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    1. He looked up at her with wearied, spiritless eyes as she gently took hold of him and lead him to one of the bedrolls to sit more comfortably

    2. And while it saved them from further having to contend with twin threats, he was now even more drained and wearied

    3. her best to do it all with a hopeful spirit - wearied though her soul and body were

    4. Wearied with his unusual exertion, the old man now dropped off to

    5. It was always the same story, but the stars never wearied of it

    6. neither have you filled me with the fat of your sacrifices, but you have made me to serve with your sins, you have wearied me with

    7. 10 You are wearied in the greatness of your way; yet you said not, There is no hope: you have found the life of

    8. daughter of Zion, that bewails herself, that spreads her hands, saying, Woe is me now! for my soul is wearied because of murderers

    9. 5 If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can

    10. you contend with horsese and if in the land of peace, in which you trusted, they wearied you, then how will you do in the swelling of

    11. 12 She has wearied herself

    12. 7 We wearied ourselves in the way of wickedness and destruction: yes, we have gone through deserts, where there lay no way, but as

    13. 36 And Noah then opened the windows of the Ark, and Noah still called out to the Lord at that time and he said, O Lord, who did form the Earth and the heavens and all that are in it, bring out our souls from this confinement, and from the prison wherein you have placed us, for I am much wearied with sighing

    14. 40 And he asked after Ishmael, and his wife came out of the tent and she said, He is not here my Lord, for he has gone to hunt in the fields, and to feed the camels, and the woman said to Abraham, Turn in my Lord into the tent, and eat a morsel of bread, for your soul must be wearied on account of the journey

    15. 9 And in about seven months after the children struggled together within her, and it pained her greatly that she was wearied on account of them, and she said to all the women who were then in the land, Did such a thing happen to you as it has to me? and they said to her, No

    16. 11 And Esau took those garments and ran into the city on account of Nimrod's men, and he came to his father's house wearied and exhausted from fight, and he was ready to die through grief when he approached his brother Jacob and sat before him

    17. 3 And the hand of all Egypt became more grievous in those days against the children of Israel, and the Egyptians injured the Israelites until the children of Israel were wearied of their lives on account of the Egyptians

    18. 42 And Joshua and all the Israelites feigned themselves wearied out before them, and they fled by the way of the wilderness with cunning

    19. 11 And they struck the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door

    20. both small and great: so that they wearied themselves to find the door

    21. 36 And Noah then opened the windows of the Ark and Noah still called out to the Lord at that time and he said O Lord who did form the Earth and the heavens and all that are in it bring out our souls from this confinement and from the prison wherein you have placed us for I am much wearied with sighing

    22. 40 And he asked after Ishmael and his wife came out of the tent and she said He is not here my Lord for he has gone to hunt in the fields and to feed the camels and the woman said to Abraham Turn in my Lord into the tent and eat a morsel of bread for your soul must be wearied on account of the journey

    23. 9 And in about seven months after the children struggled together within her and it pained her greatly that she was wearied on account of them and she said to all the women who were then in the land Did such a thing happen to you as it has to me? and they said to her No

    24. 11 And Esau took those garments and ran into the city on account of Nimrod's men and he came to his father's house wearied and exhausted from fight and he was ready to die through grief when he approached his brother Jacob and sat before him

    25. 3 And the hand of all Egypt became more grievous in those days against the children of Israel and the Egyptians injured the Israelites until the children of Israel were wearied of their lives on account of the Egyptians

    26. 42 And Joshua and all the Israelites feigned themselves wearied out before them and they fled by the way of the wilderness with cunning

    27. “We should just be able to make it to where the lake comes close to the road by nightfall,” Moshe observed, “then tomorrow we can go see what there is to see in your town!” With nothing coming to a wearied mind, he had left their last remark unanswered

    28. Wearied by such desperate action, many, relishing the sudden cessation of all movement were loath to try when Moshe signaled for a quick resumption of the journey

