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    Usa "hero-worship" in una frase

    hero-worship frasi di esempio


    1. the stuff of teenage hero-worship, overheated hormones!

    2. Little bit of hero-worship, a little of the show-off

    3. I don’t know whether Simon, who looked up to his father with near hero-worship,

    4. Blows and abuse and hellish suffering were avenged in one red gust of fury that raged like a typhoon from one end of the ship to the other, and when it had blown itself out, but one white man lived aboard the Venturer, and that was the blood-stained giant about whom the chanting blacks thronged to cast themselves prostrate on the bloody deck and beat their heads against the boards in an ecstasy of hero-worship

    5. Ambedkar decried India’s hero-worshipping culture and indeed we Indians quickly make legends of our leaders

    6. The Quran is not only venerated as the Holy Quran, but also handled reverentially in book form by every Musalman and his woman! The pictures of the Kabah adorn the walls of every Muslim home and business establishment! When it comes to Muhammad, it is hero-worshiping all the way, more fervent than any idol-worshipping ever

    7. It’s time the Indian Musalmans contemplate whether they could hero-worship the marauders of the Hindu mandirs (Aurangazeb, the despoiler of the Kashi Viswanath temple, the next most revered after Somnath, has a Muslim approval rating of 39%) and in the same vein condemn those that pulled down the decrepit Babri masjid! Well, all this won’t be amusing to the Hindus; the mind-set of double standards is troublesome even in the majority community but it would be eminently unwise for the minorities to develop the proclivity of reading the Indian history from the Pakistani text books

    8. Her little brother had once hero-worshipped David

    9. It was also obvious that Zach was excited to chat with Nick, and had developed a case of hero-worship towards the famous security agent

    10. She had hero-worshiped Pete all her life—she’d liked the kind of music he liked, played the sports he played, watched the shows he watched

    11. He is a hero-worshipper, and he says Bernhard is the greatest man living

    12. Any who would think I’d agree with hero-worship, religion, or anything

    13. religion and hero-worship is the delusion that killing others in support of those delusions is

    14. That is why “faith” and hero-worship are so important to them

    15. by the concepts of religion and hero-worship

    16. A rider on a white horse is a well-known symbol for a hero, hence this symbolizes hero-worship

    17. auspices of hero-worship and religion, but as history shows us, it quickly turned to the quest for

    18. For that reason, hero-worship is listed as one of the

    19. As a child she had hero-worshipped him, but nowadays she was less in awe


    21. For all the years I’ve spent hero-worshipping the man, he thought, here and I still find myself underestimating the actuality

    22. Thomas Carlyle, On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History

    23. It was simply that he was filled with hero-worship for Pyotr Stepanovitch, whom he had only lately met

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