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    1. Envision these sins as a festering rot on the human soul

    2. With what you envision them to be, after all, is to what you would do to

    3. “Please use the provided slips of paper and write down your own personal choice for our inaugural production, as well as what role you would envision yourself playing in that endeavor

    4. She may not have been able to envision the summer, but winter was looking up

    5. ) Now, envision multiplying the

    6. then in every living cell - he could envision

    7. match what they envision are the idealists

    8. envision and desire for yourself

    9. Envisioneering is a combination of envision and

    10. The island‘s first (I believe) elected president, a practicing Marxist and former priest whose efforts at nationalizing the country‘s resources has earned him the accolades of the International Left as well as misinformed Americans who envision this thug (Aristides) as some numinous divine, has been unceremoniously overthrown by a

    11. We can consciously envision and bring into manifestation what we desire

    12. Having recently read about the passage of partial birth (whatever that means) abortion in today‘s newspaper, I firmly envision a day when some undetermined grace period, a year or two, perhaps, will be extended to ―distraught‖ mothers who, unhappy with their

    13. (Road Rage) If I may indulge a science fiction fantasy for a moment, I envision a day in the foreseeable future when an elaborate, computerized transportation network transporting travelers in ―PODS‖ atop elevated guideways will become a reality

    14. I envision a day when class distinctions, with the exception of two, (Master and Servant) will be formally abolished

    15. He suddenly realized that he could not envision his life without her

    16. Might it be that the depth John had to peer into his vision for the merest of an understanding was what caused him to couch his interpretation of temptation in the idol-worshiping sexuality more akin to his day and in prior times, a kind of parabolic reference to the sort of temptation that might be prevalent in a future that he was grossly ill-equipped to envision?

    17. This process began with a suspicion which had been growing within me that Physicists today, (and more generally Scientists) give the appearance of being led along the largely unexplored frontiers of their domain where their almost-sightless awareness of what they try to envision is drawing them toward a conclusion that many are reluctant to accept and only a brave few dare to tentatively posit

    18. What, if anything, preceded Man’s attempt to envision some Essence, before a first “Animal Spirit” presence, is at this juncture, unassailably beyond common memory, and possibly discovery

    19. Of course, they could not envision the speed with which we do everything now

    20. Ch’o grew up being taken to all corners of the kingdom so he could envision every part of it and memorize it

    21. thoughts out of mind and envision your spirit flowing in

    22. I could not envision Hermie’s showing off my UCLS ring to his friends!

    23. These too are caused or created or sustained by external conditions, and talking about particles without referencing these conditions is a convenient shortcut that allows one to envision a building-block world where everything is composed of particles

    24. “Ready! Now you have to envision the target and shoot the ball, desiring that it strike with great force

    25. I could not envision the breakthrough role the Moog synthesizer would play in the music world in the future

    26. We envision that the entrances and windows will appear to be natural caves and openings in the rock, with fully finished interiors

    27. It was a tremendous challenge to envision myself into a time and place where I’d never been, nor seen except through the porthole of pictographic and literary consumerism

    28. 4) Can you make the changes you envision for the house on

    29. So we would like for you to sit down in your own time and think of the things you would like to envision in the creation of a healthy Earth

    30. I envision a committee in every hospital and nursing home in the country

    31. Just as we envision all of space as really being out there, as really existing, we should also envision all of time as really being out there, as really existing too

    32. The Socialutions answers are right before your eyes, but unless you can envision a new method and understand the power it represents, you cannot comprehend that which you are not aware of or understand

    33. I could envision the men placing the chairs

    34. Holding it up to the door frame, where I could envision him

    35. Now it’s easier to envision what’s ahead of us still

    36. Just as she’d visualized herself as thin, minute-to-minute, day after day, she’d envision those doors as her own: the scent of their cherry stain, the strength of their wood, the ease of their glide

    37. But, as you peep behind the curtain and envision

    38. In his mad rage, would man ever envision the noose around his own neck? Having avenged himself, possibly, he wouldn’t even care if he were hanged then and there

