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    1. “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has

    2. Jake kept her in the Riders Hall so she would be near Collin and they could help each other grieve

    3. I can also console her a little perhaps help her to grieve … preferably with her husband

    4. Dana certainly had reasons to grieve, and

    5. Our mothers and sisters will grieve no more

    6. She had begun to grieve

    7. When tragedy strikes, such as the death of a loved one — especially before “his time” — we grieve for our loss

    8. However, we also grieve for the “loss of the belief that it shouldn’t have happened at all

    9. Do not grieve too long for them

    10. We grieve, (internally) however, for ourselves

    11. wish to acclaim those things which I should grieve,

    12. – We all grieve and in grief, there is not always mastery

    13. You grieve, you have suffered, you have lost, you have wept, and it is all right

    14. Grieve, Enilia, weep for Laino, weep for the life you cannot have here, weep for the safety you can no longer return to

    15. Later they would have time to grieve

    16. But grieve, though, Enilia

    17. “I left him to grieve with his faction as I grieve with mine

    18. She is too young to grieve for my dad much longer

    19. Or maybe I am too apprehensive about what’s coming to grieve properly

    20. me, and that you would keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested

    21. I need no longer grieve

    22. He continued to grieve, rolling over on the concrete, grasping at his chest

    23. Ellen, especially, continued to grieve and brood, her long, moody musings broken only by fits of stormy, passionate weeping

    24. In fact, with cremation it is a case of where the eye does not see the heart does not grieve

    25. 40 How oft did they provoke him in the wilderness, and grieve him in the desert!

    26. He couldn’t do anything but grieve

    27. he does not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men

    28. There will be a time to grieve

    29. 8 Let it not grieve you to bow down your ear to the poor, and give him a friendly answer with meekness

    30. 28 There be two things that grieve my heart; and the third makes me angry, a man of war who suffers poverty; and men of

    31. 1 And I answered and said: 'So then I am destined to grieve for Zion, for your enemies will come to this place and pollute Your

    32. that which shall please her, and grieve her not

    33. bottom line here is that Paul expects us to grieve

    34. grieve for them as for the dead

    35. 16 "He further said to me, 'When you have taken them for yourself, give them to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life, and give them to drink of the water of peace; and clothe them in a garment of light, and restore them to their former state of grace, and leave them not in misery, for they came from you; But grieve not over them, nor repent of that which has come on them

    36. Fear not, you souls of the righteous, and be hopeful you who have died in righteousness; And grieve not if your soul into Sheol has descended in grief; And that in your life your body fared not according to your goodness; But wait for the day of the judgement of sinners; And for the day of cursing and chastisement; And yet when you die the sinners speak over you:

    37. But when one man dies at the hand of man, I grieve ex-

    38. Of course I grieve for the accidental deaths of war, but the pain is more acute and the tears more profuse when thousands of innocents close to us are targets of international mortal attacks

    39. 21 And Joseph answered and said, If all the kings of the land should assemble they will not be able to take your brother from my hand; and Judah said, What shall we say to our father, when he sees that our brother comes not with us, and will grieve over him?

    40. Allow yourself to grieve, don’t always be so strong

    41. And they said: What is the trouble and disease? And Seth answered and said to him; Is it that you remember the fruits of paradise of which you did eat, and grieve yourself because of the desire of theme If it is so, tell me, and I will go and bring you fruit from paradise

    42. 16 "He further said to me 'When you have taken them for yourself give them to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life and give them to drink of the water of peace; and clothe them in a garment of light and restore them to their former state of grace and leave them not in misery for they came from you; But grieve not over them nor repent of that which has come on them

    43. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that You would bless me indeed, and make my border larger, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, so that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he asked

    44. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested

    45. Fear not you souls of the righteous and be hopeful you who have died in righteousness; And grieve not if your soul into Sheol has descended in grief; And that in your life your body fared not according to your goodness; But wait for the day of the judgement of sinners; And for the day of cursing and chastisement; And yet when you die the sinners speak over you:

