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    Usa "nuance" in una frase

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    1. "Isn't it a beautifully constructed thing", said the two public relations wiz kids, and they explained every nuance, every intimation and every statement, overt or implied

    2. Lucy had never bought into the concept that art or music could change lives or move mountains, but with every hook and drum beat, with every lilting nuance of the boy’s soft voice, she sensed a shift in the world and she knew instinctively that she had to download the song immediately

    3. relations wiz kids, and they explained every nuance, every

    4. Its surface shone with newly applied oils, the fragrance a slight nuance on the breeze that blew in their direction

    5. Such (thoughtless) attitudes are (especially) apparent among certain segments of our Youth who have grown indifferent, if not impervious, altogether, to nuance, irony and wit or subtle designs or delicate shadings that (otherwise) require a receptive imagination rather than taking ―everything‖ at their face value, (as many of them seem to do); conditioned as their minds often are by the requirements of material ―evidence‖ and visual ―proofs‖; neither able to draw inferences nor reach (meaningful) conclusions from underlying sources, opting, instead, for the path of least (perceptual) resistance

    6. He wished he hadn’t said it, but perhaps he was being a little oversensitive to nuance

    7. Her eyes remained fixed on every little nuance on Ethan’s face

    8. Knowing the details and every nuance of how the conversation went gave Pops the advantage going into the second round

    9. To me, every nuance of your status is as obvious as your nose

    10. nuance in the meaning of the lyric poetry

    11. niche and maybe determine if there's a nuance in there somewhere that can use more

    12. words, and it seemed unlikely he was fluent in the subtle nuance of

    13. Instead, he chose English not only for its ability to nuance the complexities of life but also for the flair of expression he had in it

    14. Every little nuance of feeling is magnified and exalted – for good or bad

    15. Sometimes the beliefs are valid and the challenges only show you more nuance

    16. compared to the breathtaking nuance of the violet sunset flowing around her,

    17. been so cut off that any nuance is gone from his thinking abilities

    18. I could see that this was a skill he had acquired, God knows where, somewhere in his colourful past and had no doubt that despite the rate at which the pages were turned, he was absorbing every word and nuance

    19. “Oh, I see,” Julius said, surprised by the latest nuance of the deal

    20. Seeing you every day, growing more beautiful every hour, learning more about you, hearing every tone and nuance of your voice, coming close to you and drawing in your breath like my own

    21. However, once in the cafe, he began to picture his prospective encounter with Roopa, ‘What would be her reaction to my unexpected presence? It has been five months since we’ve met but still it feels as though I’ve seen her only the other day! Why, hasn’t her persona got etched in my memory to the last nuance? How excited she would be upon learning that I’m planning to shift, to be near her

    22. How I used to savor every nuance of her enchanting persona to her heart’s content; as she made me feel wanted like never before, what a wondrous feeling it was, but still, in those fulfilling moments of our life, I opened the book of my unrequited love that she read with empathetic feeling

    23. Principles are to help guide our decisions, not to answer every nuance of public policy

    24. meld with them, aware of every nuance and subtlety

    25. “Grandnonny, who are the zombies?” It tried to nuance its voice registry to indicate it understood the definition, but not the identity of zombie

    26. The section of the club that they had moved to was much quieter, and Trevain could hear every nuance of her enigmatic accent

    27. Mahavishnu rapidly analyzed every nuance of that game’s

    28. special nuance of shading

    29. There is one more nuance

    30. A slightest nuance which is present in the dynamics of factor Axes of every “personality” is the qualitative difference between them, because the common range of every wave NUU-VVU-Configuration is formed by the different-qualitative dynamics of energy-information interrelations between an innumerable set of SFUURMM-Forms of conglomerates of UU-VVU-copies that create in the Self-Consciousness of a given “personality” every (very narrow in frequency) sublevel of the general dynamics of its Creative Activity

    31. He moved his hand slightly to relish how she felt, then lay still staring up at the ceiling, painfully aware of every nuance of the girl snuggled into him

    32. Audiences around the world are ready for this level of nuance

    33. info products and consultants who teach every Adwords nuance and angle you can

    34. her to be quite poor and needing of Tommy’s support, but she matched him for nuance and delivery with not

    35. with its own character and nuance

    36. He looked for some nuance in Baker’s grin

    37. He clearly understands details if not nuance

    38. So mostly I relied on the narrative descriptions in my guidebook, reading them over and over, matching them up with my maps, attempting to divine the intent and nuance of every word and phrase

