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    Use "don juan" in a sentence

    don juan example sentences

    don juan

    1. As a Don Juan no words need to be said about his

    2. he learned her identity and Don Juan went into action again

    3. the “Don Juan” that I always was, I will let the wind blow and show me the way

    4. with Don Juan, Castaneda’s famous teacher, who said: “I look for ways that

    5. through to follow his teacher Don Juan? He had to undergo numerous trials

    6. Freud's failure to recognize in the Oedipus myth the culpability of the father was tied to his failure to recognize bis own father's reputation as a Don Juan

    7. If he were a Don Juan, he certainly would not be so foolish and arrogant as to make any advances in such a public, open place where his activities could be witnessed by all

    8. Bascomb’s description of Terence as a Don Juan, especially for their social status that he would undoubtedly want to maintain

    9. “Death is our eternal companion,’ Don Juan said with a most serious air, ‘It is always to our left, at an arm’s length…

    10. The psychopath Don Juan has found his defenders in our time

    11. The psychopathic sexual addict, Don Juan, has found his

    12. and empathy is people like the fictional figure Don Juan and yet he could not cut it because he himself felt shame, but his intellectual function said that because there is no Meaning or Significance -

    13. with Heart - "Choose a Path with Heart" - Don Juan to Carlos Castenada - the Path of the Spiritual Masters as opposed to the

    14. At that instant, I could not have cared less about what happened to don Juan or myself

    15. Don Juan, its said with reason;

    16. That"s incredible, don Juan!

    17. Don Juan, the game is mine

    18. Now, Don Juan, the bold,

    19. Don Juan"s not the better of us two

    20. that some rich Don Juan Tenorio

    21. Of whom? That Don Juan that you love

    22. in the arms of Don Juan

    23. And he says: “Don Juan goes

    24. the orders of Don Juan

    25. the estate of Don Juan

    26. that Don Juan"s house for me

    27. Don Juan, I loved her, yes

    28. And what have I to do Don Juan,

    29. DON JUAN: ¡Ah! ¿Y las habéis Ah! And you have finished?

    30. DON JUAN: Antes ver tendrá a fortuna Rather he"ll think it fortunate

    31. Don Juan is the sort of man,

    32. DON JUAN: ¿Qué respetos gastar debe What respect should he show instead

    33. Don Juan"s only yearning

    34. that murmurs round Don Juan,

    35. you"ll be saved with Don Juan

    36. this is the night, Don Juan,

    37. But Don Juan, why are you here?

    38. Don Juan; the strongest iron of all,

    39. so that Don Juan

    40. Ah, that word, Don Juan

    41. Here I am then, Don Juan,

    42. That is because, Don Juan

    43. DON JUAN: ¿Y qué es lo que ahí me das? And what is it you have for me there?

    44. of God"s anger with Don Juan

    45. that love has saved Don Juan

    46. Tarifa was besieged by the traitorous infante Don Juan at the head of anarmy of Moors and adventurers

    47. Assaults proving fruitless, Don Juansummoned Guzmán to a parley on the walls of the city, where he told himthat if Tarifa were not immediately surrendered, the son of the gallantdefender would be put to death before his eyes

    48. Don Juan promptly dispatched the boy and cast his head withinthe walls

    49. Don Juan Tenorio legendand the Miguel Mañara legend

    50. Later Don Juan enters the church where theCommander lies buried and insults his

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