    46. in therapy for years learning how to grieve for him and for the

    47. grieve the mother I wished she'd been

    48. I have been thinking about what it means to grieve the mother I

    49. wished she was, and found that there is little to grieve

    50. mentioned the need to grieve the things that were done to us

    1. The very thing that grieved the heart of God – to be rejected by the people so that they might follow a man – is what we have in our modern day Christianity

    2. How many of us have “touched” the Lord’s anointed by raising objections to denominations, church leaders, etc? David’s heart was grieved because he cut the edge of Saul’s robe

    3. Ken still grieved for his wife, but the years made the tears taste less bitter and fall less frequently, and with his strapping son rapidly becoming his closest friend, he began to feel in his bones an old, familiar stirring

    4. Even though I was not grieved about

    5. still grieved for his wife, but the years made the tears taste less

    6. This so grieved his sick father who was dying; yet, in spite of his mother’s tears and prayers, Aladdin did not change

    7. I still grieved for brave Euredon, of course

    8. I felt so grieved for Nikos and Philippos, rotting there unburied in the cave of Polyphemus, I couldn’t bring myself to care about the storm

    9. Who has never grieved or mourned who has (once) loved?

    10. Ashamed and grieved of his trespasses

    11. It was the death of my innocence, and it grieved me

    12. It grieved Edgar to see Raul go but, for him, it was right

    13. How he had grieved when he heard of his cousin’s death

    14. We honored Nichtin and loved and grieved together

    15. - Since I left Tinby less than half a year ago, I have grieved more, lost more and been more afraid than ever before in my life

    16. When mother died, I grieved

    17. Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved, but truly as the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, there is but a step between me and death

    18. Yet again, the dead were remembered and grieved

    19. Faith flounced around to the veranda, where she found Una grieved in spirit because the Clow girls had not waved to her, either

    20. Heb 3:17 But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?

    21. 4 So Esther's maids and her chamberlains came and told it her; Then was the queen exceedingly grieved; and she sent raiment to

    22. 25 Did I not weep for him who was in trouble? Was not my soul grieved for the poor?

    23. 10 Forty years long was I grieved with this generation, and said, It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known my

    24. 10 The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: the desire of the wicked shall perish

    25. 158 I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved; because they kept not your word

    26. and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when you were refused, says your God

    27. your hand; therefore you were not grieved

    28. 3 O Lord, are not your eyes on the truth? You have stricken them, but they have not grieved; you have consumed

    29. 10 When Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, heard of it, it grieved them exceedingly

    30. grieved the loss of his daughter

    31. 8 And it grieved me sorely; therefore I cast out all the household stuff to Tobiah out of the

    32. 15 I Daniel was grieved in my spirit in the midst of my body, and

    33. shall come against him, therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he

    34. David; 6 Who drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the chief ointments, but they are not grieved for the affliction of

    35. He knew because he watched her how she grieved, how she cried herself to sleep

    36. 24 They kept neither lives nor marriages any longer undefiled, but either one killed another traitorously, or grieved him by adultery

    37. 25 Bow down your shoulder, and bear her, and be not grieved with her bonds

    38. 9 In the prosperity of a man enemies will be grieved, but in his adversity even a friend will depart

    39. 24 It is the rudeness of a man to listen at the door, but a wise man will be grieved with the disgrace

    40. 20 You did stain your honour, and pollute your seed, so that you brought wrath on your children, and were grieved for your folly

    41. this book we have in a few words in Psalms 95: 10:- “Forty years long was I grieved

    42. and see, she mourned and wept with a loud voice, and was much grieved in heart, and her clothes were rent, and she had ashes on her

    43. 39 Then I let my thoughts go that I was in, and turned myself to her, 40 And said to her, why weep you? Why are you so grieved

    44. 50 For now the Most High sees that you are grieved unfeignedly, and suffered from your whole heart for her,

