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    Usar "thinking" en una oración

    thinking oraciones de ejemplo


    1. yourself thinking a disempowering thought, stop

    2. There is so much proof that speaking positively, thinking positively, and being an optimist helps you to achieve so much more in

    3. I flinch, thinking about what Micah is slowly turning into

    4. Before you start figuring out what you want (because I know it is not an easy task) here are some questions to help stimulate your thinking

    5. If you live in an environment where there are lots of gophers bugs, larvae, grubs, spiders, and centipedes, you should start thinking in terms of protecting your plants

    6. Ya gotta know what they’re thinking

    7. Problems with Abstract Thinking

    8. Prayer does not require spending money but only sparing time for thinking about him or to sing in his praise

    9. Johnny and Ackers were standing beside her, but Nancy couldn’t help thinking that they were all in danger just for being this close to the group, which was currently sparring with a robotic army and, as far as Nancy could tell, each other

    10. "I was just thinking we may be too late, they couldn't have made all these improvements without quite a bit of money

    11. Critical thinking, problem solving and logical interpretation develop their abilities and skill rather than memories

    12. You should not help thinking ‘I am helping a man below me

    13. ‘She must be crazy!’ I said without thinking … he waits as I consider the point

    14. But before she made the turn, she did some more thinking

    15. "I've been thinking, you know we did mean something to each other once, the shared mission and all that

    16. That’s what I was thinking

    17. If you were all the time thinking of having a little more time, a little more money and a few more possessions, you would never be really happy

    18. Johnny realized again that he was thinking about it, and tried again to push it out of his mind

    19. Whatever will she be thinking?

    20. Serpent tasted the air, thinking back to the taste of his mate who is lost to him forever

    21. As he was thinking, he realized there was a presence behind him

    22. Don’t worry, the situation will resolve itself in a moment,” Ackers said, thinking quickly that he now had to appear as normal as possible so as not to arouse too much suspicion and have the paper boy call in any authorities

    23. I set the alarm without thinking last night so, when it goes off at the usual time, I wake just to lie in bed and wonder what I should do

    24. He cursed himself for not thinking about that sooner, but there was nothing he could do about it now

    25. Those with intellectual and questioning bent of mind start thinking more seriously about God, Religion, Spirituality and so on

    26. ‘Yes … I overheard something when I was standing at the bar which set me thinking

    27. Most people define ‘wrong’ as that which is different from their way of thinking

    28. I find myself staring at the phone once I have put it down … what the hell is Dan playing at? Standing staring at my house for hours on end every evening? Is that legal? Thinking about it, I suppose there isn’t a law against it if he is standing on his property … would it count as stalking?

    29. feeling the heat of Cretan summer, thinking about the old man and what he had said

    30. “We’ve both been thinking it all

    31. ‘I doubt it …’ he said, clearly thinking the problem through

    32. Start thinking that

    33. I dreamed the odd dream and filed the plans away, never thinking that there would be

    34. in another one of it’s recalcitrant moods I sat idling away a couple of minutes thinking

    35. thinking carelessly: ”I thought that it would go away somehow …” It will

    36. ’ I assured her, thinking that it would have been kinder if Jack hadn’t lived to fade slowly away with emphysema – he’d not found life at all easy and it had cut me up terribly watching him degenerate into frail helplessness

    37. You know what I’m thinking?

    38. "I'd rather not lie awake thinking of some giant rock about to fall on us, leaving us a winter Nightday that's decades long

    39. "We shouldn't stop thinking about the life we will have in the event of the ninety or ninety nine percent chance that it's going to miss us

    40. may have been thinking simply won’t do

    41. Thinking that there might be someone in the house, he ran straight to the door and kicked it in

    42. a limited way of thinking is the only barrier between us and every

    43. ‘I was just thinking, it is far too long since I last wandered around in fields of long grass

    44. ‘I’ve been thinking about trying to get some sort of live in job

    45. Eventually, munching on our apples we pack up the debris and start thinking about moving on

    46. Maybe I shouldn’t have had that last glass of wine … my brain seems to have given up thinking lucidly

    47. nothing more than a little local dissent or muddled thinking, nonetheless these

    48. I should have been thinking about what to say to stop these morons from crippling me and my son

    49. Smith thought, and in thinking proved Descartes right, and therein lay a

    50. steps towards origin, and in thinking, even on a universal scale, Smith began to

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    Sinónimos para "thinking"

    cerebration intellection mentation thinking thought thought process intelligent reasoning thoughtful engrossed pensive reflective meditative pondering introspective reasonable sensible logical pragmatic knowing rationalisation reflection reason judgment contemplation