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    police captain frases de exemplo

    police captain

    1. the Police Captain and instructed him to fill out the blanks, "In the names of Mrs Lazlo and Dave Walsh

    2. When he arrived at the booking desk with his captive, a police captain was waiting: “Thank you, Officer Vargas,” he said

    3. The realization that his time was up must have dropped like a bomb into the pit of his stomach, because he knew that, in the very next room, waited Sylvia Henderson, three lawyers, a consulate officer from the US Embassy, a newspaper reporter with two photographers and the police captain in charge of narcotics

    4. Police captain, Manuel Flores, of the OIJ was an expert in such matters and a recipient for many years of Gordon’s generous contributions

    5. He had forgotten the power wielded by a police captain

    6. “This is an outrage!” Huss said, waving his long finger in the Police captain’s face

    7. It made no difference that Montana had been a cum laude graduate of Yale, a decorated Army Ranger, a municipal police captain cited multiple times for valor during duty, or a former Olympic fencing champion

    8. “That Agent Nolan was at the house yesterday afternoon, and that police captain, Jacob Mayhew, dropped by almost as soon as he left

    9. He slammed the phone down on the table and said, “Uncle, that pig’s ass of a police captain found my number on your phone

    10. Gozan recognized the police captain from that night at the Beverly Hills Hotel with the mango and peaches women

    11. At his office he checked a few papers with his stenographer, who sang under her breath, then phoned the police captain upstairs

    12. That tall, stout old man in the overcoat and forage-cap with a cockade—was the police captain, Mihail Makarovitch

    13. The most direct and the easiest thing for him to do would have been to go straight to Fyodor Pavlovitch's, to find out whether anything had happened there, and if so, what; and only to go to the police captain, as Pyotr Ilyitch firmly intended doing, when he had satisfied himself of the fact

    14. Our police captain, Mihail Makarovitch Makarov, a retired lieutenant-colonel, was a widower and an excellent man

    15. As it happened, at that moment the prosecutor, and Varvinsky, our district doctor, a young man, who had only just come to us from Petersburg after taking a brilliant degree at the Academy of Medicine, were playing whist at the police captain's

    16. Pyotr Ilyitch was simply dumbfounded when he went into the police captain's

    17. ” And when they returned to Grigory, the old man told them to go straight to the police captain

    18. Marya Kondratyevna ran there and gave the alarm to the whole party at the police captain's

    19. The district doctor, a zealous man, new to his work, almost insisted on accompanying the police captain, the prosecutor, and the investigating lawyer

    20. Only after four o'clock, almost at sunrise, all the officials, the police captain, the prosecutor, the investigating lawyer, drove up in two carriages, each drawn by three horses

    21. But he had hardly said this, before Grushenka rushed from behind the curtain and flung herself at the police captain's feet

    22. “Yes, it's your fault! You're the chief criminal! You fury! You harlot! You're the most to blame!” shouted the police captain, threatening her with his hand

    23. The police captain was now standing by the window at the other end of the room, beside Kalganov, who was sitting there

    24. We may note in passing that, on his first arrival, Mitya had been made very welcome at the police captain's, but later, during the last month especially, Mitya had hardly called at all, and when the police captain met him, in the street, for instance, Mitya noticed that he frowned and only bowed out of politeness

    25. The good-natured police captain said a great deal that was irregular, but Grushenka's suffering, a fellow creature's suffering, touched his good-natured heart, and tears stood in his eyes

    26. The old police captain seemed much pleased, and the lawyers also

    27. When the police captain went out, Mitya was positively gay

    28. As for Alyosha, the police captain was very fond of him and had known him for a long time

    29. Rakitin, who had of late taken to coming very often to see the prisoner, was one of the most intimate acquaintances of the “police captain's young ladies,” as he called them, and was always hanging about their house

    30. Later on, after seeing the police captain and the prosecutor, and hearing the details of the charge and the arrest, he was still more surprised at Alyosha, and ascribed his opinion only to his exaggerated brotherly feeling and sympathy with Mitya, of whom Alyosha, as Ivan knew, was very fond

    31. The visits of relations and friends were informally sanctioned by the doctor and overseer, and even by the police captain

    32. As every one had seen all they wanted they went out without disputing, though Lyamshin began pestering the police captain about something

    33. "Our correspondent in Tula informs us that yesterday a sturgeon was found in the Upa (an event which even the oldest inhabitants cannot recall, and all the more remarkable since they recognised the former police captain in this sturgeon)

    34. They are brought before rural police officers, district police captains, priests, and governors

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