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    Use "subtleties" in a sentence

    subtleties example sentences


    1. This was no time for subtleties

    2. With all this in mind, keep close attention on all of the little subtleties of their conversations with you

    3. It was of course George's Great-uncle Fong Li who had directed the construction, and it was Fong Li who meticulously explained the subtleties of sailing a small craft to Belle and George during the long construction process

    4. But the sport has tons of subtleties as well and the technical age has definitely made an impact

    5. rhythms and subtleties of her body

    6. “But, if the ear cannot catch all the subtleties?”

    7. For they desired to prune away all the subtleties of the material and mental worlds and replace everything with one crude equation

    8. His inability to grasp the subtleties of the language

    9. As such, I would address in part more subtleties worth mentioning, awarenesses I did observe along My way and stay thus far

    10. He was not good at budgets and figures and knew little about the subtleties of a performance spreadsheet

    11. And mouth with myriad subtleties

    12. before, the emotional brain is not known for its subtleties

    13. She had repeatedly proved to be a tolerant and honest woman who understood the subtleties of the Middle East better than most and who was not afraid to call things for what they were, even if it contradicted the views of her own government or of its allies

    14. Your offer is both generous and tempting but, since I have been abandoned as a child in this world, I have learned to appreciate the subtleties and attractions of life on Earth

    15. I have a son who is close to adulthood and who speaks perfectly Cantonese and Mandarin on top of Arabic and to whom I have also been teaching the intricacies and subtleties of business

    16. Padre, these are subtleties

    17. He observed the subtleties in Norik’s mannerism and knew that this person was not Lenar

    18. He heard the dull roar of the bar drop a notch, which revealed some subtleties in the pounding beat of the music he had previously missed

    19. But it was even more difficult to learn how to go through the subtleties of masochistic pleasure, to dig them out, eliminate them and substitute them with healthy pleasure and a healthy relationship based on respect, on recognition of it as a gift and on reciprocity

    20. Storytelling is a highly efficient form of information sharing because it communicates data, contextual rules, and subtleties of behavior that may be difficult to state explicitly

    21. Do not my crudities set your teeth on edge as acutely as the juice of a very green apple? You who love half tones, subtleties, suggestions, who, lifting the merest fringe of things, approach them nearer only by infinite implications, what have you to do with the downrightness of an east wind or a green apple? Why,

    22. I think of it as a harmony in gray and amethyst, remembering your description of it the first time you went there; a harmony in a minor key, that captured you wholly by its tender subtleties

    23. Tell me these things, instead of swamping me with subtleties of sentiment

    24. I don't understand subtleties, and I fear and despise sentiment as a certain spoiler of plain bread-and-butter happiness

    25. He calmly unravelled its subtleties of meaning and, once all was clear, he took his writing paper and committed the quatrain to words, words which could be shared so that others might believe

    26. It will be needed later, when drawing of a finer kind is attempted, and when in the heat of an emotional stimulus the artist has no time to consider the smaller subtleties of drawing, which by then should have become almost instinctive with him, leaving his mind free to dwell on the bigger qualities

    27. The reproduction here given unfortunately does not show these subtleties, and flattens the general appearance very much

    28. And if his studies be only from the mass point of view, the training of his eye to the accurate observation of all the subtleties of contours and the construction of form will be neglected

    29. In the case of Claude Monet's work, however, this does not matter, as form with all its subtleties is not a thing he made any attempt at exploiting

    30. But then, to a very distinguished appreciation of the subtleties of form characterisation he added a fine sense of design and colour arrangement, qualities by no means always at the command of some of the lesser men of this school

    31. it would be indelicate (in short, I launch off at that point into European, inexplicably lofty subtleties a la George Sand), but now, now you are mine, you are my creation, you are pure, you are good, you are my noble wife

    32. "This is not a time for idle subtleties and false opinions," she answered; "but a moment when every duty should be equally considered

    33. Maybe Holtser could not understand the subtleties of Kira’s motives

    34. The strange thing was that the title of a song often came to me in an instant, but then would begin the more exacting task of negotiating Burt’s spacious melodies and rhythmic subtleties

    35. it would be indelicate (in short, I launch off at that point into European, inexplicably lofty subtleties a la George Sand), but now, now

    36. And Will was of a temperament to feel keenly the presence of subtleties: a man of clumsier perceptions would not have felt, as he did, that for the first time some sense of unfitness in perfect freedom with him had sprung up in Dorothea's mind, and that their silence, as he conducted her to the carriage, had had a chill in it

    37. all your subtleties you have not all wisdom

    38. It is critical that traders understand the subtleties of every tool they use

    39. Though there are a thousand subtleties to a trading style, and every successful trader creates a style that fits some key elements of his or her personality, there are two key questions to consider: are you a trend follower or countertrend trader, and do you want to be a scalper or hold for bigger moves? It is impossible for a new trader to answer these questions without some exposure to markets and to the actual trading process; the answer may change for a trader at different points in a career, but finding the answers to these questions is a key part of knowing who you are as a trader

    40. Trading is an art, not a science and the subtleties and nuances of the market are simply beyond the capabilities of machine code, no matter how sophisticated the program

    41. Moral subtleties were not on my mind when I left my lovers behind, or when I wrote The Seduction Equation

    42. The theory behind these numbers is laid out eloquently elsewhere and so are the details and subtleties of the patterns

    43. That may be merely my fancy, of course, or it may be that I made such a study of her letters, reading and rereading them and filing them carefully away in a special set of folders that I keep in my flat, that I found subtleties of meaning in them that a more casual reader would not have noticed

    44. He understood love, marriage, customs, anger, pity, rage, selfishness, shadings and subtleties, realities and reflections

    45. I stopped conversing with my dogs, and I believe that subtleties of feeling began to disappear until finally I was on a pleasure-pain basis

    46. We called things by their names, preserving unruflSed countenances as though it were the natural thing to do; we entered into such subtleties in our description of all sorts of filth and obscenity as the nastiest mind of the lewdest debauchee could hardly have conceived

    47. And, what's more, he went into psychological subtleties into which he could not have entered, if he had the least conscious and malicious prejudice against the prisoner

    48. But alas! the prince never suspected any such subtleties! For instance, he had no suspicion of the fact that the Epanchins, having in their mind so important a step as the marriage of their daughter, would never think of presuming to take it without having previously “shown off” the proposed husband to the dignitary—the recognized patron of the family

    49. it would be indelicate (in short, I launch off at that point into European, inexplicably lofty subtleties à la George Sand), but now, now you are mine, you are my creation, you are pure, you are good, you are my noble wife

    50. To people of our circle who do not know and cannot or will not understand the feelings which will form the subject-matter of the art of the future, such subject-matter appears very poor in comparison with those subtleties of exclusive art with which they are now occupied

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