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    straitness example sentences


    1. 16 Even so would he have removed you out of the strait into a broad place, where there is no straitness; and that which should be set

    2. 21 Now when Timotheus had knowledge of Judas' coming he sent the women and children and the other baggage to a fortress called Carnion for the town was hard to besiege and uneasy to come to by reason of the straitness of all the places

    3. For as gold casts away its dross so also will you cast away all sadness and straitness and will be made pure so as to fit into the building of the tower

    4. For the Spirit of God which has been granted to us to dwell in this body does not endure grief nor straitness

    5. And it shall come to pass that you will be driven to eat the fruit of your own bodies, the flesh of your sons and daughters, during this time of siege, because of the straitness wherewith your enemies shall press you

    6. Come, tell me, for which of the stupidities you have observed in me do you condemn and abuse me, and bid me go home and look after my house and wife and children, without knowing whether I have any? Is nothing more needed than to get a footing, by hook or by crook, in other people's houses to rule over the masters (and that, perhaps, after having been brought up in all the straitness of some seminary, and without having ever seen more of the world than may lie within twenty or thirty leagues round), to fit one to lay down the law rashly for

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