institutions

    30. purposely not going to use the names of segregated systems and/or institutions that tell people what to

    31. By both they endeavoured to raise its real value, in the same manner as our manufacturers had, by the like institutions, raised the real value of many different sorts of manufactured goods

    32. But when, by the like institutions, you raise the nominal or money price of corn, you do not raise its real value ; you do not increase the real wealth, the real revenue, either of our farmers or country gentlemen ; you do not encourage the growth of corn, because you do not enable them to maintain and employ more labourers in raising it

    33. Both institutions derived their origin, either from irresistible necessity, or from clear and evident utility

    34. But the political institutions of the English colonies have been more favourable to the improvement and cultivation of this land, than those of the other three nations

    35. As for the role of a student, it is not just a part that we play in schools or learning institutions

    36. Scott wondered where this could be leading, but he was in one of the most respected institutions, so this had to be a standard question

    37. One of those causes appeared to be the preference given, by the institutions of Mr

    38. Of the Expense of public Works and public Institutions

    39. The third and last duty of the sovereign or commonwealth, is that of erecting and maintaining those public institutions and those public works, which though they may be in the highest degree advantageous to a great society, are, however, of such a nature, that the profit could never repay the expense to any individual, or small number of individuals; and which it, therefore, cannot be expected that any individual, or small number of individuals, should erect or maintain

    40. But had it not been for those institutions, they would not have been commonly taught at all; and both the individual and the public would have suffered a good deal from the want of those important parts of education

    41. Such have been the effects of some of the modern institutions for education

    42. Different plans and different institutions for education seem to have taken place in other ages and nations

    43. By the other part, music, it was proposed, at least by the philosophers and historians, who have given us an account of those institutions, to humanize the mind, to soften the temper, and to dispose it for performing all the social and moral duties of public and private life

    44. Were there no public institutions for education, no system, no science, would be taught, for which there was not some demand, or which the circumstances of the times did not render it either necessary or convenient, or at least fashionable to learn

    45. Were there no public institutions for education, a gentleman, after going through, with application and abilities, the most complete course of education which the circumstances of the times were supposed to afford, could not come into the world completely ignorant of everything which is the common subject of conversation among gentlemen and men of the world

    46. There are no public institutions for the education of women, and there is accordingly nothing useless, absurd, or fantastical, in the common course of their education

    47. The ancient institutions of Greece and Rome seem to have been much more effectual for maintaining the martial spirit of the great body of the people, than the establishment of what are called the militias of modern times

    48. The influence, besides, of the ancient institutions, was much more universal

    49. ˜ Of the Expense of the Institutions for the Instruction of People of all Ages

    50. The institutions for the instruction of people of all ages, are chiefly those for religious instruction

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