    45. you have heard tidings of the good and evil things which are then coming and are grieved, what will you be when you shall note what

    46. us up out of Egypt, We shall come again and seek after those things which have been now; And be grieved with pain because of those

    47. which have come on you, and that you may be grieved also regarding the evil that has befallen your brethren; and again, also, that you

    48. hither, also, you 8 angels, bring what you have brought; And Michael was exceedingly grieved, and the angel who was with me,

    49. 7 He grieved also many kings, and made Jacob glad with his acts, and his memorial is blessed forever

    50. cause not only the Jews, but many also of other nations, took great indignation, and were much grieved for the unjust murder of the

    1. They say everyone grieves in a different way

    2. “Yes, and it grieves me every day

    3. The slothful hides his hand in his chest; it grieves him to bring it again to his mouth

    4. 3 He who teaches his son grieves the enemy, and before his friends he shall rejoice about him

    5. 79 And Sarah lifted up her voice and wept and cried out bitterly on account of her son; and she threw herself on the ground and she throw dust on her head, and she said, O my son, Isaac my son, O that I had this day died instead of you; And she continued to weep and said, It grieves me for you, O my son, my son Isaac, O that I had died this day in your stead

    6. 80 And she still continued to weep, and said, It grieves me for you after that I have reared you and have brought you up; now my joy is turned into mourning over you, I that had a longing for you, and cried and prayed to God till I bore you at ninety years old; and now have you served this day for the knife and the fire, to be made an offering

    7. 38 My son, my son Joseph, I have heard the voice of your weeping and the voice of your lamentation; I have seen your tears; I know your troubles, my son, and it grieves me for your sake, and abundant grief is added to my grief

    8. 25 0 that I had died in your stead Joseph my son, for it grieves me sadly for you my son, O my son, my son

    9. If I should say, I have hope, if I should have an husband also to night, and should also bear sons; 13 Would you tarry for them till they were grown? Would you stay for them from having husbands? no, my daughters; for it grieves me much for your sakes that the hand of the Lord is gone out against me

    10. “Dalia was her tutor in elementary wizardry, she grieves as do we all

    11. 79 And Sarah lifted up her voice and wept and cried out bitterly on account of her son; and she threw herself on the ground and she throw dust on her head and she said O my son Isaac my son O that I had this day died instead of you; And she continued to weep and said It grieves me for you O my son my son Isaac O that I had died this day in your stead

    12. 80 And she still continued to weep and said It grieves me for you after that I have reared you and have brought you up; now my joy is turned into mourning over you I that had a longing for you and cried and prayed to God till I bore you at ninety years old; and now have you served this day for the knife and the fire to be made an offering

    13. 38 My son my son Joseph I have heard the voice of your weeping and the voice of your lamentation; I have seen your tears; I know your troubles my son and it grieves me for your sake and abundant grief is added to my grief

    14. When the doubting man attempts any deed and fails in it on account of his doubt this grief enters into the man and grieves the Holy Spirit and crushes him out

    15. Both actions grieve the Spirit: doubt because it did not accomplish its object; and anger grieves the Spirit because it did what was wicked

    16. First he acts wickedly because he grieves the Holy Spirit which was given to man a cheerful Spirit

    17. His martyrdom grieves all of us

    18. It grieves me to think of leaving this house where I have worked for so many years, but filial duty must take precedence

    19. His family now grieves and his friends are in disbelief He was one of the nicest students that I have ever met He once told me that he’d never forget The poems that I shared with him

    20. So sexual sin grieves and dishonours what God has called us to be

    21. heart grieves with and for them during this time and I solicit your prayers and good

    22. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn

    23. With one look, her grieves and heartbreaks flew away

    24. He also grieves because he fears for the safety of Sanatan Dharm

    25. Krishn tells Arjun that while he grieves for those who are unworthy of

    26. Maybe the ants will really eat you, alas! When I thought of that, my heart grieves for you

    27. He was now trying to suppress the outburst of sorrows and grieves in his heart that

    28. It grieves, but does not attack

    29. This response grieves me for it shows how much we harbor murder and hatred in our souls, rather than love and mercy

    30. And He says: "There has now come to you a messenger of your own, one who grieves at your sinfulness and is solicitous over you, and to true believers, he is clement and merciful

