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    Utiliser "cipher" dans une phrase

    cipher exemples de phrases





    1. He parks up in front of a solid nineteen-thirties semi-detached house, its bow front belly and mock Tudor adornments standing proudly against the night sky, a cipher for deep suburban, middle-aged contentment

    2. I’m going to win the Planet Earth, and as soon as I have The Singularity, I’ll toss the whole planet into the sun!” Lou Cipher said with a diabolical laugh

    3. “What do you have to say to that, child?” Lou Cipher asked a very terrified Monica

    4. "It's the Cipher Squadron," a small voice said from down low

    5. "Cipher Squadron! What's next, the Death Guard?" Drua'd boomed, his thunderous voice causing several nearby workers to pause their tasks

    6. If it wasn't for the help of the Cipher Squadron his forces very well could've lost

    7. Backing 2 (theatre& adepts), Followers 2 (his cult in egypt already exists and has Cipher 2

    8. Stuart was certain that Simon never did anything without a reason, and he was pretty sure that there was a cipher in all this

    9. During the whole train journey, he tried to break the cipher but none of the words answered

    10. Simon had said it was the key to the whole operation, and it occurred to Stuart to try it on his cipher

    11. A was N, the fourteen letter of the alphabet, and so represented by XIV in the cipher

    12. bitches? Get the fuck out of my cipher with that shit, for real!” The burly man

    13. But the true cipher breakdown

    14. Therefore the order probably was deliberate and might then be the cipher

    15. He considered the possibility that it was scrambled but, ultimately, decided using the first letter of each word in the clue wasn't the correct cipher

    16. Or maybe they needed a better cipher

    17. "It's a really simple cipher, but that's the most coherent, strongest solution we’ve found

    18. Before one of them could turn around to see who the culprit was that interrupted their cipher, Brian pulled out his Smith and Wesson 40

    19. cipher, that the union with the Higher Self can take place

    20. Blackburn had been a cipher specialist working in Paris when Anna and Travis were there

    21. A cipher clerk, a guard or perhaps the chauffeur may be a KGB officer and possess a higher rank than senior diplomats including the ambassador

    22. We both had both been in to hip hop since we were kids and it turned out Dug didn"t mind a bit of a cipher

    23. He had written it in Sanskrit, which was his mother tongue, and he had encoded the even lines in the private cipher of the Emperor Augustus and the odd ones in a Lacedemonian military code

    24. the cipher for the new codes I can’t be sure of where it went after that

    25. cipher what the writing on the scrolls truly meant

    26. For that, I think, we shall need a special code or cipher

    27. Sir Robin Algar was able to report that he had already set in train plans for a special video link hot line and a one-off cipher for use during the operation, and that he was meeting a top official from the Bank of England tomorrow

    28. First of all, Sir Robin Algar had a meeting in his office with Air Commodore Paul Bridges and a cipher expert, and, much later, Tony Weaver had word that the President would want to talk to him on the hot line tomorrow afternoon, at about nine o’clock Washington time

    29. The Air Commodore now knows that we want an additional, secure hot line to Washington, he also knows we need a special code and cipher system for a Top Secret operation, and he knows I have met with the Head of Security at the Bank of England, and why I did so - Vaughan is an old friend of his, and a retired Commander from Scotland Yard by the way

    30. Using this crude cipher on a line by line basis would sometimes result in telex

    31. Google translate spat this out for me to scrawl into cipher:

    32. mathematical commands that cipher and de-cipher

    33. “I cannot be conquered by such a cipher as he!”

    34. Once you split yourself into unconnected aspects, once you split the way you relate to other humans, once you can treat an employee, a customer, a clerk, as a mere cipher, then you have also split-destroyed not only your own connectiveness, your own ability to love, trust, to change, grow, learn, but you have also split-destroyed your own humanity, your ability to be a whole person

    35. It works much the same as a basic replacement cipher except that there is much more

    36. And forthwith cipher and show me to a cent,

    37. A mystic cipher waits infolded

    38. Benedetto could read, write, and cipher perfectly, for when the fit seized him, he learned more in a day than others in a week

    39. "Leave me alone to cipher out a way so we can run in the

    40. It really was unbreakable, because it was similar to a substitution cipher but based on a story that Robert Puller had created and then taught, word for word, to his younger brother over and over until even all these years later Puller could remember it in detail

    41. "Underneath is written in a hand so shaky as to be hardly legible, 'Beddoes writes in cipher to say H

    42. arrangements at Liverpool, whilst I was stationed at the inn at Kenyon, where I awaited a cipher signal to act

    43. He’s always been, despite that menacing jollity of his, sort of a cipher

    44. I remembered his nicknames for her: “Simple Cipher,” “The Headless Hausfrau,” “Blonde Cow

    45. He hadn’t pried the cipher from her mind

    46. His gaze demanded she enter the cipher

    47. That’s what Trevast had told her as he died, and that’s why she’d fought so hard to keep the cipher to herself

    48. The only way to stop that is to give me the cipher

    49. She could have given you the cipher at any time

    50. “And if she had given up the cipher on the Obsidian, the Saricean’s files would be in an intelligence committee whose members were handpicked by me

    1. traceable, albeit through a series of complex clues and ciphered maps

    2. Any code used by the Formo-Creators of the brain (mostly, these are all possible VVU-Configurations of Formo-copies) — due to its holographousness — admits absolutely different variants of restructuring and interpretation of the VVU-Information initially ciphered in it

