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    wretch примеры предложений


    1. As a physical specimen, he was entirely the opposite of the poor wretch sitting

    2. As a physical specimen, he was entirely the opposite of the poor wretch sitting cross legged in the back of the Metro

    3. He leans over and puts a hand on Billy's shoulder as the man continues to wretch and vomit, but Billy shrugs him off

    4. continued the poor, suffering wretch

    5. occur to Jean just how lonely the poor wretch had been

    6. more monks arrived and the poor wretch was wrapped in

    7. Instantly informed me that it was the wretch,

    8. To prevent intended victims getting clear by either of the before-mentioned methods, the executioners sprang on the poor wretch from behind, and thrust a long stiletto through his cheeks and tongue to prevent him speaking

    9. For a moment, he recalled her date with that wretch, Antonio, and felt his blood begin to boil

    10. 15 But we find that the Jews, whom this wicked wretch has delivered to utter destruction, are no evildoers, but live by most just laws:

    11. She had this all planned, the sneaky wretch

    12. “I never did that wretch nothing

    13. “That wretch? No, but I said ‘Manda’s fine, in case you want to know’

    14. I know she’s your sister, but that wretch could stand to learn a good lesson

    15. “You know, since that wretch move here, she never invite me over even once

    16. “That wretch,” she said

    17. In fact, he barely said a word, the surly wretch

    18. “My cousin, Khan Henry, the grandfather of the little wretch, believed that God was love and it was only by loving that one could communicate with him

    19. I suppose, to be fair, I really didn’t give the wretch much of a chance

    20. ungracious wretch demanded, if there were a Mighty one in Heaven, that had commanded the Sabbath Day to be kept

    21. with varied tortures; 22 therefore divine retribution pursued and will pursue the pestilent wretch

    22. 46 And you Asia that are partaker of the hope of Babylon and are the glory of her person: 47 Woe be to you you wretch because you have made yourself like to her; and has decked your daughters in whoredom that they might please and glory in your lovers which have always desired to commit whoredom with you

    23. He struggled over to a fallen log and tried to wretch, but

    24. 13 Now such was the height of Greek fashions and increase of heathenish manners through the exceeding profaneness of Jason that ungodly wretch and no high priest; 14 That the priests had no courage to serve any more at the altar but despising the temple and neglecting the sacrifices hastened to be partakers of the unlawful allowance in the place of exercise after the game of Discus called them out; 15 Not setting by the honours of their fathers but liking the glory of the Grecians best of all

    25. 4 But the King of kings moved Antiochus' mind against this wicked wretch and Lysias informed the king that this man was the cause of all mischief so that the king commanded to bring him to Berea and to put him to death as the manner is in that place

    26. 3 Then the most ungracious wretch demanded if there were a Mighty one in Heaven that had commanded the Sabbath Day to be kept

    27. 37 And he summoned Hermon to his presence and said with threats How often O wretch must I repeat my orders to you about these same persons? 38 Once more arm the elephants against the morrow for the extermination of the Jews

    28. 20 O that bitter and yet not bitter day when the bitter tyrant of the Greeks quenching fire with fire in his cruel caldrons brought with boiling rage the seven sons of the daughter of Abraham to the catapelt and to all his torments! 21 He pierced the balls of their eyes and cut out their tongues and put them to death with varied tortures; 22 therefore divine retribution pursued and will pursue the pestilent wretch

    29. Tetta, an unworthy wretch, a lowly house-maid for Christ, sends her most affectionate greetings

    30. I wish a divorce so that I can be free of my vows to Gunnar -- that nothing, that cowardly and unlucky failure of a wretch! I wish to re-marry, to Halfdan the Black

    31. ‘Is there really any point in caring for this vegetable, I think that she is done for and I think it would probably be better all round to just to finish off the poor wretch now

    32. Eany opened his mouth and began to wretch and convulse until Jai thought he was about to choke to death, then a wooden flute popped out of his throat

    33. He wondered what hideous head the wretch had seen thrust grinning from among the leaves to chill his blood with terror

    34. He saw a flaming torch, grasped in a monstrous hand, thrust inexorably down the gullet of an agonized wretch who writhed in vain against the arms that pinioned him

    35. In a burst of red abysmal ferocity it was over, except for one wretch who fled screaming back the way the priests had come, pursued by a swarm of blood- dabbled shapes of horror which reached out their red-smeared hands for him

    36. He did not tax his brain with futile speculation as to who the wretch had been and for what reason he had been doomed, but he wondered at the shattered condition of the bones

    37. Yet what creature but man breaks bones for their marrow? Perhaps those remnants were mute evidence of a horrible, cannibalistic feast, of some wretch driven to madness by starvation

    38. Ah wretch! said they, the bird to slay,

    39. It flollops joyfully when there is so much suffering in this world that you can't walk down a street without treading on a poor starving wretch

