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    overalls oraciones de ejemplo


    1. To cut a long story short, over the next two years I swapped overalls for a shirt

    2. was still wearing his overalls, he called out from outside

    3. in green overalls and a third in a peaked cap

    4. He had been force-marched out of his hotel room in only his bathrobe, and now he wore the condemned man’s prison blue overalls

    5. he wore the condemned man’s prison blue overalls

    6. Billy sits alone in paper slippers and overalls

    7. when he finally came in from the fields, wearing that day’s denim overalls

    8. ” The call was acknowledged Fred carried on putting his old fire overalls and hat on then as he walked down to woodland he heard the Brigade alarm blast across the fields

    9. The enquiry later laid the suspicion on Fred as they found him eventually, him with his fire overalls on

    10. The men in the black overalls hadn't seen her on their rounds

    11. His ribcage had taken much of the force and had clearly caved in, broken bones jutted out through his singed and blood-soaked overalls

    12. She smiled gleefully as he pulled his overalls down to his waist and then pulled off his boots

    13. He dropped the overalls the rest of way and stepped out of them leaving himself in just the all-in-one cotton undergarment that was standard issue in the colonisation program

    14. ” he replied wryly, “The fabric these overalls are made from gets rubbery when very cold

    15. “I’m going to have to take my overalls off too

    16. He was dressed in dirty, blue overalls and heavy duty gloves

    17. , a much shorter man with neat, but greying, hair and a proper suit, no overalls

    18. He walked quickly into the room, bouncing slightly due to the minimal gravity, followed by another large man in overalls

    19. When outside the sleeping pod, all the habitat occupants wore thermal overalls continuously, to protect themselves from the cold without restricting their ability to work and live a relatively normal life

    20. She was about to ask which way to go when she felt her dad grab the middle of the back of her thermal overalls and he lifted her clear of the floor

    21. decorated the guys in white overalls probably

    22. It was only then that I realised that he wore not the blue overalls that was the uniform of the

    23. those thin blue overalls

    24. Not sure of his mood—they had not spoken more than two words since fleeing the smelter—she set the newspaper, a couple of straw hats, homespun shirts, and overalls on the desk

    25. Amaranthe ambled into the enforcer station with the hat slung low over her face and one hand tucked into her overalls

    26. We draw our kit on the first day which consisted of camouflaged overalls, old fashioned sail webbing (suitably appropriated from the Army just after the Korean War), a sleeping bag and an R1 (SLR) rifle without a strap and two magazines

    27. Uncle Hobart smiled, pulling two cans from the pocket his overalls

    28. What they call a boiler suit, not like the bib overalls that I usually wore around the farmstead

    29. this shirt to dry off and put it on with these overalls

    30. The boots could not be pulled on over his shoes, so he removed the brown Army oxfords and hid them on the back of the shelf above the peg that had held the overalls

    31. The men in the black car paid no attention to Colling when he slipped back into the Polonia, but there were several staff members in the room where Colling had found the overalls

    32. Brendan was bemused to contemplate the faded and fringed, blue bib-type overalls, the raggedy short-sleeved shirt, perhaps white once-upon-a-time, a straw hat, and almost unbelievably, there was a slingshot hanging out of the back pocket!

    33. disinfectant, wear the same uniforms, overalls, uniforms, there is a before and after the said

    34. overalls and loosened off a few buttons in the process

    35. sprayed his overalls as they sat in the locker room

    36. He was pushed outside still wearing his overalls

    37. regulation green overalls that council workers normally wear, do

    38. overalls, and handed them to me for a taste

    39. He only wears long sleeves and overalls

    40. She picked a pair of pink overalls,

    41. She felt around the parka that went over the blue overalls

    42. Ashi had noticed that the bulky overalls

    43. Before Gabriel could respond, a short, thickset man wearing overalls called, “Gabriel, good to see you,” as he weaved his way around random panes of glass propped against shelves throughout the store

    44. She kicked the heavy boots from her feet and stripped off the overalls rapidly,

    45. The new key fit, and he grabbed an extra pair of old overalls and a few

    46. At that moment the Stage Manager arrived, neat in khaki overalls, white shirt and tie

    47. One hand found its way down the front of my trousers, and another wrapped mine around something hot and hard poking through the fly of Harry’s overalls

    48. We climbed into overalls and sorted out a few tools before breakfasting on slabs of bread and cheese, washed down with chlorine-free rainwater from the tank

    49. Parking the ute as near the service entrance of the hotel as we could manage, we sauntered down the ramp in new overalls, tool kit slung casually over shoulder

    50. Melvyn disconnected, and three minutes later a servant shoved into the room an extremely nervous, rather ordinary looking Vassal of about the same age as the Emperor, dressed in stained overalls

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