    3. It cannot be otherwise: if the designations that have been initially included in it represented an exact copy of the original ciphered in it, then the Formo-Creators of the brain simply wouldn’t had any chances for its multivariant deciphering, that is, all variants of decisions made by “a personality” would have been only unambiguous, which doesn’t correspond anyhow to the principles of duvuyllerrtness and skrruullerrtness of all qualitative Levels of the Creative Dynamics of Energy-Plasma

    4. Through the Creative Activity of the Formo-Creators of our Self-Consciousness on the Levels of a high-qualitative resopason, we as if “attract” the dynamics of our FCA to the NUU-VVU-Configurations that are already initially structured by this flaks VVU-Information (together with the FLAKS-Idea ciphered in it), “unpack-unfold” it in the high-frequency part of our information space, after which it is immediately karmo-quantized by our best Conceptions (already existing SFUURMM-Forms about architecture) of the future house and transforms in our Imagination into a particular image, which then is put on paper (that is, primitively “materialized”) in the form of a schematic picture or a detailed drawing of the house, which, perhaps, one day will be manifested in “future” stages of our rotation Cycle

    5. When he had ciphered it out he told me how we was to do; then we went and waited around the spoon-basket till we see Aunt Sally coming, and then Tom went to counting the spoons and laying them out to one side, and I slid one of them up my sleeve, and Tom says:

    6. Ciphered message sent via Codex

    7. Anyway, it lays there a long time and gets rusty; and by and by somebody finds an old yellow paper that tells how to find the marks—a paper that's got to be ciphered over about a week because it's mostly signs and hy'roglyphics

    1. teach young kids the tricks of reading and writing and ciphering, but

    2. Which is it? If in 2006, Richard had not been able to give his daughter anything for four years with there being nine years left of his sentence, in 2007 wouldn’t he have not given his daughter a present in five years with eight years remaining on his sentence? I know jailbirds don’t usually have reputations as scholastic superstars, but it doesn’t take much mathematical aptitude to arrive at that piece of ciphering properly

    1. Stuart had always had a head for things like chess and brainteaser, and he always felt that if required he would be pretty good at deciphering ciphers

    2. The ciphers are powerful and ambitious; they only depend on the speed of the creation and actuation of diverse Bank3Sector

    3. ciphers the company had put in place

    4. On Wednesdays the whole wing cooked and ate a big meal together and then did the dish"s so this is when the ciphers went down

    5. The ciphers would mainly be held down by me and Tilly but heaps of lads had there moments

    6. It was ful of codes and ciphers, bloody nightmare it was

    7. codes and ciphers, the likes of which neither of us has ever seen

    8. inkling of the codes and ciphers, we began to see that he runs through absolutely

    9. I shall be setting up a special hot line for this operation, with new one-off ciphers and that sort of thing

    10. Our own codes and ciphers are always being changed, of course, both the diplomatic and defence ones, so there are plenty of experts about

    11. “Remember what I said - both senders and recipients need access to the same codes and ciphers, and I don’t want to disseminate them worldwide if that’s not necessary, for obvious security reasons

    12. She remembered long hours agonizing over ciphers made difficult because they were based on Shanghai criminal jargon

    13. "That is one penny for every ten pennies we made with the mind reading of ciphers and dice," he gleefully exclaimed

    14. You will all learn to read and write and to do ciphers

    15. They were ciphers to be ruled by the whip

    16. It did not come with the torture of the citizens, their treatment as ciphers, it did not come with the rigging of elections, it did not come with the falling standard of living, with the few fabulously rich

    17. One was called "The Book of Liveries," in which he described seven hundred and three liveries, with their colours, mottoes, and ciphers, from which gentlemen of the court might pick and choose any they fancied for festivals and revels, without having to go a-begging for them from anyone, or puzzling their brains, as the saying is, to have them appropriate to their objects and purposes; "for," said he, "I give the jealous, the rejected, the forgotten, the absent, what will suit them, and fit them without fail

    18. I am fairly familiar with all forms of secret writings, and am myself the author of a trifling monograph upon the subject, in which I analyze one hundred and sixty separate ciphers; but I confess that this is entirely new to me

    19. When Lydgate was taking part in the conversation, she never looked towards him any more than if she had been a sculptured Psyche modelled to look another way: and when, after being called out for an hour or two, he re-entered the room, she seemed unconscious of the fact, which eighteen months before would have had the effect of a numeral before ciphers

    20. Napoleon was accustomed to gaze steadily at war; he never added up the heart-rending details, cipher by cipher; ciphers mattered little to him, provided that they furnished the total, victory; he was not alarmed if the beginnings did go astray, since he thought himself the master and the possessor at the end; he knew how to wait, supposing himself to be out of the question, and he treated destiny as his equal: he seemed to say to fate, Thou wilt not dare

    21. " They lived nameless, designated only by numbers, and converted, after a manner, into ciphers themselves, with downcast eyes, with lowered voices, with shorn heads, beneath the cudgel and in disgrace

    22. Such and such a pick-axe with the idea, such a pick with ciphers

    23. "40 Diplomatic ciphers are slang; the pontifical chancellery by using 26 for Rome, grkztntgzyal for despatch, and abfxustgrnogrkzu tu XI

    24. Did my secret self put those ciphers there? Feed zero, get zero? So I, John Redleigh, sum myself

    25. I am fairly familiar with all forms of secret writings, and am myself the author of a trifling monograph upon the subject, in which I analyze one hundred and sixty separate ciphers, but I confess that this is entirely new to me

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    Synonymes pour "cipher"

    cipher cypher cryptograph secret code nobody nonentity aught goose egg nada naught nil nix nothing null zero zilch zip zippo 0 nought calculate compute figure reckon work out code encipher encrypt inscribe write in code count add estimate blank