    40. Aureliano Segundo was not aware of the singsong until the following day after breakfast when he felt himself being bothered by a buzzing that was by then more fluid and louder than the sound of the rain, and it was Fernanda, who was walking throughout the house complaining that they had raised her to be a queen only to have her end up as a servant in a madhouse, with a lazy, idola-trous, libertine husband who lay on his back waiting for bread to rain down from heaven while she was straining her kidneys trying to keep afloat a home held together with pins where there was so much to do, so much to bear up under and repair from the time God gave his morning sunlight until it was time to go to bed that when she got there her eyes were full of ground glass, and yet no one ever said to her, “Good morning, Fernanda, did you sleep well?” Nor had they asked her, even out of courtesy, why she was so pale or why she awoke with purple rings under her eyes in spite of the fact that she expected it, of course, from a family that had always considered her a nuisance, an old rag, a booby painted on the wall, and who were always going around saying things against her behind her back, call-ing her church mouse, calling her Pharisee, calling her crafty, and even Amaranta, may she rest in peace, had said aloud that she was one of those people who could not tell their rectums from their ashes, God have mercy, such words, and she had tolerated everything with resig-nation because of the Holy Father, but she had not been able to tolerate it any more when that evil José Arcadio Segundo said that the damnation of the family had come when it opened its doors to a stuck-up highlander, just imagine, a bossy highlander, Lord save us, a highlander daughter of evil spit of the same stripe as the highlanders the government sent to kill workers, you tell me, and he was referring to no one but her, the godchild of the Duke of Alba, a lady of such lineage that she made the liver of presidents’ wives quiver, a noble dame of fine blood like her, who had the right to sign eleven peninsular names and who was the only mortal creature in that town full of bastards who did not feel all confused at the sight of sixteen pieces of silverware, so that her adulterous husband could die of laughter afterward and say that so many knives and forks and spoons were not meant for a human being but for a centipede, and the only one who could tell with her eyes closed when the white wine was served and on what side and in which glass and when the red wine and on what side and in which glass, and not like that peasant of an Amaranta, may she rest in peace, who thought that white wine was served in the daytime and red wine at night, and the only one on the whole coast who could take pride in the fact that she took care of her bodily needs only in golden chamberpots, so that Colonel Aureliano Buendía, may he rest in peace, could have the effrontery to ask her with his Masonic Ill humor where she had received that privilege and wheth-er she did not shit shit but shat sweet basil, just imag-ine, with those very words, and so that Renata, her own daughter, who through an oversight had seen her stool in the bedroom, had answered that even if the pot was all gold and with a coat of arms, what was inside was pure shit, physical shit, and worse even than any other kind because it was stuck-up highland shit, just imagine, her own daughter, so that she never had any illusions about the rest of the family, but in any case she had the right to expect a little more consideration from her husband because, for better or for worse, he was her consecrated spouse her helpmate, her legal despoiler, who took upon himself of his own free and sovereign will the grave responsibility of taking her away from her paternal home, where she never wanted for or suffered from anything, where she wove funeral wreaths as a pastime, since her godfather had sent a letter with his signature and the stamp of his ring on the sealing wax simply to say that the hands of his goddaughter were not meant for tasks of this world except to play the clavichord, and, nevertheless, her insane husband had taken her from her home with all manner of admoni-tions and warnings and had brought her to that frying pan of hell where a person could not breathe because of the heat, and before she had completed her Pentecostal fast he had gone off with his wandering trunks and his wastrel’s accordion to loaf in adultery with a wretch of whom it was only enough to see her behind, well, that’s been said, to see her wiggle her mare’s behind in order to guess that she was a, that she was a, just the opposite of her, who was a lady in a palace or a pigsty, at the table or in bed, a lady of breeding, God-fearing, obeying His laws and submissive to His wishes, and with whom he could not perform, naturally, the acrobatics and trampish antics that he did with the other one, who, of course, was ready for anything like the French matrons, and even worse, if one considers well, because they at least had the honesty to put a red light at their door, swinishness like that, just imagine, and that was all that was needed by the only and beloved daughter of Doña Renata Argote and Don Fernando del Carpio, and especially the latter, an upright man, a fine Christian, a Knight of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher, those who receive direct from God the privilege of remaining intact in their graves with their skin smooth like the cheeks of a bride and their eyes alive and clear like emeralds

    41. He was an abominable wretch to put Faye through such misery, especially here on their vacation; it was as though he was flaunting his actions in hopes that she should lose her temper and suggest a separation, leaving him to his amorous duties elsewhere but without the social partner his wealth demanded

    42. “This priest is about as conversant with the gods as are the fish in our house pond, in fact I would be very surprised if he actually even believes in the gods, my poor innocent son, he is going to ask you about more than your prayers, he will try to find out your route and any other information that will help him in his scheme for your destruction, have no doubt my love, he means to destroy you, yes my son you will lie to that wretch and you will lie as convincingly as you can, I do not exaggerate when I say that this priest has put you in the greatest of peril

    43. I would have him killed now but that would not achieve anything now that he has proclaimed your task, oh gods, if you do not return I will have that wretch slowly disembowelled, how could I have been so stupid not to have seen this coming, I should have had the foul priest killed long ago

    44. the poor, falsely accused wretch who is forced to stand in front of

    45. She let out a short scream and proceeded to wretch uncontrollably, into the box

    46. That saved a wretch like me

    47. Tuer began to come around and immediately began to wretch

    48. This time, with him over her, she felt him penetrate so far into her mouth and on to the back of her throat that she felt she might wretch or actually vomit

    49. how sweet the sound; That saved a wretch like me; I once was lost, but now I'm found;

    50. permit the soul of a sad wretch

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    Синонимы для "wretch"

    poor devil wretch worm reprobate creep brute scoundrel snake