    31. The true believer grieves and feels sorrow for them, for their loss will be great in the case that they die without repenting

    32. 'Father, it grieves me that you should talk in this manner

    33. caring Heavenly Father also grieves with us when we

    34. It isn't, of course, in any way a bad thing to trail shawls after you on country walks; there is nothing about it or him that shocks or grieves; he is very lovable

    35. 'And I can assure you the bishop never grieves without reason, or else in such a large diocese he would always be doing it

    36. 'That man this morning, for instance--did you ever hear anything like it? He was just the type of man, quite apart from his insolence, that most grieves the bishop

    37. “It grieves me deeply that fel-

    38. master grieves at the disrespect shown to him by one of his

    39. We know that what they say grieves you

    40. She grieves about Father, and looks sober except when she is at her little piano

    41. Meanwhile Don Quixote shut himself up in his room with Sancho, and when they were alone he said to him, "It grieves me greatly, Sancho, that thou shouldst have said, and sayest, that I took thee out of thy cottage, when thou knowest I did not remain in my house

    42. So much the better, my dear children, and may God send you every imaginable happiness! It grieves me not yet to have seen my dear little grand-daughter, Berthe Bovary

    43. it would have been all very well; but it really grieves me that he should have

    44. "There is only one thing which grieves me," observed the major, "and that is the necessity

    45. "Then the idea of this marriage really grieves you too? Ah, if you could but help me—if we could both together defeat their plan! But you are unable to oppose them,—you, whose mind is so quick, and whose will is so firm are nevertheless, as weak and unequal to the contest as I am myself

    46. 'Then he must be a noble beast indeed,' said Aragorn; 'and it grieves

    47. 'It is not lack of care that grieves me

    48. For that Reason, I retreated to this Monastery to pray out the Rest of my Days, hoping thereby to mitigate the Evils of a long Life of Errors, the Worst of which I shall now acquaint you with (tho’ it grieves me in the extream)

    49. She does not think evil, but she speaks it, speaks it in playfulness; and though I know it to be playfulness, it grieves me to the soul

    50. Thetis says to Achilles; 'Why weeps my son? what grieves thee? Speak, conceal not what hath laid such hard hand on thee, let both know

    1. In extremis I was bludgeoning my way with the utmost prejudice through the natural states of grieving

    2. She cried and cried and cried, grieving for the pride and the utter folly of her previous existence that had now laid her down so low

    3. All that public grieving - not for me, I'm afraid

    4. Grieving should be done in private

    5. She cried and cried and cried, grieving for the pride and the utter

    6. is grieving over the loss of a comrade

    7. He seemed to be genuinely grieving for her

    8. image of the grieving girl was still frozen on the screen, an image Johnson had

    9. “Esteban!” Freddy said with the sound of a grieving father

    10. grieving process, then gradually came around to the Enid

    11. long time, until the grieving mother’s tears turned to dry

    12. and those grieving the loss of a loved one

    13. She’d long since forced herself to stop grieving for her obliterated family

    14. Both lieutenants, Connor Griffiths and Talimay Singh, who was still absent in grieving over her lost brother, were in charge of the Ravenwey Burrows outpost and the Oakneil one respectively

    15. He briefly paused as he came up beside Mary, as if he wanted to console the hysterical, grieving woman, but he finally tore himself away

    16. but I am still alive!” The message continued to the effect that since life goes on even in the hereafter, the grieving person too needed to move on with her life despite whatever pain she was feeling then

    17. Armed with that knowledge, she no longer has any reservations talking about her daughter as most grieving parents do

    18. And she was expected to play the part of the grieving partner

    19. Josh’s wife Colleena had seemed to have already gone through the grieving process, and latterly would not even speak to her

