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    get at

    1. cannot get at)

    2. His kisses drive me wild and soon his hands are wandering all over the bits of me he can get at

    3. They were very hungry, jumping and snarling and twisting at him, savaging each other to get at him, deafening in their din

    4. She didn't understand at all what he was trying to get at

    5. Desa was sawing at the tentacle again, reaching down underwater to get at it, leaving only her hips and legs on land

    6. Somehow that’s reassuring … and I need all the reassurance I can get at the moment

    7. get at knowing the answers to your questions

    8. Venna took his arm and left her knit open for it, then caught it with her other arm so the one on this side could get at his butt again

    9. And after that, why did she have to get attached to him all over again once they got here? Why did a simple peasant have to look so manly at the controls of that needleboat on that stupid ride? Why couldn’t Tdeshi’s hormones let her be unmoved by the line of his jaw, the ruffle of his hair in the breeze as they cruised the canals all the way to the north end of the burbs and back?

    10. They’re particularly troublesome because the klizhorn can’t get at them

    11. Only the Graelic seemed able to get at their hearts, swallowing them whole

    12. water, you get at the foot of the mountain

    13. The only thing that had to happen now was for one of those groups to get attacked by the Justicars and alert Griffiths using the radio communication device

    14. They did not consider that the value of those metals has, in all ages and nations, arisen chiefly from their scarcity, and that their scarcity has arisen from the very small quantities of them which nature has anywhere deposited in one place, from the hard and intractable substances with which she has almost everywhere surrounded those small quantities, and consequently from the labour and expense which are everywhere necessary in order to penetrate, and get at them

    15. Sebastian had no idea what to think of that order, but he’d be damned if he was going to stand by and watch Russell get attacked by whoever this guy was

    16. “Off you go lads and if I was a few years younger I would be off with you I bet all the ladies are falling over themselves to get at you”, and she laughed

    17. I didn’t want to get attached, so they had to be outdoor kitties

    18. ” William agreed, but moving to a bigger house wasn’t in our budget at that time

    19. Get at least eight hours of quality sleep per night

    20. Once upon a time, an honorable profession, seeking to get at the truth in any controversy

    21. get at the purchaser’s end result, the WIIFM, the “What’s In It For Me

    22. It was a standard lock that you could get at any hardware store, and I was inside in seconds

    23. If you have issues with your children's mother, you should not use your child to try to get at her

    24. We waited for Toby to open up the boot so I could get at our bits and pieces of kit

    25. Gordy had a pretty good idea of how he felt about her and, considering how he had allowed himself to change, he couldn’t put it past Gordy that he would in some way harm Beth to get at him

    26. Ruby could hit a moving target at any range and her technique for reloading the arrow was highly proficient

    27. Couldn’t the man let her get at him once more, just once? She screamed her hatred, stretching her grasp towards the worm, fists and clawing fingernails flailing the air futilely

    28. Now he knew what was inside, but how…how to get at it? He looked at the round things among the shells on the ground and he wanted what was inside…but how? He looked at the broken one in his hand and he wanted the rest of what was inside

    29. But I’m learning! I asked Pueng if she knew how to terminate frogs so I can possibly get at least one full night’s sleep before I leave

    30. I have to buy gas, stamps and other things I can‘t get at the grocery store

    31. “Statistically speaking,” the Erudite boy next to me—his name is Will—says, grinning at me, “you should have hit the target at least once by now, even by accident

    32. The President will automatically get at least 1/3

    33. He knew where he would hit his target at first glance, tracking the strike, seeing the bullet enter the flesh and destroy the being beneath

    34. Firstly I should say that this whining is a perfectly natural behavior for a young puppy - it is how they get attention from their mother from a very early age

    35. at the bookstore or get at college and throw it ALL in the garbage

    36. Partly because she was a little angry, and partly because it was within reach and she wanted to get at Sierra, Manda grabbed the Nik doll from the corner of the couch and tossed it to the floor

    37. Chances are you could get at least $100 clicks of traffic, or you may get 50 to 100 opt-ins

    38. In our case if the final budget at completion is 5000$ and as of now we have already consumed 900$ and if the Estimate to Complete is giving us another 4500$ (new calculation for pending tasks)

    39. Then our Estimate At completion is 900+4500 = 5400 $ when compared to Budget at Completion (BAC)

    40. “It’s possible, but we need a precise hit on this target at once,” General Dudley says in a firm voice while hitting the table with his hand

    41. ” What was she trying to get at he wondered?

    42. “I felt that the independent criminal investigation would get at many of the

    43. And right now, all of these fools are here attacking these Wards in order to get at you, which is a futile effort, instead of attacking one of our less well-protected positions

    44. Clearly, he was enroute to tear out the throat of the obstructing colonel to get at his tormentor with the flash camera whose own face started to get a bit white

    45. Pa put the shotgun into the back seat where either he or I could get at it

    46. What is it you are trying to get at here?

    47. Another fantastic thing for me is that I can get at least half of my protein from vegetable sources

    48. Just the year-rounders would be here—the ones who didn't have homes to go to, or would get attacked by monsters too much if they left

    49. When Father Haralambos said to get close to Zoe, she was sure he didn’t mean to get attracted to her

    50. "He's going to send one of his goons to get at us," Weeks said looking around the area as he rolled down another street

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