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    Utiliser "nude" dans une phrase

    nude exemples de phrases


    1. Here the view over the rails was filled with what looked like the standard media supermodels of old Earth sunning themselves in the nude on the top decks of those garden floats

    2. Clarisse sits in the nude on her calves beside John in their bed

    3. She was lying nude on her beach, though it was actually in Ava's universe, only a few steps from the magic carpet of her entry hall

    4. Alan pulled his harness off and while doing so the last thing that he saw before Alan killed the channel was a quick view of that girl's nude body as she looked toward Alan

    5. She could do without it til then, even in Dos she'd never been uncomfortable nude

    6. This was the first time he'd seen her nude in daylight

    7. When Desa came in for Noonsleep of week Kadezak, Nuran wanted attention and was caressing Alan with her nude body in the sixty nine position

    8. If it wasn’t for the years she played in Alan’s Kassidor Yakhan where everyone was always completely nude on the beaches, she probably wouldn’t have been able to do this without mental trauma

    9. Mind you, I expect it could be a bit chilly posing in the nude all the time

    10. colors we are all made nude

    11. Bethai seemed in no hurry to leave, instead she seemed to want to lounge nude in the rays on the main patio of his home, exercising her pleasure domes and idly chatting about the Starship Age

    12. Their floater beat slowly over the beach and its miles of nude beauty backed up by sixty stories of commercial space and housing

    13. She was beautiful nude, and comfortable in his sight, even turning and posing a little as she saw that he admired her

    14. Though Alan had never seen Ava in the nude before, he could tell she had just had a sexual encounter that had left her liquified

    15. Savannah stood completely nude, but it was no longer the Savannah I knew

    16. After that she had never seen a nude man again, until she came to Babylon

    17. Although the Hebrew men had worn loin cloths and she had worn a bathing shift during bathing, the rest hadn’t cared and had bathed in the nude

    18. My, how wonderful it was to be nude and evil with this generous lady

    19. At twenty to one, still in the nude, he

    20. Computing in the nude was a familiar

    21. sometimes in the nude, usually not, and sent his code to headquarters in California via the

    22. Four men marched into the pit: two nude fighters and two handlers carrying whips and wearing short swords

    23. We slaves, nude, jogged along behind her

    24. I mean what exactly were First Cock’s duties here at Cleaver? Was he a brand new manager just barely above a gray clad, or was he third in charge of the entire operation? Would he put me to work in the medical building where he was the head doctor? Or, would I find him running to a giant laundry room every day where he was a junior staff member in charge of a dozen nude slave workers now including myself? I guess I would soon find out, but no matter what he did for his job here, we would still have his off time where I would be his private little ever ready to please, pet

    25. On three tiny stages set into the walls nude women danced to the music of a jukebox

    26. Sneaking a peek at Mary-Ann Smedlowzitz through the gap in their bathroom curtains while she stood nude in front of the mirror, was nothing as compared to this

    27. They were nude, spread on lounge chairs on the deck of La Hacienda

    28. She had seen boys swimming nude before of course, all her young life, for the poor of those days did not have swimming clothes, and were not especially conscious of nudity, not like today

    29. Even as she tried to debate the issue in her mind, or what remained of her mind, he stripped her nude and they were on the floor, and she wantonly pressed against him, fiercely, in the most unmaidenly fashion, pulling him to her, lifting her mouth once more to his, claiming his mouth with hers, biting his lower lip, nipping him, kissing his face, his neck, all common sense gone to the four winds

    30. Mia was nude under the cool sheet

    31. Colling watched her as she walked towards the bed, nude, and thought how beautiful she was

    32. Two little boys played nude in the yard

    33. “Lady please!” shrieked the woman! She was nude still, stark white hairless skin with a flowing wreath of fir needles cascading from her head

    34. We had bowled each other over but I jumped up and rushed to her to hug and kiss and kiss, and we were holding hands and my other hand was remembering her nude form

    35. I could see her nude chest rise and fall, the silhouette of her breasts

    36. He was fat, bald and totally nude clothing and scruples

    37. a nude woman with large, or pendulous breasts, who was in the last stages of

    38. Earth, and was a goddess of fertility, usually represented as a figurine consisting of a nude

    39. The nudists and the humans that walk around on nude beaches would feel at home here, along with the other visiting aliens,” Jaden snaps, “but I would feel self conscious without any clothes on

    40. Tess ended up picking a brown silk knee length dress from the store’s collection, along with nude heels

    41. was bound to a chair facing the door, nude to the waist,

    42. Nude in the candlelight

    43. Taped inside the door was a large drawing of a seated nude with 100 numbered squares outlined on her body

    44. Assuming that she was still asleep, Jan returned from the bathroom, nude, to

    45. Of course this Diamond was painted nude lying on a beach and was nearly the size of the entire wall

    46. would involve a nude figure

    47. What surprising fragility assaults the aggrieved heart, which nude of any falsity covers itself into a shelter after the banal mask of the indifference hurt it by the inclemency of a not corresponded love! And it was this indifference the one that allowed me to remain unscathed before his closeness

    48. “O Tay, lovie,” he bops out of the room still nude

    49. “You’re such a spaz,” you carry your nearly nude friend across the earth toward to car lights on the expressway, “and heavy as fuck

    50. The boys stripped and played nude beach volleyball watched by their girlfriends who remained clothed

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    nude nude painting nude sculpture nude statue nude person au naturel bare naked model stripped denuded exposed