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    Usa "unneeded" in una frase

    unneeded frasi di esempio


    1. The answer key sat on the desk off to the side, unneeded and

    2. She got her winter fur, unneeded on the basin floor that Zhlindu was in the heart of

    3. I will now formally state my predilections: one, that I wish to hang myself at the nearest opportune moment in order to escape further unneeded physical torment under these circumstances, and two, that I wish for my remains to be burned, as is customary under Law, even though I fail to see what a fat lot of good that would do

    4. In addition, her doctor, an internist, the same guy who saved me in October 1981 from an unneeded double bypass) butchered her diagnosis

    5. keep the money you find, and any unneeded supplies, and they’re almost always needed

    6. feel unneeded and unwanted; he will feel his existence to be pointless

    7. Eventually he will come to feel unneeded and

    8. The hospital ship even with all the unneeded parts removed masses as much as the passenger liner did before it was stripped

    9. Read carefully what is listed on food and drink labels before you allow those unneeded items to cause a negative impact to your health

    10. The truth is; he really wanted to believe what she was saying, he would do anything to get out of his current situation; being the chosen one for an alien mission sounded a whole lot better than waking up every morning beside a dumpster, awaiting the cooks in the Chinese restaurant to toss out the unneeded scraps

    11. You will see toolbars – although I never see hammers or saws – and menus all over the place with a great deal of unneeded duplication

    12. I didn’t want to create a missile, just get rid of the unwanted and unneeded software

    13. For Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIPS I implement the reductions mentioned in the text: anti fraud, no overcharging, no unneeded procedures, and initiation of a co-pay for the wealthy (that saves 75B) to keep them from abusing the privilege of free medicine

    14. The military should be made purple suited with national allegiance, no unneeded duplication of services, and no intersectional rivalries or double or triple funding

    15. For Health Care, I see the need to stop protecting unneeded services of “high

    16. To the Terran Federation Council and to Grand Administrator Li, the true artisans of this totally unneeded war, I say this: enter now armistice talks with the Spacers League and stop this obscene waste of lives

    17. Have you forgotten loss of thousands children died in Karaq under your duress and madness…? You forcedly by using World Nations Forum imposed unwanted and unneeded sanctions regarding food and medicines in Karaq and hence as a result innocent ailing children those were in demand of life saving drugs had to die bit by bit in very painful sufferings

    18. Tip 73: Donate unneeded items and save money on taxes

    19. If you have unneeded items you want to get rid of and could use a tax deduction, load up your car and head to Goodwill

    20. In fact, there are a nearly endless number of ways to increase gas mileage without spending a dime! For instance, you can make sure that you remove unneeded items from your car, so that you are not driving excess weight around

    21. Ames’ murder, although unneeded, happened during the course of investigating Offenders who didn’t have the OWG’s best interests in mind

    22. He responded to his wife the only way he knew how, "Your concern is unneeded; I have many thoughts in my head that you are not privy to nor would I want you to be

    23. This not only gave Miss Hyslup a congested feeling of being left with her entire stock of kindness and patience bottled up unneeded inside her, but also a sensation of topsy-turviness, of being herself the one who was to be subjected to comforting--in fact, of being herself the sinner

    24. If you smell the feces of any wild animal in its pristine natural environment eating the healthy food it was designed to eat: you will find that it just has a pungent but not unpleasant odor… it is merely the animal’s odor-essence of its undigested, unneeded organic matter that is designed to recycle itself back into Nature as quickly as possible and leave almost no trace of it being there

    25. At what cost did mechanized farming help mankind? Why creating too much food so unwanted, unneeded billions of extra humans could overpopulate the Earth even more than before

    26. Any group of people whose retaining their job depends on the authority that they are given over others will be threatened if anyone tries to criticize the way it does its everyday business… because you are in effect telling them that they are superfluous, unneeded, and should be fired

    27. I would have preferred if the Whiteman and the Red man had learned never again to touch a dirty killing stick called a plow, and instead learned how to help all living creatures and living plants grow wild and free and made friends with all the living creatures of the Earth… I would have preferred for all the natural beauty of North America to have been saved and made even more beautiful, instead of being destroyed just so that one species could overpopulate itself into unwanted, unneeded billions… and fuck all the extra billions of pointless human units of overpopulated humanity who would never have been born

    28. Do you have any idea of the levels and degrees of human pain and trauma existing inside each human soul… when it realizes that it is unloved, unneeded, unwanted, and useless?

    29. The effect of money is to make human factors obsolete, worthless, unused, undeveloped and unneeded

    30. Testament teaching of the resurrection of the dead became unneeded and of

    31. "I'm fine," she said, loud enough so he could hear but soft enough to not garner any unneeded attention

    32. That’s a truly shocking figure, so I want to share a method to dramatically cut down on unneeded subscriptions that you currently pay for

    33. Nor are these monitions at all unneeded

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    unnecessary unneeded