    29. nothing coming to a wearied mind, he had left their last remark unanswered

    30. 38 And when Jesus went out they brought to him a dumb man having a devil; And on the going out of the devil that dumb man spoke; And the multitudes marvelled and said It was never so seen in Israel And Jesus was going about in all the cities and in the villages and teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness; and many followed him; And when Jesus saw the multitudes he had compassion on them for they were wearied and scattered as sheep that have no shepherd; And he called his twelve disciples and gave them power and much authority over all devils and diseases; and sent them two and two that they might proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick; And he charged them and said Walk not in the way of the heathen nor enter into the cities of the 45 Samaritans

    31. Come to me all of you you who are wearied and bearers of bur- dens and I will give you rest

    32. Wearied by such desperate

    33. He wondered if it were a distortion of an already warped reality - It just could not be… However, it was too late as instinct took control over his wearied mind as he leapt straight into the water and hastily waded through the seawater

    34. "Who are you?" bluntly countered Conan, who quickly wearied of answering questions

    35. Riding hard, replacing his wearied horses with steeds seized from the countryside, he approaches Tarantia

    36. But I am wearied of conversation with you; it is less fatiguing to destroy a walled city than it is to frame my thoughts in words a brainless barbarian can understand

    37. The King Wearied, Trying

    38. The King Wearied, His Movements

    39. Third, Moses might have wearied

    40. there, Jesus therefore, being wearied with his journey,

    41. being wearied with his journey, sat thus on the

    42. He aimed to keep the war going until his enemies wearied and agreed to a negotiated peace

    43. The new Cambodian government, wearied by continued

    44. great, so that they wearied themselves to find the

    45. The ablest philosophers of Greece and Rome groped after truth like blind men, and wearied themselves in vain to find the door

    46. The fact is that the people of Northern Ireland have become wearied by long periods of conflict, by a peace process that failed to bring peace, and by various attempts at self-rule that have failed to find a satisfactory political solution to the conflicting views found within the Province

    47. When a clergyman with only one curate has to give the elements of bread and wine to 300 or 400 persons, the service must necessarily be so long, that aged and delicate people are wearied, and any following service is interfered with, or prevented altogether

    48. " Wearied with his labor,

    49. ” Faithful spoke as one wearied by information and starving for wisdom

    50. children who could care less about spending time with their mother and I am so wearied by it

    1. 11 Also by watering he wearies the thick cloud, he scatters his bright cloud,

    2. Luke 18:2-10 There was in a city a judge who feared not God neither regarded man; and there was a widow in that city; and she came to him saying: Avenge me of my adversary and he would not for a while; but afterward he said to himself: Though I do not fear God nor regard man yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her in case by her continual coming she wearies me; listen to what the unjust judge said; And shall not God avenge his own elect who cry day and night to Him though He bear long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily

    3. No, he wearies me

    4. Wearies the tiny queen with heavy tune!

    5. Lacking many of the indoor employments of the women of colder climates, time hangs heavy on their hands, idleness wearies, and they cast about for a way in which to amuse, enjoy, and distract themselves

    1. to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he

    2. but eventually they grew weary and resigned

    3. It is a good hour later that we arrive back at The Stables, warm and pleasantly weary after our long walk

    4. Ginger MacAvoy had a nice view from her corner window office on the fourth floor of the historical San Francisco edifice that housed the headquarters of World Weary Avengers, Incorporated

    5. World Weary Avengers could not afford any lapses; they were the owners of some extremely advanced and therefore dangerous technology

    6. The weary morning travelers didn’t have an option anymore

    7. Some fought back, but eventually they grew weary and resigned

    8. upon the laboured, collarless breath of weary, boot sore sleep

    9. a last hurrah before the weary tread

    10. Ethereead loved to fly, the dragon was feeling weary

    11. weary folk with dirty faces, whose eyes

    12. Look into the eyes of the beast, the hound, weary,

    13. and the insatiable remorse that buffets weary travellers

    14. Then I pay and take a slow, weary walk to find my way back to the apartment in the smooth and pleasing early, early morning

