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    take chances

    1. There must have been a problem and with those treasures, he could not take chances

    2. “The war has changed everything love and speeded things up you must take chances now because death and destruction is all round us

    3. “These German snipers are very good they are specially trained for the job so you don’t take chances with them

    4. Never take chances with a street policeman is my advice and be nice to them

    5. That is neither place nor time to take chances for it is a merciless environment

    6. Maybe I just have a taillight out or something, but I don’t think we should take chances

    7. ing to step out and take chances even if they could result in a failure

    8. Yet why should we take chances when we're on the brink?"

    9. Brink doesn't take chances

    10. Captain Mulligan wasn‘t in the mood to take chances

    11. do not take chances,” concluded Josef almost bursting with the

    12. urge them to take chances rather than telling them how risky that would

    13. Truth be told, those two stoic Neapolitans in suits, whom I saw in Nye Malmö, were probably just tourists, but why take chances when I may or may not be hunted by Christendom’s most far reaching shadow force? When a fidgety blonde Vinlander businessman solicited a flight to California, I figured better to be safe than sorry, and took the opportunity to skip town for a while

    14. ‘I’ve got to take chances to improve the odds

    15. Most probably, they do not want to take chances, suspecting that political opponents could hatch devilish plan against him as part of the ‘win at all cost syndrome’ prevalent in our society

    16. We can’t take chances…” said Y

    17. “Therese, please don’t take chances like that

    18. But the longer he dwelled upon them the more clearly it seemed that they could be realized if he was willing to take chances and to risk his life's savings

    19. It wasn’t a real concern to him that the stallion would run, but best not to take chances since it had been stabled for so long

    20. The terrain was too treacherous to take chances with

    21. to take chances it would not normally take

    22. He suspected they, whoever they are, were watching and listening, and it’s best if we don’t take chances

    23. But the truth is, if they want to turn up the information we need, they have to take chances

    24. He is a man full of resource, full of confidence in himself, ready to take chances and risks of every sort

    25. "We can't afford to take chances in a country like this

    26. “I don’t take chances

    27. You don’t want to take chances with your baby

    28. You don’t want to take chances with a blow to the head

    29. In Cuddy’s study, 86 percent of the power posers reported feeling more likely to take chances

    30. There was too much at stake to take chances

    31. Of course, this sanctimonious reasoning was the height of hypocrisy, since one of the reasons Bobby and JFK agreed that Sinatra should be ostracized was because he was friends with Sam Giancana and his girlfriend, Judith Exner—a woman with whom JFK was having sex! “President Kennedy liked to live on the edge and he liked to take chances,” observed retired Secret Service agent Lawrence Newman, “and I think he was walking on the edge of issues that were dark and dangerous

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