    39. Instead, the brain processes a series of details at lightning speed: the way in which shadows fall and the differences in depth and nuance, from which it then draws certain conclusions about shape

    40. them all, the nuance of the sidelong glance, the half-smile behind the fan, the swaying of And then there were-Oh, there were so many things to do to bachelors and she knew the hips so that skirts swung like a bell, the tears, the laughter, the flattery, the sweet sympathy

    41. He examined the charge sheets, spoke affably to the men who had made the arrest; with the slightest perceptible nuance he opened the way for bribery and quickly covered it when he saw that things had now lasted too long and the knowledge had been too widely shared; he undertook to deliver us at the magistrate's court at ten next morning, and then led us away

    42. Though he was a guitar player of soul and nuance far beyond both that of his flashier contemporaries and certainly my novice abilities, the humanity of his singing was modest and intimate in a way that felt like he was among us, not above us

    43. Did it matter, Richard wondered, that it was robots instead of men in the boats, lighting the fuses? But then, wouldn’t some nuance, some human thing, be lost? And would the computer remember to mail a special program of music to the radio stations, keyed to the detonations? Surely they still did that

    44. These were just the loose thoughts of a new trader who needed more nuance

    45. There is one weird nuance to Calendar spreads, though, when compared to regular spreads

    46. She still held the glasses fixed on every nuance and vibration of loss and deprivation on the poor idiot's face

    1. The places on her torso where the artificial limbs attached were pink ovals, lumpy with contracted fibers and at the center of it all was the titanium bone and the expected set of ports for the neural interface processors that did the fantastically complicated and nuanced task of translating between machine language and the language of the human neurological system

    2. It seemed like a slightly misjudged way of blending in to this northern latitude, as if after studying the language and culture they had overlooked the more nuanced variations of human physiognomy

    3. “I guess I could see that going on, but on a much less nuanced level than today

    4. I’m glad to hear more nuanced stories as well; we haven't all spent this time in absolute bliss

    5. ” the nuanced texture insinuated a thought inside her mind without anything but a simply coded pulse through the InterWeb

    6. more nuanced and complicated than normal personal in-

    7. He crouched down at the cut ends and peered at the annual growth rings, trying to get a nuanced read on how tight and regular the grain within was likely to be

    8. For a more nuanced understanding of the cocoa market and the companies that control it, check out these resources:

    9. I know this is a very nuanced topic that takes years of tape reading over different market conditions to develop, but I really got to thinking about it after Monday

    10. This is a much better and nuanced answer here from TO than me about using other biotech stocks in the sector as an indicator

    11. Bella: And what would be your cover above 85 cents or above 16? Or to be even more nuanced, half above 85 cents and half above 16?

    12. (Bella presses TO to be more nuanced with his covering

    13. New traders need to be more nuanced with their trading rules

    14. It gave him a gift for pontificating convincingly on any subject, ingratiating him with his constituents who tended to prefer simplicity and certainty to the more nuanced arguments of experts

    15. • A more nuanced view recognizes that the measured alpha pool is shrinking as more factors are added (recall the process of alphas being reclassified as betas)

    16. Roll or slide is another nuanced aspect of carry

    1. "They won't expect much from me after this," Glenelle said, "I set up that big old cherub I had with my butterfly flipper personification and worked up all the nuances I could think of into it

    2. She didn't understand the nuances, but the basics were starting to fall into place

    3. Harry reopened a text on the cultures of classical Greece and Rome and set to absorbing the nuances of ideals propounded by this or that philosopher, statesman or general whose insights filled the pages of the volume

    4. He wanted his friends to understand that, what they were about to hear, was the best, man, so he kept up a barrage of explanations about the lads, so that they would understand all the nuances, all the traits, of each of the band members

    5. Learn to recognise minute nuances in your animals behaviour and feeding behaviour and you will be in a better position to, treat them early

    6. “Go in the house, mom,” Nibbles suggested; perhaps more aware of the little nuances of Bru’s moods

    7. While his ability to discern nuances in the Polish language was not perfect, he had suspected from the syntax and vocabulary used by Karol’s associates that they were educated men

    8. They had a range good enough to talk to the ship from here, and they seemed pretty competent at conveying inflections and little nuances of expression

