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    Utiliser "garb" dans une phrase

    garb exemples de phrases




    1. He is just as we saw him before, unconscious, dressed in hospital garb

    2. Terry Bolt, now dressed to the hilt in traditional garb, sits on one side of the bus, furiously studying a copy of the Koran and mumbling to himself

    3. The screen shows a scantily clad Indian girl in traditional, but rather skimpy, garb gyrating and singing

    4. An annoying nasal voice gives the call to noon prayer just as Terry Bolt - decked out in traditional garb -

    5. A young woman stood in front of her wearing the same official garb as the guard

    6. Their garb is similar to the men’s with skirts instead of trousers

    7. Half the people in this room were women, but non of them were in Minoan revival garb

    8. heart sank as he recognised the garb of a Cardinal, and he

    9. He was nearly on him, could almost reach out and grab hold of his soiled garb

    10. Neither their substitutions, nor fidei commisses, bear any resemblance to entails, though some French lawyers have thought proper to dress the modern institution in the language and garb of those ancient ones

    11. Dressed in his royal garb, Nebuchadnezzar was certainly an imposing figure with the sun reflecting off his crown and his fingers decorated with numerous rings of gold

    12. The king entered the hall first, dressed to the hilt in his full royal garb, his shining crown neatly positioned on his head

    13. Alex took her home, changed into his western garb, and helped her with the chores

    14. Another old man, wearing similar garb sat down to the General's right

    15. Deputies Dumpus and Porge were hanging around the dock where the Calamity was berthed, both dressed in sailor’s garb

    16. Longish black hair that needed washing, a dark tan and of course, the cowboy garb

    17. She went into the other little room of her tiny apartment, and came out with similar garb to mine

    18. There was also a group of gypsies dressed in their traditional colorful garb begging for alms

    19. I wondered briefly what Langdon had thought of the garb worn by the two guys who were supposed to be cops on the old television show – and the newer movie - Miami Vice

    20. Plus there is garb for you to put over your pants and shirt as well; along with sterile gloves, a mask and an item that looks like a shower cap

    21. When I was done putting on my cancer unit garb I left the dressing room and entered The Cancer Unit with extra weight on my shoulders

    22. I divested of my cancer unit garb and headed towards the hospital exit

    23. Most of the warriors appeared as if they were from medieval times, but occasionally one was dressed in modern garb

    24. Learned from the missionaries, this was the traditional garb of the Herero women from a northern part of the territory

    25. I had to put on disposable theatre garb before opening the closed door to his room

    26. Bob Donovan, who was a Winslow friend of Bob near age 50, had just been ordained (by AZ’s Bishop, not a seminary) as an Episcopal priest, worked as our private investigator—often in his clerical garb

    27. became the wedding garb of a democratized church, bent on preparing men and in

    28. ” Moving now with more assurance at the sight of familiar garb, he continued, “They have all gone! There’s no one here to oversee what we do

    29. Moving now with more assurance at the sight of familiar garb, he continued, “They have all

    30. It was a Rotham in grey prison garb with long black hairs on his chin that seemed out of place on his scaly-like skin

    31. His garb was that of an imperial aristocrat

    32. She was dressed in a sailor’s rough garb

    33. I didn’t think they were talking about me, nor did I notice that the clown was the same one that stood at the entrance, minus the barker’s garb

    34. on the road, I could cross over to Tibet easily in my pilgrim' s garb, when I

    35. Thus objurgated, Yasmela allowed the girl to garb her in the light sleeveless silk shirt, over which was slipped a silken tunic, bound at the waist by a wide velvet girdle

    36. Roelle’s garb were soft blousy pants that were almost a skirt, leather boots that hugged her calves and off the shoulder pink blouse that tied in front and had a black lace up vest

    37. He was dressed like a hillman, but his dark features and blazing blue eyes did not match his garb

    38. His garb was common enough for that country—a coarse tunic, belted at the waist, short leather breeches beneath, and soft buckskin boots that came short of the knee

    39. His garb was similar to hers, except that he wore a broad leather belt instead of a girdle

    40. success and, upon coming home, change into the garb of a traditional mother and

    41. It would be a long time before he wore anything but prison garb

    42. She stood straight and tall before him, and in spite of her ragged garb, her features, clear-cut and aquiline, and her keen black eyes, were not those of a common peasant woman

    43. The man in the black garb tore his hood from his head and flung it to the ground; he set his back to the closed door and lifted the headsman's ax

    44. The old watchman had a glimpse of him, but could only say that he was a giant, clad in the black garb of the executioner, whose naked body we found in an empty cell

    45. From a thicket on the edge of the crest came a somber old woman in peasant garb, her hair flowing over her shoulders, a great gray wolf following at her heels

    46. traded his tailored court clothes for the working garb of a

    47. MIQAT: Designated stations where pilgrims put on the Ihram garb

    48. awake, he checked his disguise and adjusted his garb, partly

    49. The door of the waiting lounge suddenly opened and Nancy’s obstetrician entered, still wearing surgical garb now stained with some blood and amniotic fluid

