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    Use "autos" in a sentence

    autos example sentences


    1. I couldn't find any autos or buses

    2. from downstairs in the kitchen, (b) the campaign sounds from the autos of

    3. They had complied to a tee with societal norms regarding growing up, getting hitched, securing the blood line, having respectable employment, living in the right neighborhood with the big house and yard, having the latest in autos and technological devices, wearing the right clothing and associating with the proper friends, taking their vacations to the proper places, and…you know how it goes, right?

    4. Smith-Hughes's autos in the Watergate garage

    5. and forensic boys didn't find anything when they first checked these autos out?� Steve remarked as he moved his vehicle ahead of some buses who were slowing down the traffic on that street

    6. �Look, the plates of the other autos match the numbers in her checkbook

    7. He had started as chauffeur, with his duties including repair and maintenance of the Count’s three autos, and then after a time, he was taken into the house and instructed as a butler

    8. I paid him for it, they flew home, and I, a non-California admitted lawyer one month away from unemployment now owned THREE autos

    9. The officer arrested Mike while he was seated in the driver’s side of one of the resident’s autos, not his own which blocked the others in

    10. Autos, planes, computers

    11. Examples of durable goods are autos, appliances, furniture, jewelry, and toys

    12. In addition, some states have laws that prohibit vandalism to certain types of property, such as autos, churches, school property, and government facilities

    13. Consequently, any industry that depends on interest rates - autos, housing, banks, etc

    14. The consumers with the best credit will be purchasing the homes and autos that

    15. Vinnie, unable to tell from which direction the babbel came in the echoing maze of autos, struggled to reach the top of a pile of cars

    16. Autos swerved and honked, and the traffic soon came to a near stand-still

    17. The lyrics of CALDERÓN (1600-1681) are to be foundmostly in his comedias and autos

    18. ; a few of his autos

    19. In addition to her lyrics Sor Juana wroteseveral autos and dramas

    20. Furthermore, Egyptians flooded in Libya and opened up small industrial partnerships with Libyans and reconditioning workshops to revive the aging fleet of Libyan autos

    21. “I expect to see a lot of household appliances on the Net by 2010, as well as autos and other mobile devices

    22. It had the usual Indian elements like autos, packed public buses,

    23. He saw me surrounded by the autos and understood the

    24. Autos blared their horns at each other as if in

    25. Tamil terms and negotiate with autos

    26. Five miles after crossing from Maine into New Hampshire a large green signed warned Hampton Tolls Autos $1

    27. No autos waited by the cobwebbed, nailed-shut office

    28. “I’ve been so hunted and harassed by autumn dudes that I didn’t want, and their bleating autos, I haven’t had the peace of a cat

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