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    Utiliser "discrepancy" dans une phrase

    discrepancy exemples de phrases


    1. There is some discrepancy in the doctrine of the Church about where the Holy Spirit is and when he is there

    2. “But how can it be an edge to all of us at once?” Deni was sure there was a discrepancy here and her mind clasped it instantly

    3. His only hope was that his AI had noticed the discrepancy and was boosting the bubble’s own power

    4. No relativistic effect could account for this kind of discrepancy

    5. Why would there be a difference? To analyse this apparent discrepancy, he made a list in which he collected all verses from the New Testament in which the word "God" occurred with the article "the" and all those without it

    6. This apparent discrepancy in the first verse of the Gospel of John would later provide scientific proof of the numerical structure underlining the entire text of the scripture

    7. Discrepancy is always an interesting key to opening the doors of an investigation

    8. He knew the significance of discrepancy

    9. The reason for the discrepancy is that each faction chose their own names independently, just as they wrote their own manifestos independently, and formed their own customs and rules independently (to a certain extent, anyway)

    10. There are many reasons that could account for this discrepancy

    11. "There's a wide discrepancy, and we need to know," Drapeau told As It Happens

    12. In the realm of theory there was a conspicuous discrepancy between the Jewish belief in the Divine choice of the Jewish nation and in its glorious future on the one hand and on the other the present reality of the Roman Empire’s omnipotent rule

    13. This discrepancy found vent in increasing messianic hopes and in expectations that the eternal kingdom of the Jewish nation would be established

    14. He was a master at glancing at an analysis sheet that covered most of a large table and pointing out a discrepancy, inconsistency or outright error

    15. Our researchers have yet to reconcile the discrepancy between those two facts, but I suspect that we will soon

    16. Irony reminds us of this discrepancy by bringing

    17. appears to be a widespread problem emerging with this - we can see a growing discrepancy

    18. The chart recorder had started to show that there was a serious discrepancy

    19. and saw a discrepancy of thousands of dollars

    20. You will notice there is a discrepancy

    21. That was the first possible solution to the discrepancy but the user wouldn’t buy it

    22. If two people are relatively compatible but there is a wide discrepancy in their laughing habits and pun proliferation, these disparities could spell trouble

    23. The reason for the discrepancy is that most people equate concentration with

    24. the discrepancy between the readings

    25. The discrepancy that I mentioned earlier should reinforce the fact that you need not go to Burger King to get a whopper

    26. On the other hand, if the site says his age is three or six, there is an obvious discrepancy

    27. In either case, you may be able to find a birth record that would confirm matters or explain a discrepancy, if there is one

    28. In the case of a discrepancy, don’t insist that your date is incorrect while that of the census is infallible

    29. If there’s a discrepancy, you could check with another source or trust what facts are in the death notice

    30. It’s a discrepancy we must look into,” Nocturna noted

    31. To observe this discrepancy, note

    32. amount of income could have beaten the discrepancy unless retained earnings were

    33. This discrepancy can best be observed by

    34. the discrepancy from the high skew of the population with two close numbers at the low

    35. Asked about that discrepancy between meat, vegetable and fish availability, one of the cooks answered Joseph readily enough

    36. Enterprise that the Iotians would have captured with a ground based telescope, with one minor discrepancy

    37. “What was the discrepancy?” Owens asked, intrigued

    38. Trini explained the discrepancy in taste to appearance in that the Iotians could see the food and get the look, but without a recipe chances were it would not be the same

    39. God says: “Why do they not ponder on the Qur’an? Had it been from other than Al’lah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy

    40. Depending on the intent of the display discrepancy and the strength of the

    41. “I do not deny the clear discrepancy between these two prisoners

    42. false or deceptive because there is a discrepancy between the

    43. {152-1} trece, a slight discrepancy; according to the statement atthe beginning of the story there were fourteen

    44. statements and discrepancy of their accounts with one

    45. immediately jump to the conclusion that there are falling disparities because of the falling discrepancy we

    46. By measure of mass discrepancy all the falling went the way of the apple

    47. Extra or missing cheques, higher or lower dollar totals would be picked up as a discrepancy in a flash, and processing halted until you resolved the mismatch

    48. This is why the discrepancy between what happened during the first instant and everything else which happened after it seems so disproportionate

    49. Have you ever noticed this tiny discrepancy in newspapers and books? The poor are categorized as a class

    50. Then it would be true to say, that any perceived discrepancy, and the only potential ambiguity and question remaining today, regarding the person Jesus Christ, would be about whether He really was/ is the Son of ‘God’, that is, the Son of the Creator

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    Synonymes pour "discrepancy"

    disagreement discrepancy divergence variance variant inconsistency difference dissimilarity disparity