    39. Reaching her quarters, Vidya tried to envision her place in his life

    40. ‘How unique was our meeting! Oh, what a way it was to meet the man I waited for so long! Why, my imagination failed me to picture the way we actually met! How my longing failed to envision the ardency of my response! What a wonder all the encounters of my daydreams pale! Well, it was better that way as that gave me the thrill of the newness! Given even the marvelous looks of his teens, how unimaginably handsome he became! Wouldn’t he have noticed the animated face I presented him! Maybe, the glow in his eyes would have enhanced my own charm then

    41. envision the series being?

    42. I can see her pulling a hissy fit and attacking me - wait, I can envision it now - not pretty, not pretty at all

    43. It was Sab who thought of it and when all of us could actually envision it happening we all stepped back and agreed

    44. She was a dream that had come true, someone with whom I could envision spending the rest of my life with

    45. But forced apart, him living alone for 500 years, and then taking over the world in the next 500, imposing rules and customs on a people, forcing them to love him, to worship him, or else it was death for them, was a future I didn’t envision for my Julius

    46. Select your outcome; envision it as you would enjoy it coming to fruition

    47. dark distance of a future she could not envision, and yet she was not

    48. one after the other, as if decorating the view, anyhow, I can envision the sea; I

    49. "I couldn't envision moving to Canada or Sweden

    50. Select your outcome; envision that outcome as you would enjoy it coming to fruition

    1. things might actually be improved if he envisioned as his paramour this tigress, his

    2. A saloon was included in the scheme of arrangements, isolated from the dining hall proper, it was envisioned more of a sitting room with a bar than a bar with a sitting room

    3. Her blood was boiling, as she envisioned stepping into the opening and demanding, they put a stop to the foolishness

    4. She heard all the words, but this was well outside anything she'd encountered or envisioned

    5. and as Uar envisioned it was going to plan

    6. such as that ideal you have envisioned for yourself

    7. developed in the world? Who would have envisioned that its own belief system would be the catalyst for its destruction? It’s an extraordinary story and that we are witnessing first hand

    8. She became the ideal he could never have envisioned

    9. years after he’d first envisioned it, he was now witnessing something entirely different

    10. I envisioned the day when neighbors would refuse an invitation to lunch, make excuses when invited to a dinner party

    11. The great thinker of the third age, Almani Zolandric, who has been credited as the primary contributor to the Temporal Directive, had not envisioned such extraordinary events brought about by the corrupting influence of technology

    12. If the device operated as Roidon had envisioned – as he had hoped – then at least they would feel the freedom of real life once more, a real second chance rather than the fantasy version

    13. The elastic demands imposed on our courts by modern impressions advancing the (unlimited) right to free expression have stretched its traditional boundaries in a manner that the Founding Fathers could never have possibly envisioned given the moral climate of the times in which they lived

    14. Although I remain a staunch proponent of the Rule of law, I hold fast to my belief that the Sanctity of Life is more precious than our legal system has properly envisioned

    15. We are all one with the (incomprehensible) Spirit in whatever manner envisioned!

    16. If first impressions count for anything, Club Hollywood was just the sort of place Beth would recommend to any visitor wanting to experience San José nightlife: brand new shiny-bright glitz with hundreds of lights, glass, chrome and uniformed doormen, just as she envisioned Las Vegas to be, and completely contrary to her expectations

    17. Sylvia found it odd that a geologist, someone she envisioned climbing sheer cliffs in search of rock strata would be reluctant to lean from the rail for a view of the river below

    18. She envisioned that ‘someone’ to be Alfredo, the stable boy

    19. The following day, Caroline invited her new friend for a horseback ride on what she was sure he envisioned to be a romantic romp with his new girlfriend, something on the order of Sir Lancelot and Guinevere

    20. Never had she envisioned him as a source of money or power

    21. Colling discovered that Klaus had used the six days that they had been gone to construct a long counter along one side of the large main room of the former canteen that Colling envisioned would be the PX dining area, if approval were given to establish one

    22. Now it would be necessary to put everything into place and hope that things would work out as he envisioned

    23. Any that could be envisioned or uttered by Man would be incomplete! There is no language of Man that would be capable of such scope!

