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    Usa "neuter" in una frase

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    1. The word „gender" is a grammatical term, referring especially to inflective languages that happen to have nouns and pronouns in three declensions: masculine, feminine, and neuter

    2. (wether or neuter) the young males you don’t want to keep as bucks

    3. programs (including Bucharest that just has started a Neuter & Return program) and a

    4. ethical responsibility and for the only sustainable solution, based on the WHO approach of catch neuter, release programmes”

    5. That is why the town halls don‘t want to implement Neuter & Return program on

    6. neuter every stray dog and cat in Bulgaria in order to stop the overpopulation of

    7. Animal welfare groups rescue a lot of these animals, treat them, neuter them,

    8. Protected neighborhoods; where people feed regularly, vaccinate, neuter (thereby

    9. Also, 'trap, neuter and return' programmes in other countries have been very

    10. 'We gonna neuter that Dog in his own Doghouse

    11. com/od/spayneuter Spay & Neuter for Cats

    12. Chu was trying to extract herself from a conversation from an ambitious, young male who had just had the realization that he was no longer going to live life as a gender- neuter

    13. A devilish plan to neuter the Lavery threat was

    14. of the human mind, or are things created or established by us should be referred to by neuter case

    15. Biblical Hebrew is devoid of neuter case nouns

    16. does not refer to either noun just used, but is neuter andgeneral in meaning

    17. Anyhow, Manby had a tom-cat once that site had had to have turned into a neuter, and the first thing it did afterwards was to produce kittens

    18. lo —, neuter, the top, 16, 7, 25, 13

    19. neuter, that; ¡— es! that's it! just so!;

    20. “Very interesting, doctor Herron, and why would a dentist want to neuter a Zombie? Are you trying to tell me they can make baby Zombies?”

    21. As if I was not a female any more but a neuter, a

    22. text may be read as neuter and singular

    23. John as applying the masculine personal pronoun ejkeinov to the Holy Spirit (although the word Spirit, pneu~ma, is neuter) in a manner which can be satisfactorily explained only in the sense of the Catholic Church of all ages, that a Personal distinction is designed (see also Acts x

    24. / A nought was wed to a neuter

    25. / Said the neuter to nought, / "I'm not what I ought

    26. These are beings of the great neuter species: impotent men, parasites, cyphers, who have a little land, a little folly, a little wit; who would be rustics in a drawing-room, and who think themselves gentlemen in the dram-shop; who say, "My fields, my peasants, my woods"; who hiss actresses at the theatre to prove that they are persons of taste; quarrel with the officers of the garrison to prove that they are men of war; hunt, smoke, yawn, drink, smell of tobacco, play billiards, stare at travellers as they descend from the diligence, live at the cafe, dine at the inn, have a dog which eats the bones under the table, and a mistress who eats the dishes on the table; who stick at a sou, exaggerate the fashions, admire tragedy, despise women, wear out their old boots, copy London through Paris, and Paris through the medium of PontA-Mousson, grow old as dullards, never work, serve no use, and do no great harm

    27. One of the most serious is that of neuter insects, which are often differently constructed from either the males or fertile females; but this case will be treated of in the next chapter


    29. If a working ant or other neuter insect had been an ordinary animal, I should have unhesitatingly assumed that all its characters had been slowly acquired through natural selection; namely, by individuals having been born with slight profitable modifications, which were inherited by the offspring, and that these again varied and again were selected, and so onwards

    30. In the simpler case of neuter insects all of one caste, which, as I believe, have been rendered different from the fertile males and females through natural selection, we may conclude from the analogy of ordinary variations, that the successive, slight, profitable modifications did not first arise in all the neuters in the same nest, but in some few alone; and that by the survival of the communities with females which produced most neuters having the advantageous modification, all the neuters ultimately came to be thus characterized

    31. But I must confess, that, with all my faith in natural selection, I should never have anticipated that this principle could have been efficient in so high a degree, had not the case of these neuter insects led me to this conclusion

    32. I am surprised that no one has advanced this demonstrative case of neuter insects, against the well-known doctrine of inherited habit, as advanced by Lamarck

    33. With sterile neuter insects we have reason to believe that modifications in their structure and fertility have been slowly accumulated by natural selection, from an advantage having been thus indirectly given to the community to which they belonged over other communities of the same species; but an individual animal not belonging to a social community, if rendered slightly sterile when crossed with some other variety, would not thus itself gain any advantage or indirectly give any advantage to the other individuals of the same variety, thus leading to their preservation

    34. Habit no doubt often comes into play in modifying instincts; but it certainly is not indispensable, as we see in the case of neuter insects, which leave no progeny to inherit the effects of long-continued habit

    35. Waddington, is the use of the neuter adjective in ικον, but this theory is not conclusive

    1. ” When it was time to get them spayed, the vet said one had to be neutered

    2. By the time of his death in AD 14 he had neutered the Senate and become paranoid

    3. been neutered in this country as people begin to realize that it is the most humane

