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    concentrating Beispielsätze


    1. ‘Yes? What about them?’ I asked, concentrating on the potatoes and wondering what is coming

    2. Concentrating on the effect instead of the cause is wasted effort

    3. ‘Do you want me to read this to you, Barney?’ I said, ignoring her question and concentrating on my grandson

    4. Half my mind concentrating on the job in hand, I reach for the phone and pick it up

    5. ’ She told me, concentrating on drying up the fiddly bits of the caffetiere

    6. Ava spent most of her time concentrating on the Heavenly Mother

    7. ’ I conceded, concentrating on my nail varnish

    8. ’ He said stiffly, concentrating on his plate, and I am reminded of Rose’s prediction that things would be difficult for us

    9. ‘I’ve been careful, saved sensibly so I can retire when I want to … and Joris left me … some …’ The phrase stuck in her throat; concentrating her attention on the plate in front of her, she hauled herself back together again under cover of sharing condiments

    10. ’ Iain glanced at Kara who was concentrating on her lunch

    11. It should reflect inner peace and serenity, no matter how hard you are concentrating

    12. Berndt travels in silence, concentrating on his thoughts

    13. At the turning area in the light from an old van and a single bulb in a shed, fifteen or so fishermen crunch on the gravel, concentrating hard whilst straightening coloured nets and winding spiky lines around their baskets with bare hands

    14. I stare at Berndt’s back as I follow him along the narrow pathway … concentrating on trying to ignore the growing soreness I feel in my thighs

    15. ’ He said concentrating on nurturing the tiny flame he has managed to achieve

    16. ’ Gilla explained, moving across to the looms where four women are busy concentrating on their work

    17. As I read through my notes, yet again, the telephone on my desk rings and, almost grateful for the distraction, I pick up the receiver, not really concentrating on it

    18. He was really concentrating on an intense three-d plot of the path of TUa-4431-3389-14, and only Heymon, Darryl and Victor had the current coordinates for that door to his lab

    19. ’ He replied, concentrating on the driving

    20. ‘Oh fine,’ is the mumbled reply but they are really not concentrating on me at all!

    21. I have trouble concentrating for the rest of the morning … it’s fortunate that Gary appears to be on a different planet

    22. Concentrating on that took her mind off the scenery for the time being

    23. He’s concentrating on the traffic coming round the roundabout, looking for a gap he can leap into

    24. The companions were silent for a while, concentrating on the task

    25. He was concentrating on her involvement, trying to do what he guessed she wanted

    26. Very soon I find that, by concentrating on work, I can blank out any thought of the situation between Dave and I

    27. If she was concentrating on something she was not very social

    28. ‘Hmm …’ he replied, concentrating on what he is doing

    29. It’s only by concentrating totally on Bex’s placid, sleeping face that she can prevent herself from tearing Billy’s throat out

    30. She watches as he conscientiously crosses and re-crosses the small area of grass, concentrating on neatly trimming the herbage and careful to avoid cutting into the trailing cable

    31. “Jorma?” Ava had been concentrating on this it seemed, while it was now a distant incident in his past

    32. He was studiously concentrating on his breakfast, apparently not listening to the conversation

    33. ’ She said absently, concentrating on what she was doing

    34. Over-confident and not concentrating properly, Andy strode off along the bridleway

    35. Concentrating on not dropping the tray he was holding, the uniformed policeman kicked the door gently with one foot while he balanced on the other and manipulated the tray through the doorway, protruding tongue demonstrating precisely how much effort it was taking him

    36. When their eyes meet, she had trouble concentrating, and looked down at her feet

    37. “You’re doing this on purpose,” he said after attempting, “You must be concentrating on dtair-infested rinko or something

    38. Her voice had picked up a lot of hard miles in the last couple decades, but she had been concentrating on her appearance since then

    39. The new vocalist was concentrating on her voice

    40. of the sun as it grew, concentrating the flavour, only to be

    41. whiff of brimstone, I tried concentrating on the benefits of

    42. Andrew was silent - apparently concentrating on watering

    43. They were going over the drive train carefully, concentrating on its alignment, she thought

    44. Concentrating, I allowed my conscious to merge with hers and led her to the pathways within her

    45. She became a maze of intricate paths, but I turned her towards concentrating on the ones that led outside of her body

    46. As much as Arkaneh wanted to, concentrating on the matter wasn’t easy, with the two grunts constantly throwing empty promises at the dying man, always throwing him off his train of thought

    47. I insisted that they sit in meditation "concentrating upon their core and, having been told that the second brain was a point "a couple of inches below and behind his belly button" he tried to concentrate upon this general

    48. Meditation does not involve just concentrating on an object

    49. Martin at times had difficulty concentrating on her face as she talked

    50. Warlock said to Matin that he wanted to clear out everything east of Ohiopyle before concentrating there

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