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    st peter

    1. Funny how you should know St Peter & St Paul’s - I used to sing in the choir there! Actually, I met John, my husband, through the church in Blandford

    2. There is where St John, St Paul and St Peter lived and preached, and Mary spent her last days

    3. “Tell me what?” asked Steve as he began to crawl past Peter’s body, trying to avoid actually looking at it

    4. They reached St Petersberg, Russia in about twelve minutes

    5. through the chicane at the top of St Peter's Street

    6. Down on St Peter's Street all the electricity cables were buried in

    7. “He is such a perfectionist Peter and even though the house is

    8. Would much rather just have laid there wondering who was going to believe me when I say I died, and was sent back by the Angel Gabriel and St Peter who seriously suggested I needed a break

    9. Al and Christina are just trying to help, but the fact that they don’t believe, not even in a tiny corner of their minds, that I have a chance against Peter bothers me

    10. Past-life psychotherapist Peter Ramster conducted exhaustive research on another one of

    11. Hegesippus says that Nero sought matter against Peter to put him to death; which when the people perceived they entreated Peter with much ado that he would flee the city

    12. The people of God are called a royal priesthood, in 1st Peter 2:9

    13. On the federal side there was just Peter and the Sydney based investigator that David Jenkins had met before

    14. First Peter's tongue turned green, then Clara's blue, Millie's was purple and the other children's were pink and black

    15. At first Peter could not give an answer, but then he said, "To the Ambassador Forest

    16. 1st Peter 3:13-22; 1st Peter 4:1-2

    17. Read Hebrews 8:1; Colossians 3:1; Revelation 5:6-14; Psalm 115:1-3; 2nd Corinthians 5:1-10; 1st Peter 1:3-4; Zechariah 14:1-5; 1st Corinthians 6:2-3; 1st Thessalonians 3:13; Jude 14

    18. 1st Peter 1:3-25; Romans 1:16-18

    19. 1st Peter 1:3-9

    20. 7 After Pentecost Peter was famous, but it never irritated the older Andrew to spend the rest of his life being introduced as "Simon Peter's brother

    21. These men had the ability to digest Peter's simple words and extrapolate the effect this invention would have on the economy, on society, and on their personal lives

    22. one settled on the screen whilst Peter read intently

    23. “Hawk to Crow, Hawk to Crow, I know you can hear me Mr Crow, that was not very nice of you and not the cleverest move you have ever made either, I suppose you were influenced by that dumb shit Donavan, no doubt he’s sitting next to you, and why shouldn’t he be, after all his name is on the hire contract for the boat and the truck and panel van are also in his name, now is the time that I threaten to kill you when I catch up with you, but I think I’ll pass on the threat bit, too much like Hollywood don’t you think? Instead of being busy counting money, both of you are going to be too busy explaining your miserable two timing lives to St Peter at the Pearly Gate, oh before I forget, I’ve got another little surprise for you, in the middle of the bay, five or six k from either shore your engine will stop, if it hasn’t already, oops, I forgot to fill the tank and it’s a waste of time checking the jerry can I thought you might be thirsty so I filled that with water, but I’m not exactly heartless I’ll phone the water police, they should help you

    24. � To your right is the royal chapel of St Peter ad Vincula, where those of you who wish to pray can go

    25. If it were just Peter and I, she probably would have called security

    26. Just petered out,

    27. I saw a village church, it was a St Peters

    28. James kept his mobile glued to his ear and spewed out directions to Hunter to their nearest St Peters

    29. message before hand, you are toasted real quick! As it says in 1st Peter:

    30. From the saltpeter, the black gunpowder the Catholic soldiers used to kill the lowlanders with, and cross themselves intoning the name of St Peter, as they massacred the poor protestants… St

    31. Peter becomes Black Peter…in a country that was oppressed and taxed into poverty for hundreds of years by Catholic Kings and their Church, and the Roman head of the Catholic Church… the living representative of St Peter… What is so surprising about this obvious semantic change in wording? A poor protestant country; ruled and oppressed by rich Catholics for hundreds of years: finally demonizes the Catholic St

    32. There were ferries leaving for St Petersburg, Stockholm and Helsinki and, according to the timetable, the next ferry to Helsinki would leave at three

    33. After the resurrection and ascension of Christ Peter said, “For David ascended not into the heavens” (Acts 2:34); David is asleep, not just his body is asleep but the read David is awake in Heaven, and David, all of David, will be asleep unto the resurrection, neither the real David, nor some immaterial something in David has not ascended to Heaven, no one but Christ has

    34. spot anything unusual, just Peter's hands rubbing his chin

    35. Like Kingsbridge, its two halves, Old Town and New Town, were divided by a river, the Odon, which was spanned by St Peter’s Bridge

    36. The abbey of St Peter was on the list of religious houses where Caris and Mair had planned to take shelter

    37. St Peter’s church was at the western end of the town

    38. “Take the other chicken to St Peter’ s church and give it to Father Michael

    39. She reached St Peter’s and found Elfric with a team of paviours and their apprentices in the nave

    40. She left St Peter’ s and headed back towards the priory

    41. The monks were still at St-John-in-the-Forest, so the service was taken by Father Michael from St Peter’s parish church in the town

    42. Now at last Peter understood what the uncle had meant

    43. The security companies were already trying to recruit him when he was living on the street in St Petersburg, hot-wiring cars, weighing in at forty kilos of skin and bone

    44. The highest Petersburg society is essentially one: in it everyone knows everyone else, everyone even visits everyone else

    45. The Chinese drawing-room was one I had never seen used; in fact one could not normally go further into it than a small roped area round the door, where sight-seers were corralled on the days the house was open to the public; it was a splendid, uninhabitable museum of Chippendale carving and porcelain' and lacquer and painted hangings; the Queen's bed too, was an exhibition piece, a vast velvet tent like the baldachino at St Peter's

    46. That meant revolution would break out first in countries like Britain, Germany, or the United States; Russia, which apart from Moscow and St Petersburg was almost entirely made up of peasants, was way down the list

    47. The most important was the St Petersburg Soviet, which set itself up as a sort of alternative government

    48. A visitor would have to walk 24 km (15 miles) to visit each of the 322 galleries of the Winter Palace within the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia

    49. In the midst of a description of the last Petersburg fete she addressed her brother:

    50. Natasha was sitting on the floor of her dismantled room with dresses, ribbons, and scarves strewn all about her, gazing fixedly at the floor and holding in her hands the old ball dress (already out of fashion) which she had worn at her first Petersburg ball

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