    4. The old tiger’s been neutered

    5. was already a neutered tomcat, one year old, and they called me Grizzly

    6. The German shepherd was a neutered male and the

    7. Did this behavior start when the cat was declawed or neutered? Have you

    8. You will come across this kind of behavior mostly with neutered male cats

    9. However, male cats that are neutered before they reach full maturity (usually

    10. neutered Male cat just by simply because of the non neutered males that tend to be

    11. gradually disarmed and neutered

    12. It’s as if they are all neutered or spayed during the assimilation 329

    13. Zomburbia, the virtual heart of the social netscape, is the last refuge of the mindlessly munching spectators of anger who consent to being neutered by willingly submitting to the golden lash

    14. To prevent this from happening they are brought to my office, and neutered by me

    15. After which they can no longer bite anyone, and are essentially neutered

    16. Even neutered, these things were scary as hell

    17. Roger had seen to it that they were neutered and given the necessary treatment

    18. Even the seabird chicks that do not develop testicular cancer while still inside their shells; are found to be chemically neutered and sterilized, by the pesticides that their mother ate before laying her eggs

    19. Even the chicks that are not chemically neutered by the pesticide levels in their bodies, they found have no desire to breed

    20. After finally splitting up with Merthin she had fallen into a kind of neutered state, in which she did not think about sex

    1. neutering of these animals;

    2. There is general ignorance on the benefits of neutering; some vets still tell owners

    3. is the only practical solution: free neutering and returning of all dogs, with and without

    4. there is no promoting of the neutering of the animals to reduce over-population

    5. the sterilisation or neutering is required in order to contain animal

    6. dates of disinfestations, neutering, and vaccination against rabies;

    7. Nation-wide stray cat and dog neutering programs, sponsored, organized and paid

    8. The Cat Colony Care programme has shown that by catching, neutering and

    9. For the most part neutering a male cat is a standard

    10. What about spaying and neutering?

    11. with or without neutering

    12. Spaying and neutering helps to alleviate the dog and cat

    13. It makes sense that medics could assist veterinarians or perform needed services such as spaying and neutering if they’re to learn medical procedures on animals, or that they could assist doctors in treating the abundance of human injuries

    1. Moreover, until recently, feelings of sexuality and sexual need among those over 60 years of age might be cause for guilt feelings, based on the culturally constructed assumption that people were supposed to "mature out of" sexual interest and become sexual neuters as they entered into their so-called "golden years

    2. The others could be considered political neuters, too easily led by the smoothly charismatic Dimarico

    3. She feeds them, takes them to the vet when they are sick, neuters them to pacify them and keep their numbers down

    4. I allude to the neuters or sterile females in insect communities: for these neuters often differ widely in instinct and in structure from both the males and fertile females, and yet, from being sterile, they cannot propagate their kind

    5. These latter, by which alone the variety can be propagated, may be compared with the fertile male and female ants, and the double sterile plants with the neuters of the same community

    6. But we have not as yet touched on the acme of the difficulty; namely, the fact that the neuters of several ants differ, not only from the fertile females and males, but from each other, sometimes to an almost incredible degree, and are thus divided into two or even three castes

    7. Thus, in Eciton, there are working and soldier neuters, with jaws and instincts extraordinarily different: in Cryptocerus, the workers of one caste alone carry a wonderful sort of shield on their heads, the use of which is quite unknown: in the Mexican Myrmecocystus, the workers of one caste never leave the nest; they are fed by the workers of another caste, and they have an enormously developed abdomen which secretes a sort of honey, supplying the place of that excreted by the aphides, or the domestic cattle as they may be called, which our European ants guard and imprison

    8. In the simpler case of neuter insects all of one caste, which, as I believe, have been rendered different from the fertile males and females through natural selection, we may conclude from the analogy of ordinary variations, that the successive, slight, profitable modifications did not first arise in all the neuters in the same nest, but in some few alone; and that by the survival of the communities with females which produced most neuters having the advantageous modification, all the neuters ultimately came to be thus characterized

    9. Smith has shown that the neuters of several British ants differ surprisingly from each other in size and sometimes in colour; and that the extreme forms can be linked together by individuals taken out of the same nest: I have myself compared perfect gradations of this kind

    10. I may digress by adding, that if the smaller workers had been the most useful to the community, and those males and females had been continually selected, which produced more and more of the smaller workers, until all the workers were in this condition; we should then have had a species of ant with neuters in nearly the same condition as those of Myrmica

    11. I may give one other case: so confidently did I expect occasionally to find gradations of important structures between the different castes of neuters in the same species, that I gladly availed myself of Mr

    12. With these facts before me, I believe that natural selection, by acting on the fertile ants or parents, could form a species which should regularly produce neuters, all of large size with one form of jaw, or all of small size with widely different jaws; or lastly, and this is the greatest difficulty, one set of workers of one size and structure, and simultaneously another set of workers of a different size and structure; a graduated series having first been formed, as in the case of the driver ant, and then the extreme forms having been produced in greater and greater numbers, through the survival of the parents which generated them, until none with an intermediate structure were produced

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