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    passing over

    1. They were passing over some distant realm he had never seen, making him realize how little he had seen, though he had journeyed a local year from the Kassikan, it was a small distance on the world when seen from this distance, not a twentieth of a circumnavigation

    2. The ship was passing over lon, one of the rinko-like crops that grows in shallow water

    3. On my lap was the map Auntie had given me and although I remember passing over the island of Egina then Ios I remember nothing else

    4. This design would allow the bundle to rotate out to the north and the tower to track an object passing over the sky

    5. acquired at the crossing and passing over some coins to the girl

    6. ” She performed a crouch and step with her staff passing over head as his blow was again blocked

    7. iniquity and passing over the

    8. to the ground on a straight line, passing over second and then the mound

    9. Passing over the

    10. “The main thruster jets will be angled towards the front of the ship, the exhaust passing over the top and under the bottom of the ship

    11. Their eyes met, shock passing over their faces

    12. Did Carolyn really live there or was this just a big hotel that they were passing over? But no, Mr Booker was hovering the helicopter above the grounds, so this must be it

    13. At the San Juan dressing-station, the bullets of the enemy, passing over the ridge, fell like hail in and around the stream

    14. Passing over a small town, I tried to read the street names but the nameplates were too small

    15. Ursempyre held his gaze firmly away from the Patriarch, numbly looking at the wispy clouds passing overhead, indifferent to the rage unfurling below the lands they passed

    16. The man closest to them seemed ready to plunge forward but hesitated when a loud shrill noise signaled a jet passing over them

    17. Fish moved slowly, undisturbed by our passing overhead

    18. 29 And whereas you saw two feathers under the wings passing over the head that is on the right side; 30 It

    19. For a while we ate the leaves, passing and repassing over the passing leaves

    20. I was alone, passing and repassing over the sweet, fallen leaves, my leaves

    21. (Passover is about God passing over those who are in His service

    22. wallet, then passing over a note and a handful of loose change without bothering to see how much he had given

    23. 29 And whereas you saw two feathers under the wings passing over the head that is on the right side; 30 It signifies that these are those whom the Highest has kept to their end; this is the small kingdom and full of trouble as you saw

    24. Then the sensation of fluid passing over the tongue and across the lips as the chest and abdomen were pounded repeatedly

    25. 15 So they dwelt in the land of the Amorites and they destroyed by their strength all them of Esebon and passing over Jordan they possessed all the hill country

    26. The scribe hesitates, shadows already passing over his face

    27. Then the sensation of fluid passing over the tongue and across the lips as the chest and

    28. She stares at her brother, and sees a shadow she can’t interpret passing over his face

    29. Off of the grass the land is slick with wear, the moist feet passing over the ground pack it to brick hardness, stones are embedded into the clay smoothed over in erosion

    30. The woman beside him sprang to her feet with a startled exclamation as the strangers entered, and her eyes, passing over Conan, fixed themselves with burning intensity on Valeria

    31. Greg was passing over the decoy area when he observed significantly more ships parked on that asteroid than had been there when he left

    32. His passing over Esau was not because of any evil he had

    33. It was just a Jet passing overhead, but to the boys who were in the middle of a deep conversation

    34. A little out to sea, several helicopters are passing over the vessels that have yet to land

    35. He blinked, so many different emotions passing over his face that it was hard to keep track of them

    36. The Donald and Sylvia McLaughlin Natural Reserve can be found in Lake and Napa counties of California, encompassing over 7,000 acres

    37. Praxis nodded, passing over the fact that Heracles had not given the names of his parents: it wasn’t really important now since they were dead

    38. It was indeed remarkable, in his opinion, how swiftly other matters carried on with so little attention being paid to the murder, especially since the storm had passed and the other guests had started to roam the grounds aimlessly once again, even passing over the very spot in which the dead body had landed

    39. I asked the selfish question, how would I cope without mum and more importantly, her passing over?

    40. I can assure you that your mum has no questions or concerns about her passing over

    41. The Gate was still visible, and when Stick put his head back through it, the sound of a train passing overhead nearly made him jump

    42. I showed to Jean a number of video recordings, along with the sight of the battleship JEAN LANNE passing overhead, that made him believe me

    43. The clouds emptied while passing over the Olympics, then only filled up again as they crossed Puget Sound to rainy Seattle

    44. “In the old days a submarine commander could tell you the type of ship passing over head just by

    45. Startled by a shadow passing overhead, they both watched as a porpoise snatched its lunch from inside the rapidly dispersing school

    46. This would allow their bombers based on their Pacific coast to reach most of the continental United States, while bombers flying out of Murmansk and passing over the North Pole could strike anywhere along our east coast and even our southern states

    47. The irony that the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 began on the very ground that I was passing over was not lost on me

    48. Bridges also have souls, and pigs (formerly, humans) are sacrificed at ceremonies to feed the spirit of a newly-built bridge so that it won’t take human victims (take the souls of people passing over it by occasioning their fall)

    49. It will hit exactly in four weeks and one day with the eye passing over New York City at 5:00 a

    50. After passing over the United States each ship

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