    50. � She instinctively reached for her Glock 26 pistol, which she was wearing hidden under her hospital garb, ready to pull it out if this turned out to be a German assassination attempt on her

    1. were once more garbed in normal clothing

    2. There was a small group of colourfully garbed figures up there

    3. She was garbed in ancient clothing with a long cape like a witch, all black of course

    4. Skeets and his sister, ‗Chita, lived in a low water boot camp operated by a motherly martinet but they were always clean and neatly garbed

    5. appeared garbed in the burka, not only did it reduce temptation by way

    6. After a warm shower she threw her clothing in a washer in the basement and, garbed in the tunic, sat drinking a cup of herb tea at the kitchen table

    7. Garbed in her gray tunic, blue scapular, and small blue veil, Sister Jane de Chantal began the business of the meeting in the midst of the others who were similarly habited, with one in the orange color of flame, by recapping recent events thus far:

    8. saw that engraved on the rock above was a picture of a woman garbed in priest

    9. She wasn�t wearing that sheer nightgown anymore, and was now garbed in a dress similar in fashion to the one she wore yesterday

    10. first four of these he had only roamed about garbed in a holy man’s

    11. the clouds thickening until the light of the sun could barely be seen, flashes of lightning illuminated the clouds and from a distance she could hear the rumble of thunder, “What in-” she began but Rufus whined pitifully and as a lightning flash illuminated the skyline she saw it, a figure garbed in black and carrying a crossbow

    12. He was not garbed with honors, educational pursuits and other trimmings

    13. Edgar swept his kerchief the length of his body and also assumed humanoid form, but shorter and stockier; pale of complexion and garbed in similar style

    14. Her eyes traveled down the line of thousands of armed sea-dwellers garbed in black battle gear

    15. changed sea boots for buckled slippers but he was still garbed

    16. Look at her, I say, garbed in pants, gloves and earmuffs

    17. The following morning the servants, now garbed in brown robes instead of the priestly red, helped Isabel bathe, re-braided her hair and fitted her into a thick black leather sleeveless tunic, steel breast and shoulder plates, black leather fingerless gloves with steel wrist plates attached, thick black boots and steel shin guards

    18. Though palpably a radically altered man he was still a commanding figure though carelessly garbed as usual with that look of settled purpose which went a long way with the shillyshallyers till they discovered to their vast discomfiture that their idol had feet of clay after placing him upon a pedestal which she, however, was the first to perceive

    19. Looking at her picture, garbed in Saint Anne’s conventional red dress, Merthin suffered an access of painful honesty, and asked himself whether he had really loved her

    20. ” A riding club trotted by on a herd of quarter-horses, all garbed up in rodeo splendor, humans and animals

    21. That was before King Aerys had ascended to the Iron Throne and made him the Hand, but even so he cut a striking figure, garbed in smoke and scarlet with Dark Sister on his hip

    22. There were knights and squires, a dozen children, several old men, three septas in white robes and hoods…and one soft, fleshy lady of high birth, garbed in a gown of dark blue damask trimmed with Myrish lace, so long its hems were trailing in the dirt

    23. That was the sort of name a hedge knight might choose, but Dunk had never seen any hedge knight garbed or armed or mounted in such splendor

    24. Egg stood before him, freshly bathed and garbed in princely raiment, as would befit a nephew of the king

    25. Philander, in icy tones, "the time has arrived when patience becomes a crime and mayhem appears garbed in the mantle of virtue

    26. The trip to the beach was uneventful, and the morning after they dropped anchor before the cabin, Tarzan, garbed once more in his jungle regalia and carrying a spade, set out alone for the amphitheater of the apes where lay the treasure

    27. The others were waiting, garbed in oilskins, candles in their caps—precautionary measures which inclined Mr

    1. This egregious decision by our legal men and women in hallowed garbs was

    2. The dashing of the wind was stirring their garbs and disturbing their hairs

    3. He was not coming alone; was accompanied by seven oriental magicians decked with elegant garbs, riding on massive camels decorated also with metallic skeletons of magisterial coloring

    4. There was a lazhinian man slumped down in a corner, wearing brown garbs under his yellow coat

    5. People spoke a variety of languages and were dressed in various garbs

    6. Their depravities and the disparities are real but the Indian Musalmans don’t seem to mind as long as Islam is not in danger, and egging on them to remain that way are their Hindu detractors in their pseudo-secular garbs, who routinely shed crocodile tears to score Brownie ‘secular’ points; if the Musalmans were to imbibe liberal attitudes, of what relevance could be the pseudo-secular platitudes of the media savvy Satan’s?

    7. As on all occasions when the matter to be proclaimed was from the magistrates, Thomas, on this, was attended by the town-officers in their Sunday garbs, and with their halberts in their hands; but the abominable and irreverent creature was so drunk, that he wamblet to and fro over the drum, as if there had not been a bane in his body

    8. Around the tents, over more than five acres, bloodstained men in various garbs stood, sat, or lay

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    attire dress garb apparel clothe enclothe fit out garment habilitate raiment tog clothing garments habit form mode semblance cut guise fashion array