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    Use "repulsing" in a sentence

    repulsing example sentences


    1. ‘’You god damn incompetent idiot! Dows is a Medal of Honor recipient with more actual experience of frontline ground combat than you! She fought with her women in Guadalcanal and Papua New Guinea and now has been repulsing repeated assaults by a whole Chinese division for three days now, and you have the gall to tell me that her opinion is unworthy of attention? Her unit may have been provided as a tactical air support unit to 8th Army, but the KATF still falls under me for administrative and logistical matters

    2. It had that luring and repulsing

    3. Then added, repulsing him with a languid movement—

    4. been on the center of the line, and the Indians there had needed no help of ours in repulsing it

    5. Then added, repulsing him with a

    6. "I shall wait, Charles—Good heavens! there is my father at his window," she said, repulsing her cousin, who leaned forward to kiss her

    7. And in another instant, the small lad was pushed, dragged, pulled, thrust, stuffed into the hole, before he had time to recover himself, and Gavroche, entering behind him, and repulsing the ladder with a kick which sent it flat on the grass, began to clap his hands and to cry:—

    8. The psychiatrist moved in the beehive of offices, in the cross-pollination of themes, Stravinsky mating with Bach, Haydn unsuccessfully repulsing Rachmaninoff, Schubert slain by Duke Ellington

    9. But, strange thing! some occult fatal power kept me from repulsing him and sending him away, and, on the contrary, induced me to suffer this approach

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