    15. I was weary

    16. Sure enough, at about four in the morning a weary young man stumbled back into the bar

    17. The young man peeled the suit slowly from his weary body, walked up to the princess, took her hand in his and turned to face the awe struck line of ministers, priests and holy souls

    18. In the days that followed their father’s untimely passing, brother and sister lived in a world of frayed tempers, compassionate overload and weary resignation

    19. I looked at a weary Alexis staring into the water, 'Boss, over here - another body

    20. He fetched one of his gardening books from an alcove shelf in the living room and leafed through the sections that showed keen gardeners how to build walls and fill holes with hardcore, and as he read the hints, tips and instructions, Ken realised that his weary bones ached for a change

    21. weary troop then panted and wheezed their way to the kitchen, lit

    22. arrived the old woman climbed into the rear seat with a weary sigh

    23. Sure enough, at about four in the morning a weary young man

    24. some cool lemonade and rest her weary legs under the shade of a

    25. His voice was becoming shrill as he went over his plans again; Matai was getting weary of his continuous ranting

    26. Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed,

    27. “I am weary of this cat and mouse game we play with Boras

    28. peeled the suit slowly from his weary body, walked up to the

    29. overload and weary resignation

    30. late afternoon they were cold, hungry, and weary; ready to call it a day

    31. tips and instructions, Ken realised that his weary bones ached for a

    32. The dawn sun shone down on his dirty face and he opened his weary eyes

    33. The weary cynicism that comes through prolonged exposure to other people's stupidity and mean-faced barbarism

    34. As for their parents, when their voices became weary of directing their daughters' defense, they simply watched and Harry redoubled his onslaught in leaps and spins which at times seemed to defy gravity in their height and duration

    35. When the mortuary technician found him on his knees in the mortuary’s ante-room, he tried to help, making a sustained but weary effort to persuade Billy to sit down and have a cup of tea, assuming that he was related to the girl on the trolley, but there were no handles by which he could get a hold of the flaking singer

    36. He stepped into the great room, weary of the road, and Belle greeted him, embraced him unexpectedly and informed him that that was from Great-grandmama

    37. Despite the fact that lunch had not happened until nearly three, Andy was starving and extremely weary

    38. ’ Andy said with a weary sigh

    39. While he was sitting there, he nearly fell asleep even in this noise, he was just too weary to go on

    40. neither faint or weary

    41. and be weary and the young men

    42. neither faint nor is weary

    43. He will not grow tired or weary,

    44. 29He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak

    45. they will run and not grow weary,

    46. There were signed portraits of past Presidents of the United States who had rested their weary heads in the bed he arose from

    47. And for a being that seemed so decrepit, worn and weary, he was incredibly agile and quick

    48. along the banks of the Moldau, before dragging our weary

    49.  It releases strength for the journey into weary hearts so they can run the race

    50.  Prophecy gives comfort to the weary and can be a reminder that God has not forgotten us

    1. ’ Jarvis said, wearying of this game

    2. “It would be in your best interest to return to your previous entertainment, gentlemen, this evening's 'diversion' is wearying and we would like to simply turn in for the night

    3. From the outset he was unsettled and the wear of four days of long, wearying manoeuvring showed clearly on his face

    4. realities wherein they have to go through the same lessons over and over again, in wearying

    5. I have no more of my story to tell you, gentlemen; whether it be an interesting or a curious one let your better judgments decide; all I can say is I would gladly have told it to you more briefly; although my fear of wearying you has made me leave out more than one circumstance

    6. Of this beauty, to which my poor feeble tongue has failed to do justice, countless princes, not only of that country, but of others, were enamoured, and among them a private gentleman, who was at the court, dared to raise his thoughts to the heaven of so great beauty, trusting to his youth, his gallant bearing, his numerous accomplishments and graces, and his quickness and readiness of wit; for I may tell your highnesses, if I am not wearying you, that he played the guitar so as to make it speak, and he was, besides, a poet and a great dancer, and he could make birdcages so well, that by making them alone he might have gained a livelihood, had he found himself reduced to utter poverty; and gifts and graces of this kind are enough to bring down a mountain, not to say a tender young girl

