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    mental institution frases de exemplo

    mental institution

    1. It‘ll be all struggle, courts, prisons or mental institutions that will be the story of their lives after you are done with them

    2. I explain how I was arrested by the United States Secret Service and committed for life to a mental institution in North Texas without proper procedure

    3. Free of mental institutions

    4. “Why all the wars, disease, old age, hunger, selfishness, evil, exploitation of man by man, and the rot and vermin that are satiated with this? Why so many children who cry desperately? Why, while some feast, are others consumed by hunger and suffer the cruelty of begging and stealing just to stay alive? Why the thieves, including the big thieves who hide behind big business and government? Why the killers, both those who kill for pleasure and those who kill in the name of corrupt laws? Why so many concentration camps, so many jails, asylums, and mental institutions? Why so many physically and mentally handicapped? Why so many animals that cruelly devour each other? Why so many weapons? What is the reason for so many so-called natural disasters that kill innocent people and destroy their T H E L O V E S P I R I T S

    5. It used to be a state mental institution and the original buildings were built about the turn of the century

    6. It was once a mental institution and has been converted into a modern hospital facility which is privately run

    7. These girls appeared to have been systematically kept sedated in much the same way as patients in mental institutions were kept in the 1960’s

    8. 31st, I received another tale of horror, this one from the Los Angeles Mental Institution

    9. "No, he crazy in a mental institution type of way

    10. mental institutions or wards

    11. Mental Institutions and How to Protect Patient Safety

    12. There also was an opportunity to spend time assisting at mental institutions

    13. At the sound of the voice, Terence’s eyes snapped open to reveal tears mixed with a bewildered, delirious gaze that came naturally to those in mental institutions whose fractured minds overpowered their rationality

    14. It's probably the single most important reason, why I'm not in some mental institution

    15. Her death was so hard on my father that it put him in a mental institution

    16. “Yeah she got sent Upstate to a Mental Institution

    17. She has to take the medication to control her out of control behavior which she also claims not to remember, but, she‘s out of the Mental Institution now

    18. He turns to his family and shouts, “She just yelled and said if she ever finds out who the guy is that snatched her sister's jewelry or finds out where he is, she's gonna hunt him down and go after him whenever she comes out the mental institution!”

    19. “I mean it’s great and dandy that Diane went to keep an eye on Dana, but who’s going to keep an eye on Diane?! Diane is just as bad as Dana! She and Dana both have bad tempers, they both been committed to mental institutions, they are always getting arrested and you wind up having to keep bailing both of them out of jail Dad!” Barry then sighs and says, “Well I hope both Diane and Dana took their medications this morning

    20. “Grandpa,” Missy says, “we all know Diane has a violent history just like Dana! They’ve both been in and out of jail before AND mental institutions! What else were we suppose to think?”

    21. “Well maybe the mental institution should have just kept both Diane D and her cousin Dana in there

    22. “I heard the mental institution she was in put her on medication, so she has to keep taking that medication to calm her nerves

    23. They should use that fortune to keep her in a mental institution because she is crazy

    24. “Yes they officially confirmed it, that‘s why I got sent away to the Mental Institution

    25. “The doctors and the authorities had me put away in a Mental Institution

    26. “They putted you away in a Mental Institution at that time too?”

    27. The doctors and the authorities chose to believe his word over mine, that’s why I got sent to the Mental Institution

    28. If he went to the police, they would just try to put him in a mental institution

    29. be given a place inside a mental institution for what she had

    30. Should serial killers be placed in a mental institution or prison?

    31. becomes dependant on heroin, and then sends off this kid to jail or a mental institution

    32. “I ruined my daughter’s life! Because of me she was in a mental institution for forty years…”

    33. In which case, as already stated, she will spend the rest of her life in some sort of prison or mental institution for the dangerously deranged

    34. that social and governmental institutions must be changed before even any

    35. Before she joined the force she worked as a nurse at Lancourt Hospital near Edinburgh – a mental institution, and Susan says that he was a patient and his name was Alan Caldwell

    36. Her daughter constantly stole from her, called the police on her, and had her committed to mental institutions

    37. Back in Chicago if she’d said the same thing to one of her co-workers they would have checked her into a mental institution

    38. “They prefer the term Mental Institution these days,” Willow said

    39. “What did you think when your wife was sent to a mental institution?” Chalmers asked

    40. The courts had sent her to hospitals and mental institutions several times before in the past

    41. We've had Dana committed into hospitals and mental institutions before and now we're going to have her committed again

    42. Her parents, her grandparents, her lawyers, the doctors and the courts in Jamaica will continue to have her committed back and forth into hospitals and mental institutions, taking counseling, therapy and medication

    43. He would not harass them with minute regulations, he would have allowed some changes in the laws: but not changes which would affect the fundamental institutions of the state, such for example as would convert an aristocracy into a timocracy, or a timocracy into a popular form of government

    44. For now, investors have no direct plays into the biomass and biofuels market; in the current industry structure, only privately held companies, municipalities, and other governmental institutions run biomass plants and operations

    45. The van that had taken me was parked in the semicircular driveway of a sterile white building I later learned was a mental institution

    46. He required her to screen test for Don’t Bother to Knock, which had the following story line: Nell Forbes, recently released from a mental institution, is recommended for a babysitting job by her uncle (Elisha Cook Jr

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