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    Utiliser "first-year" dans une phrase

    first-year exemples de phrases


    1. He had been required in his first-year English course at college to read Maugham’s Of Human Bondage

    2. The first-year curriculum mirrors that of the full-time MBA program

    3. One of the perennial topics of first-year University courses in Sociology concerns whether or not

    4. During supper, instead of mingling with everyone he stood chatting to Stephen, a first-year Art School student he’d never dared to speak to during previous sessions because he seemed so self-confident and aloof

    5. Variation 2: Send a thank-you card on their first-year anniversary as your client or for another

    6. Matthews set the towel he was holding in his right hand onto the edge the table where his surgical tools were waiting to be used, then glanced at the first-year pre-med student and cleared his throat

    7. Morty, a first-year employee, blushed in embarrassment

    8. even have the experience of a 'first-year rookie

    9. ‘You are third,’ a first-year student volunteer who assisted in placements told me

    10. Being such a clever first-year teacher, I thought of the lockers in the hallway

    11. This figure was a lot higher for teachers of first-year students

    12. Supposedly Volkheimer has carried three first-years across the river by holding them above his head; supposedly he has lifted the tail end of the commandant’s automobile high enough to slip a jack under the axle

    13. “First-year employees are only entitled to a week

    14. She seemed young enough to be a graduate student, but by December, Alice would have at least recognized even a first-year student

    15. In the days just before and following matriculation each year, it always amused her to see the first-year students who weren’t from New England

    16. In fact, the average amount of time a first-year, full-time employee spends in training is 263 hours versus the retail industry average of 7 hours

    17. • There is also a long-term reversal effect for 1-to-5-year lagged returns, often seen as the flip side of the first-year momentum effect (overreaction followed by a return to fair value)

    18. In return for the pleasure he afforded them, they coached him in first-year law, and gave him pointers about the professors’ idiosyncrasies, feeling well repaid by his enthusiastic reports of his good progress, and of the encouraging impression he was making on his instructors

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