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    bodily function frases de exemplo

    bodily function

    1. Nurses came and went, doling out medicaments and checking her various bodily functions were working as they should

    2. regulating the various bodily functions

    3. The seven chakras are thus considered as centers of energies which govern different bodily functions)

    4. He could monitor his own bodily functions

    5. Its probing into the seat of cognition; memory, emotions, as well as all the sensory connections to bodily function are already well advanced, but the connection to the functions of mental capacity as it may be associated with the understanding of mind are still only in the initial stages

    6. It is a series of operational controls that the brain uses to direct bodily function toward survival activities

    7. There was a small room to one side where one could tend to bodily functions, reminiscent of those at the palace in Tlatelolco

    8. ‘Your legs and lower body are shaking because we are attempting to reconnect your nervous system and bodily functions

    9. Normal bodily functions still work (breathing, heart, etc

    10. He chose what might be called the essence of his worldly efforts, that which his bodily functions had worked for all it was worth, and which the artist was now willing to expel unto eternity

    11. growth; it also governs other bodily functions such as your

    12. Notice that all of the bodily functions governed by HGH are

    13. It harmonizes two essential bodily functions: converting food into

    14. At that moment, a few seconds away from tears, all that astronomical wealth and fashion seemed a bit pointless compared to the basic human bodily function of shitting

    15. "She merely reminds me of her need for relief of bodily functions

    16. These things are, of course, related to the food the animals eat, but the major obstacle is isolating exactly how much of each gaseous product is emanating from which bodily function

    17. The feedback helps healthcare providers chart bodily functions to help with treatment

    18. Now, my bodily functions embarrassed me

    19. digestive and other bodily functions

    20. Men can chew and exercise bodily functions

    21. my bodily functions has lessened

    22. Able to transmit at various wavelengths these would be the main mind controlling substance; with so many all transmitting at the same time, thoughts would become disconnected and control of normal bodily functions, like breathing and blood circulation could easily be disrupted

    23. We had all been there when our bodily functions rebelled against the abuse we are putting it through

    24. Burley had been overwhelmingly confident that death could be attributed to massive trauma to the body as a result of the fall and that the brain had hemorrhaged due to the impact; death unfortunately had not been instantaneous as was indicated by the gash on the back of the head that had bled according to Feltus who had seen the pool of blood, though there had been no suffering as the victim had been unconscious until all bodily functions ceased about ten minutes later, as if that fact made the death any easier to accept and with which to mentally cope

    25. ‘How tragic it is that you boys don’t have anything better to worry about other than my natural bodily functions

    26. To make the obsession complete, they designated sacrifices for normal bodily functions

    27. It harmonizes two essential bodily functions: converting food into cells/tissues, and

    28. It is a bodily function with a purpose

    29. They have been found to compromise bodily functions such as hormone synthesis, immunity function, insulin metabolism and compromise tissue repair

    30. No one human or group of humans has any right to control the bodily functions of another! That's as plain and simple as it gets

    31. that manages to achieve two critical bodily functions that seem to be at odds with

    32. infected, their bodily functions acted accordingly and launched antibodies that would fight

    33. So there is perhaps the necessary personal discomfort that arises between the need to express and experience personal transcendent spirituality and the need to express and experience personal temporal ‘physical’ intimacy, but which may also include the embarrassment of inevitable bodily functions

    34. like any other bodily function, and the intent of the original wisdom in this area was for health

    35. Even you're brother has more control of his bodily functions than you

    36. physical field enough to maintain the bodily functions only

    37. In turn, other bodily functions such as digestion and metabolism are also enhanced

    38. essential for growth, many bodily functions in the skin and blood vessels, and for resistance

    39. You will eat lunch at the screen and will reduce your break time to the bare minimum necessary for taking care of bodily functions, and there will be days you will even skip those

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