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    Utiliser "halting" dans une phrase

    halting exemples de phrases


    1. Angie just sat, eyes enormous, listening to her husband’s halting, embarrassed recital

    2. my father raised his arm up with his palm flat toward me, halting me in my tracks

    3. Larry put his arm in front of my chest halting me before the amoeba

    4. Our ancestors fought them from world to world, all the while fleeing before them, never once halting their momentum

    5. ‘Trust me,’ the man said in halting but intelligible

    6. Her pace was slow and halting, but it served

    7. It worked in Australia in halting gun massacres

    8. Not one single president has succeeded in halting their terror campaigns

    9. As he distanced himself back from the wall to have more room to lash out to the chained man, a shout from across the chamber halted him with his whip barely halting in mid-air:

    10. He paused, halting there by the shoreline, savoring the first rays of the sun as they hit the land on the far shore of the lake

    11. Its halting restoration was assisted through meager contributions from neighbors in the “Hood

    12. in the halting of time

    13. He explained in halting Latin that it was time for the evening meal

    14. 5 A multitude of aged hoary-haired old men, were driven along with halting bending

    15. Ronald Reagan was most notable for halting communism in the world

    16. By halting your reactions, I do not only mean to

    17. But here is the first place to practice the halting I described above

    18. What did the Dweller say?” One of the elves walked up to them, halting Leora's interrogation

    19. And after, very long after it seemed, the halting, swaying, stumbling line came into sight of two squat images shimmering miragelike in the distance

    20. “For what? You?” the B-girl said in halting English,

    21. 5 A multitude of aged hoary-haired old men were driven along with halting bending feet urged onward by the impulse of a violent shameless force to quick speed

    22. temporary artificial menopause by halting the action of the ovaries

    23. They did this remarkable halting staccato march in perfect cadence

    24. The women in the study were given a medication to induce a temporary artificial menopause by halting

    25. The remaining Austrasian guard reached out a hand to detain Uybvahk, but he pulled loose and ran toward the forest, the guard halting to leave pursuit to the Earthmen

    26. ’ His two-handed axe had a lot better reach than the green talons that snaked up at him and his axe carved through the beasts rib’s just under the shoulder as it reached up for him, halting the creature’s attack

    27. We walked hesitatingly up the three flights as if reconsidering our visit, and the closer we got the more halting our steps became

    28. hugged his hand to my stomach, halting his advance

    29. reached up and covered his hand with hers, halting his caresses

    30. The great dragon stared with a seething intensity at the shooting star, perceiving the last and only real power that might stand a chance of halting the spread of the fire

    31. We seem to be halting and hesitating in our prayer, and perhaps this is why we do not often receive

    32. 'Nothing,' he answered guardedly, not halting his wary retreat

    33. in that halting, stuttery way that I found intolerable in the first two films, and downplayed the more stalker, creepy aspects of Edward’s

    34. In that moment of unreasoning panic even the thought of halting so near the inland sea was repugnant

    35. Halting before the great bronze-valved door, Conan caught Octavia by her shoulders and shook her in his intensity

    36. In halting words, I told the Prince what had happened to Murphy and he gripped my hand hard

    37. He spoke in halting Erhesh as if he had used it rarely and many years ago

    38. Halting before one of these doors, one of the blacks produced the key that hung at his girdle, and turned it in the lock

    39. So he moved across the pillaged land, halting only to rest his horse, eating frugally of the food Zelata had given him, until, on a dawn when he lay hidden on a river bank where willows and oaks grew thickly, he glimpsed, afar, across the rolling plains dotted with rich groves, the blue and golden towers of Tarantia

    40. But without hesitation he rode on to Messantia, halting day or night only to rest the stallion and to snatch a few winks of sleep for himself

    41. By Set!' she exclaimed, halting suddenly, her eyes flaring wide

    42. He paced back and forth as if some inner fire would not let him stand motionless, and halting before his wondering companions:

    43. But words came halting forth, wanting Invention's stay;

    44. “By the time they knew there was a threat we were already sparring,” Vaughn added, halting my next question, why were we not warned, in its tracks

    45. They spoke in halting terms of seeing the bodies of their beloved horses where they lay dead in the corral

    46. his head to avert their stares and spoke in a low, halting

    47. Jim hurried forward and stepped in front of Siri, halting him with an open hand to his chest

    48. “Let’s get back to Cory,” I told her, halting any questions she was about to ask

    49. It actually impaired his very steps, hesitating, then halting him

    50. ” Gary grabbed Richard’s forearm, halting him

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    Synonymes pour "halting"

    halting crippled game gimpy halt lame opposition impeding obstruction blocking hindrance resistance