    24. believe the America of today is the America envisioned by our forefathers

    25. The Founders envisioned their new nation to be one of laws, not of powerful men

    26. Fearing she would not be able to react in time, I quickly reached out to her, pulled her close to my body and envisioned my thought shield expanding to surround both of us

    27. I envisioned a small room inside my thought shield, and in that room I pictured a table and chairs for us all to sit at

    28. Seeing someone like Sorcer and Rumu acting against them was something they would have never envisioned

    29. Day envisioned STS as the total pack-

    30. By incessant repetition the worst that can be envisioned will come to be seen as scientifically validated

    31. Finally, I envisioned him in what I imagined were the moments after the car accident--

    32. The “framers” of our United States Constitution envisioned these natural rights when they spoke of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

    33. complete abolition of private property and the disappearance of the state but instead envisioned Socialism more as a form of society in which fully democratic control would be exercised over wealth, and production would be controlled by a group of responsible experts

    34. Congress envisioned by our founding fathers of a part-time citizen legislature where serving in Washington was viewed as a short-term duty of public service, not a full-time career

    35. the grandfather that she had not envisioned since the birth of her

    36. the type of education envisioned back in the eighteenth century

    37. “The wedding that all of us have always envisioned for Talia,” Nemia continued, “Would be attended by all of the High People

    38. kinds of losing her mind she envisioned would happen

    39. I think the original idea was to have one more military hand on the throttle, but it didn't work the way he, the SecDef, or they, the President and the SecDef, envisioned

    40. Between silent curses as he fought the clutching jungle vines and thorns, the Wolf grinned thinking that whoever coined the old saw about ride to the sound of the guns could never have envisioned this most basic of ground movement, walking in a crouch, to the sound of the most modern death dealing technology

    41. We would have enough land to create the institute for spiritual growth, healing, and the practice of permaculture that we envisioned

    42. We have our vision of what we would enjoy for the people on the planet, but our vision may be quite different than what those with their boots on the ground have envisioned for your planet

    43. forgotten about the men I’d envisioned coming out of the

    44. He, of course, favored minimal government as originally envisioned by the founding fathers, but he could not overcome the AFL-CIO funded campaign of Walter Reuther to elect a democrat-majority Congress

    45. When she had been asked to destroy the crystal she had envisioned something the size of a man’s head

    46. The external space envisioned by physicists is as devoid of real, subjective experience as the world of experience is devoid of real, objective space

    47. It was nothing that I had envisioned it to be

    48. I had envisioned

    49. Not quite the image Zoe had envisioned

    50. As it turned out that was more complicated than we and the administrators at DOW had envisioned

    1. Caroline introduced her to a twenty-five-room country inn that she liked immediately, envisioning a slowed pace with placid afternoons on the deck, capturing the views in watercolors

    2. “Oh, that’s going to hurt later,” she said under her breath, envisioning a purple bruise

    3. But then envisioning her

    4. Outside, on a stool near our well, I sat for a few moments in the light of the moon, envisioning our home with a small child in it

    5. He continually pictured himself being the best cop in LA, envisioning a ceremony of fellow officers in his future, honoring him for his bravery and accomplishments

    6. ‘What’s heaven but hearsay? Won’t the benedictions therein seem make-believe? The Hindu swarga, the Christian salvation and the Islamic hereafter, are they really real? Had anyone called back to earth from those summits of faith? And without a body how does the soul enjoy the earthly pleasures of the religious heavens? How naive is man in envisioning heaven! If the swarga is not make-believe, won’t Sneha join the company of the pativratas, in wait for their husbands they had left behind? But, having sinned so much here, would I gain admission there? Well, if hell were to be my destiny, why not make the best of the rest of my life here itself? It looks sensible

