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    1. Nichols has filed a patent application for a line of equipment that uses a brief exposure to extreme heat and hot water for the control of whitefly, aphids, mealybug, scale and mite infestations

    2. "Not enough you may say yer greatness, so could stretch it a mite more to five, that 'ud make

    3. “Yes, I was a soldier before, and that’s a mite more glamorous, but I don’t miss those months in the field

    4. In his mite of a hand was a cap, out of which stuck a long pointed

    5. “I hear Galeron is a mite enthusiastic about cataloguing the keep’s faults

    6. The boss reddened a mite at that

    7. “Please forgive me if I appear a mite tipsy

    8. To the Blythe girls, after Una had gone, she said, "Ain't she a queer little mite? But I've always said she had a good heart

    9. Lida was a mite of ten and looked younger, because she was such a small, wizened little creature

    10. direct path towards the little mite and then a whip cracking sound reverberated as the poisoned barb hit out at nothing

    11. 6 7 you have heard that it was said Eye for eye and tooth for tooth: but I say to you Stand not in opposition to the evil; but whoever strikes you on your right 8 cheek turn to him also the other; And he who would sue you and take your tunic 9 leave to him also your wrapper; And whoever compells you one mite go with him twain; And he who asks you give to him and he who would borrow of you prevent him not; And prosecute not him that takes your substance; And as you desire that men should do to you so do you also to them

    12. Swimmin’ in November can be a mite chilly

    13. "Acourse not! Give you a mite extra and he's got you feedin' outa his hand

    14. " Frankie dutifully added her mite of praise before running off to play

    15. And by cutting corners what do they get but bits and pieces of accretion? Oh, how they have to take care to remain faceless while still active in their occupation! And in time, they insensibly melt into the multitude of the retired to continue their humdrum existence but not before contributing their mite to corrupt the system

    16. “The import fees would be a mite prohibitive

    17. By the way old horse, I ran into your doctor friend, Martinez, this morning and he seemed a mite upset

    18. I‘m a mite rusty with the medical mumbo jumbo

    19. Anyway, we got a better chance if we rest up a mite before we go on

    20. ” Wolf was a mite concerned by the lack of stimulating conversation at the table and commented on such

    21. Little David was small but a mite

    22. · Widow’s mite (Mt

    23. Love is not giving a lion's share of one’s massive philanthro-capitalist empire, but rather the giving of the widow’s solitary mite

    24. is one small mite of humanity

    25. It was a mite too small for his expanded frame, tattered and full of holes but still recognisable as the costume of the teenage archers who had cut the throats of the French nobility twenty-two years earlier

    26. She was more than willing to oblige, but became a mite confused when she couldn’t find it in its usual place

    27. All of sudden the mite is in medical school studying to change

    28. "Oh?" Silas didn't give a mite where Zig was from, but he didn't say so

    29. and rolling his eyes in an effort to focus on the mite on his

    30. Out a mite early in the day it seems

    31. mite and Nordica each came out with a ski boot that

    32. Mite: A small Jewish coin; about ⅛ of $0

    33. That time, my tongue loosened just a mite and I answered a few questions and uttered a few sentences and lost what was left of my heart

    34. Italian like Loren in her prime and was wearing a rough housedress and was a mite disheveled herself

    35. He was small like me though just a mite taller, thin and well built, with beautiful, sparkling black eyes and an enchanting smile …”

    36. As we were going to the car, a mite unsteadily, I had an urge to kiss Corina

    37. Hers were polite and a mite embarrassed

    38. um ppl mite consider not nicee i hav to admit itt?

    39. Mama be running a mite of fever again

    40. help but be a mite suspect of the character of those who unswervingly

    41. I can’t help but be a mite suspect of

    42. I can‘t help but be a mite suspect of the character of those who unswervingly defend the eternal

    43. be a mite suspect of the character of those who unswervingly defend the eternal torture

    44. I can’t help but be a mite suspect of the character of those who unswervingly defend the eternal torture doctrine…I personally believe that these people who staunchly support eternal torture – these folks who almost seem to relish the idea of human beings consciously roasting in agony for all eternity and who become ridiculously irate when a fellow Christian rejects such a ghastly view (even though based upon a thorough biblical analysis) – I believe that such people have given reign to their flesh in this one area

    45. The spider mite and the aphid are the mortal enemies of the pepper plants

    46. One of the little girls, a mere mite who seemed to have prematurely taken upon herself some charge of the others, stepped out of her place by me, and danced to and from the baby until it left off crying, and laughed

    47. Her widow's mite

    48. And as her loving eyes behold her babe she wishes only one blessing more, to have her dear Doady there with her to share her joy, to lay in his arms that mite of God's clay, the fruit of their lawful embraces

    49. “But some confidence’s a mite different from complete confidence, as you might say, Your Eminence

    50. He just lit him a mite neither

    1. In back of the shed, lying inconspicuously under a miter saw, he noticed an undeniable stack of magazines through the dim lighting

    2. The middle figure was clearly the bishop, wearing his bishop‘s miter and staff

    3. 18, 1915 issue of Our Sunday Visitor, states: “The letters inscribed in the Pope’s miter are these:

    4. miter throughout much of the age of Pisces

    5. A miter saw will be useful for this or set a circular saw to cut

    1. Equally eye opening is the fact that the miters worn by Bishops, Cardinals, and Popes are actually based on a fish’s head, with the

    2. We already touched upon the fish-head miters of Christian leaders

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