    20. In fact the last thing I wanted to do was to relate the tale of Charlie’s death to his grieving mother it would not only upset her but it would upset me as well as starting off the nightmares again

    21. As a former Marine, I am ashamed at the way the Marine Corps treated this grieving father and war veteran

    22. She’s going through the grieving process

    23. As tears flowed down her face Kate was very careful not to let her grieving moans be heard and so, muffling her sobs, as she had done the last four nights, she cried herself to sleep

    24. What if along the way of his journey something happened to him and he did not make it back to Kate and the girls? What if Kate by now was in a deep depression grieving him? What if she was convinced he was dead?

    25. thing when it is necessary to counsel people who are grieving with a broken heart over

    26. The woman coming out of the spa with Mia was very much past that stage of grieving

    27. I wondered again what could be so important about this package that a grieving widow would send her only daughter to give it to me

    28. It was only natural if he was grieving that he’d be troubled in his sleep, though aloof sometimes, disenchanted and forgetful in his devotions

    29. At first, only mutual grieving seemed possible, but that only seemed to aggravate the pain within

    30. Ethan nodded his thanks and laughed despite himself, while James still sat there looking at Ethan seemingly unable to discern whether or not the man was simply drunk and already grieving, making up ideas

    31. Where they had come from again entered Zoran’s thoughts, a kind of grieving for all that had been lost to them

    32. leaving the old love grieving

    33. As if the light itself was grieving, it came out pale and vague without strength to light up Laru this morning

    34. Their faces were quizzical, hopeful, but still clearly grieving

    35. 2 And the victory that day was turned into mourning for all the people, for the people heard it said that day how the king was grieving

    36. And she is grieving over it

    37. It was because I was guilty and a part of me wanted to lose everything; a grieving, ailing part of me wanted to die

    38. As an undertaker, would you be able to do this, day in and day out, explain this vulgar despicable process over and over to all the grieving relatives, being interrogated by every relative every day?

    39. Then, the proverbial John and Jane arrives from 600 miles away to attend the funeral and the family is in total ecstasy to see John and Jane again, so much so they forget the event is actually a funeral – where somebody died you know…! Its greetings, conversations, loud laughter and merriment, before they even made it into house where the grieving family is at

    40. Many people will agree when I say the following: When an unknown or uninvited person accidently walks into a funeral reception by mistake, the only tell-tale lead that it may be a funeral reception, is (and only sometimes) one or two lonely people are sitting in a corner somewhere, grieving about the deceased, and oh yes… usually there’s more black garments, compared to a wedding

    41. “Now that we have each others addresses we must visit soon…they would reassure one another of their good intensions” Now and then they spot the grieving person, really sad and in no mood to join the jollification – “I wonder what’s with him?” they would say in a whispery voice, while nodding their heads in the direction of the grieving person

    42. Tears: To be grieving; distress of the soul; mourning; to come to repentance; intercession; judgment; to feel and show humility and/or sadness;

    43. but his heart told him that the grieving process had come and

    44. 24 And there shall be no more a pricking brier to the house of Israel, nor any grieving thorn of all that are round about them,

    45. 2 And I was grieving over Zion, and lamenting over the captivity

    46. 4 And Reuben tore his garments and he said, The child is not there, and how shall I reconcile my father about him if he be deade and he went to his brothers and found them grieving on account of Joseph, and counseling together how to reconcile their father about him, and Reuben said to his brothers, I came to the pit and note Joseph was not there, what then shall we say to our father, for my father will only seek the lad from me

    47. “And part of that is because you’re still grieving for him, I understand that

    48. When the heart hears sounds that agitate such grieving,

    49. or their grieving loved ones!

    50. He was survived by a four-year old daughter and a very beautiful, young grieving widow

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    Synonymes pour "grieve"

    grieve sorrow aggrieve agonise pain depress distress sadden mourn bemoan bewail suffer weep