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    Utiliser "stealthy" dans une phrase

    stealthy exemples de phrases


    1. observation and started to make his stealthy intrusion into the heart

    2. For starters, she was a little more than unsettled at how silently he moved – normally, she was the stealthy one

    3. But now the ern are using a different and more subtle approach – sneaking into the town as stealthy murderers instead of attacking directly as an invading army

    4. The threesome shot down the dark alley, employing the stealthy techniques that Halflings were famous for

    5. “But we have to be stealthy and not get caught

    6. Maybe she was growing accustomed to Sicarius’s stealthy approaches, because she did not jump this time

    7. stealthy in today’s terminology

    8. Galeron had already come to accept that she was less than stealthy in how she was able to move

    9. Piers moved with a stealthy determination

    10. Apparently, the anti-gravity booties wouldn’t work on the stealthy surface coating of his ship

    11. There was a sound as of stealthy passing footsteps all over the graveyard

    12. Other tactics are opposition and criticism, besides the stealthy infiltration of schools for indoctrination and altered history teaching

    13. Her years of experience and procedures paid dividends today and from his almost sleepy demeanour, she knew that the guard had not spotted her stealthy approach

    14. predator's stealthy actions to entice his prey

    15. I was stealthy and cunning like a rat that skillfully evades detection

    16. with easy grace into the room on stealthy feet

    17. A stealthy check of the bunk rooms and cabin revealed nothing

    18. Sly and stealthy until the moment of attack, then the frenzy

    19. On through the blackness that preceded moonrise they drove, between banks that were solid palisades of darkness, whence came mysterious rustlings and stealthy footfalls, and the gleam of grim eyes

    20. Out in the black shadows stealthy feet padded and red eyes glimmered

    21. I know I have heard stealthy footfalls padding about me – oh, Conan, take me away with you! Zargheba will kill me when I have served his purpose here—I know it! The priests, too, will kill me if they discover my deceit

    22. I am like a hunter who crouches by his small fire amid the forest, and hears stealthy feet padding in the darkness, and almost sees the glimmer of burning eyes

    23. Then as he stood, a stealthy sound in the corridor outside brought him to life, and without stopping to investigate, he began to don his armor; again he was the barbarian, suspicious and alert as a gray wolf at bay

    24. Somewhere a dog began howling dolefully, and a stealthy step padded outside the barred and bolted door

    25. Whispers, stealthy footsteps, unrelated sounds surged or rustled about him, irrelevant and far away

    26. Then he stiffened as outside the farther door he heard a stealthy step

    27. Somewhere behind him something was moving—something bulky and stealthy that padded on feet which were not human feet

    28. It was uncanny, in its stealthy advance, appearing and disappearing like a blur of the vision

    29. A stealthy footfall outside the door brought him round like a great cat

    30. Arus was the highest product of an innately artistic race, refined by centuries of civilization; Gorm had behind him a heritage of a hundred thousand years of screaming savagery—the pad of the tiger was in his stealthy step, the grip of the gorilla in his black-nailed hands, the fire that burns in a leopard's eyes burned in his

    31. P I ships are designed to be stealthy and slide through the best defenses undetected

    32. She shrugged and stepped inside, her footfalls as stealthy on the parquet floors inside as on the dirt outside

    33. Apparently neither had noticed her which was not surprising given the P I ship’s stealthy design

    34. for a few days, graceful and stealthy in their movements and

    35. There’s nothing as stealthy as one of Warren Senior’s glass drones

    36. Unlike the glass drone which was stealthy due to the fact that its glass structure did not reflect radar, the Disruptor deliberately drew attention to itself

    37. He moved quickly with stealthy confidence towards the bar, trying to blend in with the crowd that quickly looked away from him and was once again spellbound by Sarah

    38. It had no lights, not even the red and green running lights, and it slipped off with a nocturnal and stealthy velocity

    39. Never a lament had been heard from that stealthy, impenetrable woman who had sown in the family the angelic seed of Remedios the Beauty and the mysterious solemnity of José Arcadio Segundo; who dedicated a whole life of solitude and diligence to the rearing of children although she could barely remember whether they were her children or grandchildren, and who took care of Aureliano as if he had come out of her womb, not knowing herself that she was his great--grandmother

    40. He had to go only two blocks to reach the small pharmacy with dusty windows and ceramic bottles with labels in Latin where a girl with the stealthy beauty of a serpent of the Nile gave him the medicine the name of which José Arcadio had written down on a piece of paper

    41. Aureliano, who was the one who subscribed to it, helped him fill in the answers, sometimes in his house but most of the time among the ceramic bottles and atmosphere of valerian in the only pharmacy left in Macondo, where Mercedes, Gabriel’s stealthy girl friend, lived

    42. Zeke was doing something to him, something subtle and stealthy

    43. For several seconds, he then wondered how the number could alter the complexion of his pursuit? Should it be called, or should he go after him in a stealthy manner, at his most vulnerable point?

    44. A series of space-time emergences in various ancient time periods by one or more stealthy ships had been signaled by the Time Patrol’s secret network of surveillance satellites, which watched continuously over five millenniums of Human history

    45. moved with a stealthy precision

    46. The stealthy assassin took up a seat two rows over

    47. The lust for comfort is that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest

    48. No trace of Duba broke the surface as he stayed submerged during his stealthy departure

    49. she is stealthy now—

    50. she is stealthy now

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    Synonymes pour "stealthy"

    furtive sneak sneaky stealthy surreptitious sly clandestine enigmatic catty cat-like