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    strongholds example sentences


    1. For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, pulling down

    2. the strongholds of the enemy (see 2 Cor

    3. What are the strongholds?

    4. strongholds that are present in our land

    5. five giants and the five cities of the Philistines represent the last five strongholds of the land

    6. and their five giants, represent five strongholds of the enemy that remained in the land, resisting the Kingdom of God, and

    7. strategic locations to secure strongholds

    8. overcoming the enemy strongholds and freeing the civilians of

    9. go into the enemy’s territory, casting down the strongholds of

    10. effectively tear down the strongholds of philosophy and the lies

    11. When you have the enemy's strongholds on your rear, and narrow passes in front, it is hemmed-in ground

    12. withdrawn to fight, they have remained in their strongholds: their might has failed; they became as women: they have burned her

    13. Many Christians do not know, or care, that there are satanic strongholds in their lives

    14. In my experience, some of the most usual strongholds can be:-

    15. There can be many other strongholds other then those mentioned above, and some

    16. created strongholds and had managed to keep the viral

    17. In fact they do the opposite, they allow sin to manifest in our lives through religious strongholds (by trying to be righteous through law based works instead of through Christ), and keep us from coming to the One who can actually make us holy like Him

    18. These strongholds can then hinder, or block, the ability of our spiritual man to see through our soul and body

    19. the Jesuits were the strongholds of intellectual and cultural development in

    20. The two strongholds are another matter

    21. Round Island is one of the last strongholds of a palm savanna habitat that was once also present in the lowlands of northern and western Mauritius

    22. The rolling south country had submitted nominally to Valerius, but he had not attempted to force the passes guarded by strongholds where the crimson leopard banner of Poitain waved defiantly

    23. “The Resistance and Stargazer strongholds are scattered about

    24. By tearing down enemy strongholds in their paths, a vanguard defends the masses from the front

    25. Balance divided perspectives of this history and diagnose hidden systemic problems and spiritual strongholds that still demobilize

    26. Well if you're going to expand your territory, break free, find out what locks up your emotions, what's got hold of your heart, what are the strongholds and giants, and face them

    27. In my dreams, You had me marching around strongholds of paper

    28. They were the strongholds of pride and self-reliance

    29. You will help others, by your example, to allow Me to pull down these strongholds in their lives as well

    30. strongholds to request some traveling expenses from the Master of the Nangong

    31. Truth will tear down the strongholds of Satan

    32. org Web page, especially a seminar they did called Demolishing Strongholds

    33. The island is one of the last surviving strongholds of the Gaelic language in Scotland and the crofting industries of peat cutting and seaweed gathering are still an important part of everyday life

    34. Very quickly, Cadman was fording a small river east of Teekwood, seven young soldiers splashing along with him, well behind the relative safety of the Anduain strongholds in western Astrovia

    35. Spanish out of the Pueblo strongholds in 1680

    36. ensue, strongholds of evil unrivaled to any other time in history

    37. It is remarkable that the strongholds of the two different theologies treated of in this volume are found in the two works of the Apostle John—the Gospel and the Apocalypse

    38. We would establish strongholds in various parts of the city, demonstrating that we were in control—and essentially daring the enemy to attack

    39. We would establish strongholds in various parts of the city, demonstrating that we were in control—and essentially daring the enemy to attack

    40. Now while I had the strength I would go to the wild lands where man had deserted his post and the jungle was creeping back to its old strongholds

    41. Messengers had passed to and fro between all their cities, colonies and strongholds; for they resolved now to win the dominion of the North

    42. It seemed that the evil power in Mirkwood had been driven out by the White Council only to reappear in greater strength in the old strongholds of Mordor

    43. Elrond says that the two are akin, the last strongholds of the mighty woods of the Elder Days, in which the Firstborn roamed while Men still slept

    44. used by patrols or by messengers going swiftly to lesser posts and strongholds north-away, between Cirith Ungol and the narrows of Isenmouthe, the iron jaws of Carach Angren

    45. Two strongholds of slavery; but in the first, deliverance possible, a legal limit always in sight, and then, escape

    46. The glen of Donnelaith in Scotland was one of those strongholds

    47. On such a campaign they must meet us in battle, or surrender at discretion; they could not avoid our search nor evade our pursuit—the season would furnish certain means of discovery; their strongholds would be broken up; their squaws and children would fall into our hands, and remain sure pledges against savage ferocity and barbarity

    48. It would be difficult to find gloomier dungeons, even in the worst strongholds of despotism, than those in which the State prisoners of Venice were confined

    49. When I take into consideration the exposed situation of the people whom it is my pride and honor to represent, when I view them surrounded by numerous and warlike tribes of Indians, skirted by strongholds in the possession of a nation devoted to our foe, containing in the bosom of their country a class of beings always on the watch to overwhelm them in ruin, I lose sight of other considerations, and am compelled to urge, as I do most earnestly, that no obstacles may be thrown in the way of our complete protection

    50. I have stated that strongholds in our immediate neighborhood are in the possession of a people devoted to our enemy

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