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    sculptor oraciones de ejemplo


    1. It was the sculptor

    2. ‘Will you always be a sculptor, then?’ asked Jean

    3. of another sculptor and – especially – their

    4. Though what sculptor

    5. Tell that its sculptor well those passions

    6. The older was an artist, painter and sculptor, and the younger one, with whom she fell in love, could hardly speak a word of Polish

    7. The story goes that a pope was admiring Michelangelo’s David, and asked the sculptor how he could create such a masterpiece

    8. The buildings that featured a number of sculpted decorations, in an Art Deco style, had been designed by the notable British sculptor: Sir William Reid Dick were designed to be symbolic figures including heraldic devices and large bronze doors that were supposed to represent the journey from earth to heaven

    9. They were all the same, as if they were stamped by some machine, huge hulking impressions of men, as if a sculptor had ended after hewing out the rough form

    10. Sports Authority had one, so, $119 later, I was in my living room, foot pumping away to inflate my abdominal sculptor

    11. From that point until completion, it is the sculptor who makes

    12. Sculptor - The Sculptor's Tools

    13. To Dave, it almost looked like endless formations of chess pieces that disappeared into the colour-faded horizon in all directions – chess pieces carved by a mad sculptor

    14. Lard and flour toppled about the counter as Angela worked her hands in the dough as a sculptor would clay

    15. The sculptor sees the statue,

    16. " An Athenian sculptor might have designed a matchless tomb, but he could not have wiped a single tear from a mourner's eye

    17. for any sculptor to recreate the perfection of Sue’s form

    18. considering the difficulty any sculptor would have in finding a specimen as

    19. to the sculptor who carved it

    20. If a sculptor started out with a piece of marble and a chisel and changed his ideal every fifteen minutes, what result could he expect? And why should you expect any different result in moulding the greatest and most plastic of all substances — the only real substance?

    21. Having had a sculptor for a father, a knighted sculptor of the Victorian age, the old lady in her youth had heard great talk of moulding and of bones, and was able to recognize that the bones and moulding she now saw were undoubtedly what her father and his friends would have thought highly of

    22. The previous exterminator had managed it twice with a sculptor and a slab of pork

    23. He never ceased to marvel at how ductile iron became when heated red hot and he worked the metal with tongs and hammer as easily as a sculptor manipulates clay

    24. Whereas his face was all masculine angles, theirs—while no less perfect—were softer and rounder as if the sculptor had lovingly polished instead of chipped

    25. He was like some exquisite sculptor working his magic with living flesh instead of clay, and in a short time Keith Webster's reputation spread

    26. Clearly, the sculptor wanted to signify that while the most ferocious warrior in history had renounced violence, his weapons lay close at

    27. The sculptor had

    28. I answered, "You remember the story of the sculptor who asked for a certain piece of marble

    29. This refers, of course, to the colossal bronze Statue ofLiberty by the French sculptor,

    30. another sculptor was exhibited at the Paris Salon; the other sculptor –named

    31. sculptor and was honored at receptions and other events throughout Europe

    32. And in 1912, a new humiliation awaited the great sculptor

    33. Late in 1917, the greatest sculptor of modern times died at the age of 77,

    34. So I set to work as a pastime with no deadlines and as lovingly and hopefully as a sculptor works at his block of marble or a writer at his novel

    35. The cause of the statue is the work of the sculptor

    36. If we took away the activity of the sculptor, we should not have the effect, the statue

    37. But there is an order of causes; the parents of the sculptor are his cause

    38. Workers in the quarry are the cause of this particular piece of marble’s availability to the sculptor

    39. Such a series of causes is demanded because no event can be its own cause; the sculptor does not cause himself, and the statue does not cause itself

    40. The range of subtle colours and varieties of texture in materials is amazing, and the subtlety of invention displayed in some of the designs for costumes leads one to wonder whether there is not something in the remark attributed to an eminent sculptor that "designing ladies' fashions is one of the few arts that is thoroughly vital to-day

    41. His head might have been the work of a sculptor, who had squared the forehead, stretched the mouth, and left marks of his thumbs and streaks from his fingers in the clay

    42. Which sculptor never chisel'd yet, nor painter painted,

    43. You are a sculptor, Socrates, and have made statues of our governors faultless in beauty

    44. The clay has chosen the sculptor

    45. Then, with his knife, he began to carve all sorts of objects in wood; it was thus that Pinelli, the famous sculptor, had commenced

    46. This, however, was nothing to a sculptor like Vampa; he examined the broken stock, calculated what change it would require to adapt the gun to his shoulder, and made a fresh stock, so beautifully carved that it would have fetched fifteen or twenty piastres, had he chosen to sell it

    47. And, indeed, it required but one glance at Mademoiselle Danglars to comprehend the justness of Morcerf's remark—she was beautiful, but her beauty was of too marked and decided a character to please a fastidious taste; her hair was raven black, but its natural waves seemed somewhat rebellious; her eyes, of the same color as her hair, were surmounted by well-arched brows, whose great defect, however, consisted in an almost habitual frown, while her whole physiognomy wore that expression of firmness and decision so little in accordance with the gentler attributes of her sex—her nose was precisely what a sculptor would have chosen for a chiselled Juno

    48. Dennany, monumental builder and sculptor

    49. He was strikingly handsome, with regular features that might have been carved by a cathedral sculptor

    50. Some little time ago he purchased from Morse Hudson two duplicate plaster casts of the famous head of Napoleon by the French sculptor, Devine

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