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    Utiliser "singing" dans une phrase

    singing exemples de phrases


    1. The branches of the houses above echoed with lumins and charrasspas singing in the noontime sun

    2. The mermaids keened like whales all around the house, singing for their friends to come

    3. While group singing of 'bhajans' can be done in a suitable place like a temple or a hall in a manner and time that least disturbance is caused to those not involved in it, the individual prayer is necessarily a communion with God best performed in a quiet corner of the house

    4. before his presence with singing

    5. The noises that plague the night are countered by the sound of singing and dancing, of joyful whooping and hollering

    6. Punka tried singing, but his voice sounded jagged and weak, like a monkey trampled by buffalo

    7. He had always thought he had a good singing voice, but he had only ever sung while he was drinking and making merry

    8. It was about how singing, especially in a congregation like in a church, was actually beneficial to one’s health

    9. The reverend quoted passages out of scientific studies about how singing raises the white blood cell count

    10. He’d beat himself up for not singing enough sometimes, especially when he got strep throat

    11. Yoga, Meditation, community singing of songs in the praise of one lord or the other, and spiritual discussions etc are not identified with one religion but are adopted by individuals based on their experience with regard to its good effect on physical and emotional health and in search of true happiness

    12. The screen shows a scantily clad Indian girl in traditional, but rather skimpy, garb gyrating and singing

    13. "Really? His singing wasn't that bad!"

    14. hammered the throttle at every turn, singing raucously and with absolute abandon

    15. Far above I can hear a lark singing – it is a wonderful, liberating sound

    16. Floating on air, I make my way back to the car park and, in a glow of pride and happiness at a job well done, I drive home singing along to the songs on the radio in the car

    17. ‘Gramps was singing your praises the other day when I went round to see them

    18. Singing is vocal music and music made with an instrument is

    19. The thick wildlife singing in this jungle does help it seem like a ruin

    20. Singing: If a man dreams that he is singing, it means good news and happiness; to a woman, the same dream means tears

    21. On the wall, half way along and to her right a security light shone weakly from behind its cage, singing a song of light as plaintive as the lark held captive beneath a towering sky

    22. When he had thought of a name he stopped singing and said to the

    23. He was singing the same song and they had a wonderful romp

    24. She wanted their singing

    25. This man was able to hear the moment when his children and wife were no longer singing, and he was now all alone

    26. Gilla is floating round the house singing to herself and, although I am delighted that she is so happy, quite frankly, it gets on my nerves and only serves to point up my own pretty parlous situation with regard to relationships … their non-existence generally and, more specifically, the chances of one actually manifesting itself at any time in the future

    27. The easily recognizable talent of singing is of no use if you don’t learn your lyrics and then learn the skills necessary to turn this into a strength

    28. We often see on reality television someone singing or something, and to the audience it is obvious they will never make it as a singer

    29. singing in the face of the wind

    30. Berndt, singing faultlessly as he consigns his friend’s body to the elements, his voice being whisked away by the breeze almost as though Joris were dancing before us again

    31. I found myself remembering my holidays from boarding school and how Uncle Pantelis would rattle on, telling tales, pointing things out and singing some moody love song or other, mixing Greek and English in the same sentence

    32. in the singing of this morning chorus,

    33. I began to tell her about Yiannis the taxi driver, Kostas at the hotel, my swim and my singing on the ferry and although she nodded and shook her head at all the appropriate moments, I could tell her mind was elsewhere

    34. It was amazing to watch these dragons fight; they were all singing as they battled! It was some kind of a war chant, but it was very effective

    35. The tune grows and with it the light increases as the voices of the Gottesmen join it … singing the same words over and over … gradually, most of those in the Gotteshouse join in

    36. Music was soon filtering out into the kitchen and Elizabeth found herself singing along with some of them

    37. Two men were singing with genuine passion

    38. Maybe she’s singing tonight … I hang on a minute to see if she’s dressed up – Jo has some absolutely lovely evening dresses

    39. I wandered well off the track left in the grass by the other two, feeling and stroking the boulders as I passed, sometimes a long way behind but happy, whistling, and sometimes even singing in an absent-minded way; a lad again with nothing to rush home after school for, and a long time before tea

    40. He often thought about singing another song and had, as a result, kept himself in tip top condition, but as the years passed he found himself thinking more and more about settling down, and so it was that he decided to marry

    41. There is a long silence while I take in the meaning of his words … with the blood singing in my ears, I stare into his eyes reflected in the mirror in front of me; my own are enormous

    42. Listen to the birds singing, watch small critters foraging for food,

    43. singing their traditional songs, well, it’s so moving

    44. A startled Rayne jumped as she realized there were actual voices singing within the sound itself

    45. There were flutes and hand drums, singing with melody and harmony

    46. All the way to work, a little voice is singing in the back of my head: 'I'm seeing Dave tonight!'

    47. singing another song and had, as a result, kept himself in tip top

    48. ‘Four foot three with a beard to his knees and a tendency to go around singing Hi Ho

    49. just the singing of the birds in the hedges for company

    50. There was regularly music and singing around the piano later in the

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    Synonymes pour "singing"

    singing vocalizing tattle telling cantabile