    7. He was too busy envisioning his remaining years in prison

    8. After envisioning all the horrible ways he deserved to be slaughtered, he finally was able to focus on looking for the device

    9. Inside her deep in thoughts, she felt Mitchell to be the emotional anchor for the family, envisioning him excelling at whatever he did later in life

    10. For a moment, Mitchell attempted to look into his future, envisioning Cindy as his girlfriend, filling the empty void he had always discreetly desired

    11. He subsequently drove north on I-95 feeling in a restive mood, envisioning her gorgeous, body naked, and next to his

    12. I was envisioning marriage,

    13. Feltus shivered involuntarily as he stood frozen, staring at the scene and envisioning what those final moments must have been like for the victim lying peacefully asleep in his bed, content with his own foul deeds, as a pillow was forcefully pushed against his face

    14. People have an inherent difficulty envisioning things they haven’t seen before

    15. sighed, envisioning all the wonderful things he could do for the Federation, no, for the Galaxy! And then he realized why he had taken the prime directive as his oath

    16. We all know what happened next… and are probably envisioning

    17. Ailia could see by his facial expression that he was envisioning the moment clearly

    18. He looked up his gaze catching hers; her blue eyes were so pretty he could spend every minute of the day just envisioning the sea

    19. Envision this: envisioning us within the pause of our communion – an ocean within a drop of water splashed from a wave upon a teaspoon

    20. Even in the envisioning

    21. Even at the hypothetical envisioning level, my own temporal life was a fact I could not fully

    22. envisioning the first awakening or awareness of themself(s) by a pair of these first couples:

    23. “The church was on fire when we arrived,” Cody said still envisioning the burning farm in Kansas

    24. I had trouble envisioning the physical relationship between the worlds and exactly how straits and openings connected them

    25. grave could be referred to by that term without readers or hearers automatically envisioning 'the lake of fire, which is

    26. A grave could be referred to by that term without readers or hearers automatically envisioning 'the lake of fire, which is the second death' [Rev

    27. tо start аnd have a dіffісult tіmе envisioning the completed

    28. And there I was, fantasizing about sharks, envisioning huge jaws armed with multiple rows of teeth and capable of cutting a man in half

    29. However, pattern failures are common, and too many traders have tunnel vision, envisioning only the price movements they expect

    30. In that spirit, I penned a blog for SMBU playfully envisioning the future stars of trading

    31. ) Their accountant drew up personal financial statements for them every month, but they never bothered to look at them! No wonder they were having trouble envisioning the life that they wanted—which turned out to be a life of contribution

    1. My daughter imagines he drives around in her Barbie Bus, while my son envisions him logging on to Wikipedia or reading the newspaper

    2. A friend of mine recently stated that he envisions a day when America will return to a (de facto) separate but equal society

    3. But the human being Lukacs envisions is thoughtful, not aggressive; contemplative, not arrogant

    4. Ras envisions a future under Avery Perelle

    5. Now I am destined to be the woman he envisions in his head

    6. He reflects on the future back at the eighteenth hole and envisions a more settled and contented life without too many of the distractions, griefs and worries that marriage had brought to him, deciding to play life straight and walk the walk instead of talk the talk

    7. Carrie envisions the wrappers, which are printed with soy inks on recycled paper, at weddings, bridal and baby showers and as birthday

    8. In his mind Cass envisions his second momma, Lucy, proudly trying on this fine present

    9. It will help if she envisions a particular color to represent each thing that bothers her

    10. The present text apparently envisions a scheme in

    11. They can tell a trader when the ground is fertile for candlestick reversal or continuation patterns to be successful, but there is no guarantee that price will move in the direction the trader envisions, no matter how astute the analysis

    12. Ray envisions a world in the next 15 years “where we grow plants vertically, and also grow meat without the slaughtering of animals, by using in-vitro cloning of muscle tissue in computerized factories—all at very low costs, with high nutritional qualities and without environmental impact

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    envision fancy figure image picture project see visualise visualize foresee predict anticipate prognosticate augur prophesy