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    1. Axing away, chipping here and there

    2. some chipping and putting as well

    3. The pitching wedge and the sand wedge can be used in the place of a chipping wedge, yet another in the family of wedges

    4. Chipping is done when the approach shot is close to the green, but doesn’t make it onto the green

    5. Chipping can be done when the ball is as far out as one hundred yards, though this is a more difficult type of chip and the golfer may want to consider a different club altogether

    6. For chipping one hundred yards out or closer, the nine-iron is a good choice in clubs

    7. chipping away the awkwardness

    8. After a quick lunch he started in on the storm windows, removing cracked panes, prying out the glazing points, softening old putty with a heat gun while chipping away

    9. mind, all these things are only chipping away at the few precious hours of sleep I had

    10. Near a post-card village called Chipping Sudbury we stayed in a four-hundred year-old thatched farm house owned by a jolly farmer and his wife who served lashings of bacon and eggs for breakfast

    11. The mother budgie may help a chick leave the egg by chipping at the scored spot and rotating the egg to help the chick position himself

    12. After breaking a few sticks and chipping some rock fragments into the engine compartment he gave up

    13. But she vowed to get out, and day and night they spent chipping away at the boulders, feasting on the flesh of the vradruuks for nourishment

    14. And with each chunk of plastic that fell in the trash, it was a chipping away of the old and a birth of the new

    15. Others were already chipping in

    16. Max could not return the wood chipper in a cleaner state than before, so actual chipping would need to be carried out

    17. come from Chipping Camden to attend his funeral, who would normally have been put up in a

    18. When he’d finished chipping away a large portion of

    19. In the dream, the villain, who always seemed to be in a black mist, had a super-sized oxy-acetylene torch and was always extorting money from him, which he paid by chipping off pieces of his house

    20. A chorus of angry chipping sounds greeted him as he moved to cut the next three trees

    21. himself with a small hand-pick which was normally used for chipping off rock

    22. The Contract Furniture Company's state of the art exclusive process ensures to resist scratching, fading, peeling, or chipping

    23. 6) It assists in resisting scratching, fading, peeling, and chipping

    24. “I’ll tell you ‘but’, Sir Robin,” said Nick, chipping in

    25. I shuddered, and stumped over to the double-bolted door, and Floy threw herself into my hands, chipping and trilling

    26. Somewhere Floy was chipping

    27. I’d found a chipping sparrow in the snow that evening, half frozen, and as Andrei kindled the fire and stirred nuts into it, I put the bird near the flames

    28. Chipping clams gets them to expel sand that is in their shell

    29. This very letter, how many millions must I thank for it to occur, from mother and father to teachers to inventors to electricians to children chipping computer boards in China, to all these indebted

    30. Chipping children is a gateway technology to the tagging of thoughts

    31. “What is that?” Something akin to the cacophonous ancient dial-up connection incisor tore the blackhole reflection I was bouncing between, and from a tear, that voice again chipping away at my isolated sanctuary

    32. In some places, the paint is chipping away

    33. I slammed into the wall with the tools, chipping off plaster and, slowly, revealing the stones beneath and the lines of mortar between them

    34. I for one would sleep much easier knowing that I’m chipping away at the $45,000 portion of my national debt contribution

    35. It follows a single linear path of tool-logic without ever deviating from it over and over… repeating itself, endlessly the same, duplicating itself, justifying itself, rationalizing itself… just as tools trained our ancestors to perform the same, identical motions of chipping away at a rock, they have trained our brains to perform numerous identical logic sequences over, and over: without ever deviating into any other possible way of thinking, or considering any other alternative paths of logic

    36. Besides: without all of the boring work of chipping laboriously away at a dead tree, there is all the more time for play and exploration without using tools too much

    37. Who were the Cro-Magnons? They were the first modern men to improve ancient tools which had not changed for millions of years; they were humans infected with the undead spirits of crows and magpies; pecking at things making tools obsessively all day with their Hunt-and- peck method of bone/flint chipping

    38. Chipping away at the hard baked ground, he mumbled, “Not a rock for hundreds of miles and now when I really need to dig a hole, they’re everywhere!”

    39. Andy's other problem involved chipping

    40. He had a good hand movement in his chipping effort

    41. As well, he had no idea of the importance of his body activity during his chipping

    42. His chipping improved dramatically within the lesson

    43. Tuesday is a practice day where a pro could spend 4 to 6 hours at the range, putting and chipping

    44. A good drive will eliminate the need for chipping and for taking long putts

    45. However, this will not do anything in terms of chipping away at the American obesity problem

    46. "Surely there's enough light in the street at this moment to drown all our cares in gold!" Ah, what's the use of saying it? Even while you speak and look over your shoulder towards Shaftesbury Avenue, destiny is chipping a dent in him

    47. The paint was chipping from the vertical wood siding

    48. The blood on his T-shirt bandage was rotting, and cakes of it were chipping off and falling into the raft

    49. Whetmore had started chipping the marble

    50. But chipping away at America’s ability to defend itself and the internal chaos that the releases will create is hardly an unattractive secondary strategy

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