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    Use "pail" em uma frase

    pail frases de exemplo


    1. There was a wooden pail, and a small wooden pallet, maybe six feet long and two feet wide, filled with straw

    2. The pail was the facilities in this room, as she feared

    3. She knew what Alan’s toilet facilities were like in the vale and compared them to that pail

    4. After drinking deeply from the leather pail, I returned what was left to Polyphemus

    5. A little water spilled from her pail, wetting my foot

    6. There was a pail of water outside the door in case a visitor needed to wash his feet

    7. ” He picked up the cup, dipped it into a pail of water and drank deeply

    8. He asked for a pail of water, washed his hands and said,

    9. girl in a warm hood and cloak, with a pail of bird-seed on her arm, and

    10. in the other, closed the door behind him with a bang, set the pail on

    11. Kay nodded, and in a moment Leland was bringing over the four bows, setting up banks of arrows against each window, except for Kay’s pitch-soaked arrows, which he left in their pail by the fireplace

    12. He took a rag, dipped it in the nearby pail of water, and began wiping away at the medicine layer

    13. There!” Having removed the stubborn spot, the young lady stopped and threw the towel in her hand into a pail at her feet

    14. Grandpa kisses the top of my head, grabs his lunch pail from the kitchen counter, “Have a good day, my bambina,” and heads out the door

    15. I did it in the pail

    16. “Mr Jingles,” replied the nurse as she saw him slowly move back down the ward, dragging the pail with his big lumps of meat

    17. To do this put the casserole into a large, clean saucepan, or pail, full of clean cold water

    18. one of the cold frames and turned to re-fill the pail

    19. had a small pail of water in his other hand as well, and walked

    20. Onni picked up the small pail of water and took a few steps

    21. to fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill rolled and rolled

    22. " Her hands fluttered over the abundance before she took one pail and poured its contents onto the counter

    23. He put the balance of the old bricks in the pail, and hauled everything down in two trips

    24. Feeling put upon, he lowered the ladder and carried it to Carl's truck, then washed off the tools and cleaned the pail

    25. We learned quickly to use a pail to pee in and dispose of its contents in the morning

    26. She tossed the dirty diaper into the pail and nested the baby’s head beneath her chin

    27. Water the plants with the use of pail and dipper

    28. "He's unconscious again," snapped the interrogator, and waved for the guard to bring another pail of water

    29. Into a pail of red paint so that if

    30. Ed put some ice in the bottom of a pail to keep it all cold and placed it in the trunk of the car

    31. She came back out with a pail of water and a few clean rags

    32. She scooped the pail under the water and brought it back up

    33. The shimmering water contrasted with the darkness of the rusty pail

    34. The water sloshed slightly and dripped out of a few holes that were in the side of the pail by the handle

    35. She took Bernice’s hand and placed it in the pail

    36. They all shared a laugh as Bernice splashed the water about as she dug her hands into the pail

    37. Everything was so recent that several weeks later, when Úrsula went into the room with a pail of water and a brush to wash the floor, there was nothing for her to do

    38. He did not think about her again or about any of the others after he went into the workshop with the steaming cup, and he lighted the lamp in order to count the little gold fishes, which he kept in a tin pail

    39. Only when he finished it and put it with the others in the pail did he begin to drink the soup

    40. They went into the bathroom and found a mop in a pail in the shower stall

    41. I mean, I’m tempted to think the author just put him in a hat because it happens to rhyme with cat!! What’s next? The Goat in a Boat? The Ape in a Cape? The Crab in a Cab? The Whale in a Pail? The

    42. ‘Jack n’ Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water

    43. bowl cut was the hair style for him which made his long, pail, be-speckled face

    44. His skin was oily too, pail and clammy and its

    45. He was pail and drawn from his ordeal and

    46. He carries a pail and one of those trash grabbers, which

    47. Diane D does not move or blink as the yellow pail flies right by her face, almost hitting her face! She continues to stand there in a state of trance, not moving at all, giving an eerie blank stare towards Marcus as the pail falls and drops on the floor behind her! Her cell phone continues to ring

    48. Diane D does not move or blink as the yellow pail hits her right smack in her neck and chest! She remains in a state of trance, giving a cold blank stare towards Marcus as the pail falls and drops on the floor near her feet

    49. Marcus painfully turns around and reaches for a tin garbage pail that is close by! He turns back towards Diane D and shouts, “Can you respond to this?!” Marcus angrily throws and tosses the tin garbage pail right at Diane D!

    50. “She didn’t move or blink when the pail almost hit her in the face?!“

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    bucket pail pailful