    7. What did he mean? He was so wearying

    8. I did not call her unfeeling long; for I perceived she was in purgatory throughout the day, and wearying to find an opportunity of getting by herself, or paying a visit to Heathcliff, who had been locked up by the master: as I discovered, on endeavouring to introduce to him a private mess of victuals

    9. wearying, I guessed, with a continual vague expectation that Catherine, repenting her conduct, would come of her own accord to ask pardon, and seek a reconciliation---and she fasted pertinaciously, under the idea, probably, that at every meal, Edgar was ready to choke for her absence, and pride alone held him from running to cast himself at her feet: I went about my household duties, convinced that the Grange had but one sensible soul in its walls, and that lodged in my body

    10. I'm wearying to escape into that glorious world, and to be always there: not seeing it dimly through tears, and yearning for it through the walls of an aching heart; but really with it, and in it

    11. After then wearying and fatiguing myself with

    12. After then wearying and fatiguing myself with grasping shadows, whilst that most sensible part of me disdained to content itself with less than realities, the strong yearnings, the urgent struggles of nature towards the melting relief, and the extreme self-agitations I had used to come at it, had wearied and thrown me into a kind of unquiet sleep: for, if I tossed and threw about my limbs in proportion to the distraction of my dreams, as I had reason to believe I did, a bystander could not have helped seeing all for love

    13. God thus flung piles of gold upon this prisoner to whom gold was a matter of indifference, who longed for heaven, who lived, pious and good, in holy thoughts, succoring the unfortunate in secret, and never wearying of such deeds

    14. As for Buck, wearying of the pursuit, he returned to the desolated camp

    15. I’m wearying to escape into that glorious world, and to be always there: not seeing it dimly through tears, and yearning for it through the walls of an aching heart: but really with it, and in it

    16. But I did not succeed in wearying her : she listened all the time without interrupting me, with extraordinary and even reverent attention, so that at last I got tired of it myself and left off ; her expression was sad, however, and there was something pitiful in her face

    17. Destroy an ants' nest, and they will begin at once re-erecting it; destroy it again, and they will begin again without wearying

    18. He carries the day by wearying one out

    19. ) Why do kindly men and women, who can have no manner of interest in war, go into ecstasies over the exploits of a man like Skobelev? Why do men who are under no obligation to do it, and who receive no pay for it, like Marshals of Nobility in Russia, devote months to the service which demands such unremitting labor, wearying to the minds as well as to the body,—the enlistment of recruits? Why do all emperors and kings wear a military dress, why do they have drills and parades and military rewards? Why are monuments built to generals and conquerors? Why do wealthy and independent men regard it as an honor to occupy the position of lackeys to kings, to flatter them and feign a belief in their special superiority? Why do men who have long since ceased to believe in the medieval superstitions of the Church still constantly and solemnly pretend to do so, and thus support a sacrilegious and demoralizing institution? Why is the ignorance of the people so zealously preserved, not only by the government, but by men of the higher classes? Why do they so energetically denounce every attempt to overthrow popular superstition and to promote popular education? Why do historians, novelists, and poets, who can derive no benefit in exchange for their flattery, paint in such glowing colors the emperors, kings, and generals of bygone times? Why do the so-called scientists devote their lives to formulate theories that violence committed on the people by power is legitimate violence—is right?

    20. I’ve played all those parts, Cecil, and it’s been a wearying, worrisome thing, part of the time, with quick work and rapid changes, but it’s all over now

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    Synonyme für "weary"

    fag fag out fatigue jade outwear tire tire out wear wear down wear out wear upon weary pall aweary impatient exhausted overworked fatigued spent wearied tiresome wearisome irksome overwork annoy irk vex harry distress wear on