    9. A way for him to ignore the nuances of survival and proceed to complete his aim, his purpose

    10. His mind, while having to be open to the nuances of nature, also had to be concentrated on the job at hand

    11. Once he was comfortable with its nuances, he was told to wait for me here at the terminus of the trail

    12. I could tell that I was passing through different tribes, but other than nuances in their looks and variation in their languages, it was difficult to distinguish them

    13. “You see, raga nuances and tonal modulation while rendering them in various speeds are unique to the music

    14. While the closest that comes to it is the North Indian classical music, it, however, is made up of well-defined speeds in nuances, if any, and more of plain notes and tones

    15. bizarre nuances and inferences meant, I only knew that they

    16. French lyrics which captured the nuances of the English

    17. What color is the remorse? Good question, I cannot answer! Because being an abstract feeling it is not given to humans to see with our physical eyes the nuances so horrendous that they should have; which would make us run, terrified, as if a mountain wolf would be eaten our ankles

    18. deprived as they are of the prison of the flesh, nothing is hidden before it; scouring the depths of consciousness to deploy, in its entire monstrosity, the ferrous nuances of regrets

    19. “Is it not the propensity of man to compare himself in arthic terms with others for his self-worthiness or otherwise? That is since the social niceties preclude one from making kama the measure of him or her? Well, culture would have us confine the nuances of romance to the precincts of the bedrooms

    20. They often quarreled over subjects the rest of the community did not understand the basics of let alone the nuances of their discussions

    21. Blindness, as an example, has the ability to allow those experiencing it to become greater at experiencing other senses capable in the human body and to understand the subtle nuances in human interaction as well as abilities connected directly to the spirit plane and communicating with it

    22. Even subtle changes or nuances can cause problems for those who are not readily open to some outside influence

    23. Give full attention to the words, nuances, and the unspoken

    24. What was amazing to me is that the higher someone ranked in the company, all companies, the more able they were to distinguish nuances in the food

    25. have known the nuances of written Hebrew stroke

    26. nuances of the business and he was quickly promoted

    27. and the nuances of the changing seasons

    28. Do you envisage Analytics reaching a level of standardization in near future, where solutions can be deployed on a ‘plug-and-play’ basis without having to deal with complexities and nuances of an industry?

    29. subtle nuances of behavior, even those of which we’re often

    30. The slightest nuances of meanings and

    31. the nuances of politics and history

    32. The two seconds of stares was almost input overload for each person’s brain; both of them were fast-processing the nuances of each other’s expression

    33. words mean, not just in an elementary sense, but all of their possible nuances and associations

    34. Nuances and associations are lost and sometimes much more

    35. But the word, as it was used in the myth, suggested other meanings or nuances or associations that didn’t fit into my worldview at all

    36. He educated the Black activists on the nuances of Ubuntu, whilst

    37. True, she would have felt that I transgressed; yet she couldn’t have failed to feel the pulse of my love in the nuances of my touch

    38. However, as though signaled by its spasms, while he tended his lips to her labium, she moaned with his labial nuances before guiding him to enter her arena with his passion for her possession

    39. It is the irony of woman’s life in that she tends to tango her reflexes with the nuances of male proclivities

    40. ‘Well, the measure of a lover lies in his ability to envision the nuances of his woman,’ she said in all admiration, ‘and how you measure up to be a lover of lovers

    41. ‘Even if I spend a lifetime on your frame, full time,’ he said, fondling her, ‘I’m sure it would still have nuances left to thrill my senses

    42. It is true, there is a great kick from seeing the nuances of a particular complex situation and being able to tackle it with your mind and create the best solution

    43. Humility is the grace of the soul and humility will expand your soul into the most subtle, extraordinary nuances of life

    44. Blending forms variations, mutations and nuances

    45. Seven years old at the time, too young, perhaps, to understand all the nuances and complexities of such a struggle for a man of faith like his father, Edward was certainly old enough to recognize that the man he loved and respected was going through a very real valley of death

    46. motions and vocal nuances

    47. She had tried to show him but he could not perceive the nuances of being with someone you cared for

    48. “ His body blending with yours will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced before, exploding into a million differing wants and needs in a vast array of red shadings and nuances

    49. Try to learn the nuances

    50. imagine havingin the near future the means to translate nuances of thought unique to a givencountry

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    Sinonimi per "nuance"

    nicety nuance refinement shade subtlety hue tint cast intensity brilliance tone