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    Use "mop up" em uma frase

    mop up frases de exemplo

    mop up

    1. Someone has leaned a mop up against the side of the statue to dry

    2. Any suggestions?’ she thinks for a moment while I mop up all the crumbs of cake on my plate with my cake fork – that was some cake!

    3. ‘Where’s the car, Anna?’ he asked as I try to mop up my face a little – difficult with an armful of bouquet

    4. After this we would be able to walk over the German positions and just mop up the prisoners as there would be hardly any resistance we who had fought on Gallipoli had heard all this before and had suffered the casualties for it

    5. I told him that we would shortly cross the Maule and mop up any rear guard left to annoy us

    6. must be a mop up crew for the bloodbath that was to follow

    7. of antioxidants — they mop up free radicals

    8. Felton stood in the doorway, holding his chin, watching as somebody tried to mop up the blood

    9. “My comrades and I should join you after about ten seconds, to either help out or mop up

    10. There was a disaster to mop up

    11. Research shows that vitamin C-rich foods not only mop up the free radicals that cause wrinkles and sagging, but can help remove the DNA damage they form

    12. The only reason they have not done anything about it is their hope we can damage the Swordsmen enough in combat that the Federation can come in and mop up afterwords

    13. When organized resistance to the power of the Pope was killed off, an Inquisition was set up to mop up remaining dissenters

    14. Felicity brought him a tissue to mop up the saucer, while Amanda sat opposite and allowed the tears to come to her eyes

    15. I have to stop and mop up my eyes and nose—the heart is beyond Kleenex ( -brand facial tissue—writers are supposed to add all that or risk getting sued!)

    16. “Let’s mop up this mess and get this Forest

    17. towel around on the floor to mop up any dampness

    18. In his haste to mop up the blood from the girl he had unintentionally grabbed the shirt that was hung outside the cellar door

    19. horse-boys to mop up our lot on the flat

    20. All they got to do to deserve it is live in their own small part of town, the slums, and shine our shoes for us, and mop up our trash, and sit in the last row in the balcony

    21. You're muddy, but that's nothing; I'll mop up the floor later

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