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    Usa "switch over" in una frase

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    switch over

    1. "You think he's going to switch over to her?"

    2. Since the switch over to the newer Keyword

    3. If we were to switch over to another’s way then our journey would not be so easy

    4. Have to switch over to other elevator cables 5 times on the way up

    5. Go away and think about how best you can help the switch over to UVS ownership go as smoothly as possible

    6. Now let’s switch over to a positive aspect of dog use; that

    7. Symbolics operating system, the lab would have to switch over

    8. them switch over to helmet-cams and the entry began

    9. I’ve had several affiliates switch over to our [niche] offer [program name] and see a

    10. Moving out of the way of the Vicar, who then stood by the chair? “There's nothing to it really, one sits here and then, the switch over on the wall is used to bring the cap down,” he said

    11. “Time to switch over, ladies

    12. I have had to switch over to scribbling, and I put all my notes down in a copy-book

    13. switch over to it

    14. Then the hardware would be smart enough to switch over to using the second half’s memory board

    15. of my own and I would have started with at least half the clientele of Chez Raymond that would switch over to me but not for a moment did I contemplate abandoning Tania

    16. Knowing this, Connally is preparing to switch over from the Democratic Party

    17. On the rare occasion of a rainout we would switch over to Beethoven, whom Fred particularly admired

    18. Actually, that’s in addition to the crucibles’ production, since they’re staying in full operation until we can switch over to the new hearths completely, and output’s going to increase steadily as we get additional furnaces into operation

    19. John argued the logical path of least resistance, always maintaining his status as the favorite parent, never convincing Alice to switch over to the popular side

    20. “Well I was just saying,” said Arthur lounging by a small fish pool, “there’s this Improbability Drive switch over here…” he waved at where it had been

    21. However, it is during this time that refineries once again switch over to heating oil production, beginning the cycle all over again

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