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    jolly boat Beispielsätze

    jolly boat

    1. The jolly boat was light and quick, the mist parted in front of it and trailed in whipping vortices at its stern as Ambrosius sped along

    2. Enough! Ambrosius grabbed hold of the rough bark and hauled himself out of the jolly boat

    3. The mist gates opened just wide enough for the jolly boat to pass through, and Ambrosius piloted it to the docks and moored it

    4. Two minutes later Ambrosius was in the jolly boat, harpoon in hand, along with Stan, Mungo and Fishmael

    5. Despite their best efforts within minutes the jolly boat was tangled in a green mass of weed and they slowed to a crawl that was little faster than the main ship

    6. Besides, he still had it in his mind to lower for the fish when he was closer, and that required someone else to lower the jolly boat

    7. Fishmael's jolly boat, tiny in comparison to the house-sized fish, skittered across the waves as she tried to propel herself away, the rope from the harpoon pinging as it took the strain

    8. Within a minute she had crossed the bow of the main ship, the line still projecting out from her side and back into the jolly boat, where Fishmael raved

    9. With that, the jolly boat was pulled into the dark disc in the middle of the vortex and vanished

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