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    Usa "nullity" in una frase

    nullity frasi di esempio


    1. into nullity, I realize that, not only am I incapable of it now, I

    2. The ignorant habitually consider religion solely under the character of a law of morality with rewards and punishments—thus rendering the Cross a mere nullity

    3. In the same age heretical baptism was accounted a nullity in a Council at Carthage, 'because it could not be accompanied by the heavenly gift

    4. If there are those also who, while professing to be fellow-laborers in this enterprise, yet allow the public to think that they have discovered the nullity of our Savior's awful warnings of woe in the 'furnace of fire’—or who destroy their effect by making them the subject of controversy in a spirit of vain jangling, they must bear the burden of their own immense responsibility

    5. It seemed to him that to sacrifice himself in a marriage he did not want would be degrading, and would undo all his life, make it a nullity

    6. That, to my mind, is a very dangerous doctrine for legislators to broach; it is a doctrine to which I myself can never agree, for it is making Government a nullity

    7. And, sir, what a scene of confusion would such a state of things have presented—an act of Congress, which was law in the statute book, and a nullity on the judicial records! Was it not wisest to wait the natural dissolution of the corporation, rather than accelerate that event by a repealing law involving so many delicate considerations?

    8. And well, in such a state, might he repeal his decrees, which, by the war itself, would be superseded—would become a nullity

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    nullity nihility nothingness void vacuity nihil zilch nonexistence