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    feeding Beispielsätze


    1. He claimed that the guards were feeding him zombie meat

    2. By top-dressing Is the lawn being damaged by them? When you have your lawn and property with year-old horse manure, spotted the telltale signs of gophers or moles (a small you will not only be feeding your soil, but also repel-mound of soil or dead plants), naturally as they do not like manure

    3. Use a combination of organic liquid fertilizers as foliar feeding with organic fertilizers that are applied

    4. A stomach poison that stops insects from feeding and become paralyzed

    5. I provide a feeding station for them on another part of the property that I do not mind them being in

    6. Keep your pets in shape by feeding them good food and giving them plenty of exercise

    7. Read the ingredients of the food you are feeding your animals

    8. Give Caesar his Due: Feeding the ants will reduce their activity in other parts of their kingdom(our yard and house)

    9. The basic idea is to provide for the ants a feeding center, see Ant Cafes™ chapter one

    10. Also Foliar feeding them will provide for them the fastest source of food and energy therefore it is important that you only feed them nutrition that relieves stress; and not causes it

    11. She moves his arm, seems to scold him, continues with the feeding

    12. her mother’s choice, the path that lead to feeding on carrion, of chasing down the

    13. The bundles of control conduits feeding into Horcheese blocked the projection in a few places, but the bridge’s tactical display covered half the bridge

    14. That was her mother’s choice, the path that lead to feeding on carrion, of chasing down the rabbit and the rat and vole just to fill your belly and your veins

    15. Something has to keep feeding the negative energy frenzy

    16. Herds of grazers came by, slowly this time, feeding

    17. feeding on the frenzy,

    18. They were then led to the feeding grounds by Rah

    19. Your friend is still feeding, and resting James

    20. Intelligent crime on a huge scale with a demon in the detail; a high-powered, heavily-armed, luxurious schooner feeding world-wide drivelling greed, gagging for more and supplied on demand by ruthless slavering zeal

    21. For this reason, deliberately feeding your mind with positive

    22. She could be storing all the real signals from Sol and feeding us this script

    23. She continued to the stables and found Master Seatac feeding the Hausa

    24. He seemed to enjoy that response, laughing loudly as he went about feeding the Hausa

    25. Simon starts feeding Treacle with tiny bits of left-over beef

    26. H) Feeding the Beast

    27. There are lots of families out feeding the ducks and even a few sailing boats on the water

    28. RECOGNISE that your attention lies on a non-‐truth and you are feeding it

    29. That responsibility burdened him as much as feeding the four of them did back before the starship

    30. I dig Sam’s bowl out of the carrier bag and we set up her feeding place

    31. Oh, sure, she saw him out on the tractor, riding up and down the fields, and sometimes she would even catch him feeding the horses

    32. The two dogs finished their feeding at the same time

    33. Early diners had just discovered this and there was a feeding frenzy building as they watched

    34. Should it grow beyond our control, it will not stop feeding until the entire Seventh World is devoured

    35. No doubt people were feeding them up there

    36. What was left of him – his paper-thin flesh, and fleeting soul – were the only things keeping it from feeding upon the entire Seventh World

    37. feeding the poor so they could devote themselves to two things:

    38. feeding the poor, healing the sick, and reaching the lost, and

    39. beast by feeding her apples and whispering reassuringly

    40. sake of feeding the hungry of the world

    41. Being mindless feeding machines, the walking dead made for easy targets

    42. Granny was feeding Lemoss's Uncle Todd's shire horses with a bucket of oats and chopped vegetables

    43. Jean was absently feeding

    44. And now they were traveling out of London, raping and pillaging as they went, feeding off the general population like the Vikings of old

    45. What's particularly sad is most of them are also feeding the fire

    46. They had just come in from feeding the horses a few apples while Elmore described the lineage of the stallion and the records he had set

    47. donkey by feeding her some of his bread, but the animal

    48. Had the Scotch cattle been always confined to the market of Scotland, in a country in which the quantity of land, which can be applied to no other purpose but the feeding of cattle, is so great in proportion to what can be applied to other purposes, it is scarce possible, perhaps, that their price could ever have risen so high as to render it profitable to cultivate land for the sake of feeding them

    49. This seemed to be the only part of the immediate area that wasn't occupied by something pertaining to the care and feeding of floaters

    50. The land is manured, either by pasturing the cattle upon it, or by feeding them in the stable, and from thence carrying out their dung to it

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    Synonyme für "feeding"

    eating feeding alimentation consumption devouring chewing