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    Use "terror" em uma frase

    terror frases de exemplo


    1. It grinds men apart slowly to feed off their terror

    2. She looks at him in terror

    3. She holds up her hands in terror

    4. He doses off, slips from the wreckage, chokes in the water, grabs hold again, looks about him in terror

    5. She felt a moment of terror flood through her, but then, just as

    6. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow that

    7. There was terror in his eyes

    8. He stared at me with that same look of terror and guilt

    9. terror coursing through his veins, he managed to shake his clothes out and dress,

    10. Do not be afraid of sudden terror, Nor of trouble from the wicked

    11. afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of

    12. He sees Ricci running among the soldiers, his eyes filled with terror

    13. everything burn, quivering with fear, tears streaming down his cheeks, his face a mask of terror in the flickering light

    14. of souls in their mass confusion and terror

    15. seemed almost frail, as though it could not carry the burden of terror that forever

    16. revealing the full width and depth of the terror of the world in that one reflexive

    17. erating a wave of crimes and terror

    18. In this case, absorption of energy takes place in deeper levels, since religious leaders are obeyed and worshiped by entire populations, while they systematically rouse guilt and terror

    19. This continual darkness that made day and night obsolete was clearly losing its first, naïve terror, or so I thought at the time

    20. More polar opposites can scarcely be imagined than the mortal privation and terror of Talstan and the fleshpits of Satan's world

    21. A small kindness offered within the largesse of terror

    22. Lady Chimera screamed in terror and the room resounded with her shrill cry of pain, as Arion fired again, this time against her

    23. The terror caused by the scraping of the chair leg evaporated under the glow of this voice

    24. terror that continues to spread even as we speak

    25. On the ground the shape seemed almost frail, as though it could not carry the burden of terror that forever dogged its tracks, but as Lucy moved closer, as the figure gathered its limbs together and began to unbend, began to straighten and stand, she saw with horror that he, for it must be masculine, was tall and thick set and lithe, as if he were a wolf or a hunting cat

    26. If a wolf and a man combined can truly ever smile, then he did so now, revealing the full width and depth of the terror of the world in that one reflexive response to emotion and the kill

    27. thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be any more

    28. She immediately knew what terror it held for them when it's jaw dropped, slowly and with an ominous hiss

    29. She would have laughed at thinking 'just a starship' if she had thawed from her terror yet

    30. "You have caused this," she knew she was getting into harangue mode and didn't care, it was either that or quake in terror and letting her mood look like hysterical anger was better than hysterical fear

    31. Then he was left to a night of terror somewhere in an unknown wilderness

    32. Her principle role was to ensure that I was kept in the dark and that records in the department were appropriately doctored … poor woman, she’s been living in terror since you appeared at the offices that day

    33. He got to tell Desa about his first night and the terror that he had

    34. that tore me into shreds of terror

    35. They all scrambled back a good distance from the pool and Desa allowed herself a full-bodied shriek of terror

    36. One hit the knife that Desa was holding out in front of her, face contorted in terror

    37. It was a time of great confusion, great terror, and mind-numbing fear

    38. Panic, that alien terror,

    39. My parents started screaming, the high pitch terror jolting me back onto the side

    40. All the terror and the rest could wait

    41. And yes, I live in terror of you realising just what a stupid thing it would be to marry me

    42. the earth, sneezed once, retired to his bed in terror, and there he

    43. nourishment that it was he who recoiled in fear and terror when

    44. listen helplessly as Drew screamed in terror while they

    45. trapped emotions of fear, terror and abandonment

    46. dastardly act of terror or vandalism taking place somewhere in the

    47. screams of terror would awaken her husband and

    48. revealed that emotions of panic, terror and fear had

    49. I could only imagine the terror he must have

    50. off by the coyote wasn’t terror, or anything like that

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    Sinônimos para "terror"

    terror affright panic brat holy terror little terror scourge threat apprehension consternation alarm dismay dread fright horror fear