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    numbing Beispielsätze


    1. She sat almost panting, the terrible numbing mist in her head clearing a little

    2. and the slow numbing of fingers sharpens

    3. Outside, in the bleak, bottom numbing reality of the concrete

    4. It was so numbing in its infinitude

    5. Was this Tdeshi without her family and close friends? Was this Tdeshi alone in this numbing expanse of city, on a Nightday it looked like? She was feeling like all eyes were on her

    6. The cold was numbing with the wind while he had his darkmeal of dried fruit stuffed with vedn kernels

    7. its effects first numbing his fingers and toes and then immobilizing his limbs

    8. through dissociation or emotional numbing

    9. Our nervous systems are constantly reacting to a barrage of texts , facebooks , e mails, frenzied traffic and numbing schedules

    10. When the young man awakens there is the numbing pain in his shoulder and head to greet him

    11. A cold numbing sensation followed, then he felt drowsy

    12. The fact of the matter was that I was bone weary with a tiredness that was numbing and apathetic

    13. Instantly she was hit with a mind numbing pain in her stomach, and she doubled over, clutching at her middle

    14. But the young badger had also found a soothing comfort in these numbing patterns of behaviour

    15. Striking upwards, his muscles straining with the effort, Thesa reached the surface, gasping for breath, the numbing coldness of the water sucking the air from his lungs and stinging his eyes

    16. I tried using the table as something to use as a standing aid, and did so with moderate success, while the pain receded with each passing moment, turning into a numbing sensation

    17. Though if I were you I would have kept my mouth and ears shut, unable to fathom or understand a single moment of the numbing madness around me

    18. “I’m going to have to give you a shot of this numbing agent,” she says, holding up a syringe

    19. She dabs my forehead with antiseptic—they are so careful about germs here—and I feel the sting and prickle of the needle, diminishing by the second as the numbing agent does its work

    20. “A trying few days has given me a mind numbing headache

    21. seeing her face in his dreams did little to ease the numbing loss

    22. As the numbing cold and painful lashing of the water drained the strength from those who tried to fight it, a great stillness overtook Virginia

    23. They had felt this shadow before, this creeping, numbing fear

    24. bed and guzzled the mind numbing liquid

    25. from this altitude could give a mind numbing

    26. So much so, that it will probably not be possible to block the pain completely without numbing you to all other sensation as well

    27. Not in audible words but more of a pulling that seduced the mind, numbing you to all thought and reason, till your only desire was to know what that thing was

    28. Another tear fell as she tried to fight through the numbing pain and speak, “Yes

    29. His expression of concern was unnerving but his caresses were numbing the anxiety in her mind

    30. Sutton took a hard spear strike on his shoulder, not penetrating his mail but temporarily numbing his sword arm

    31. The plant was valued for its medicinal uses in numbing pain

    32. The cervix was exposed with a speculum and I usually anesthetize the biopsy area with the injection of a small amount of local numbing medicine, much like a dentist would before working on teeth

    33. The numbing power of its voice seemed directed somewhere else

    34. The minutes passed and I saw no signs that the numbing tea was doing its work

    35. Suddenly a whine and the diesel generator clanked into life numbing the senses with it‘s dull thud

    36. Only once had the numbing fear returned

    37. what ridiculous if it weren’t for the mind numbing fear

    38. 'Salome!' Taramis breathed the word, and the hairs prickled on her scalp as she realized the incredible, numbing truth of the statement

    39. They did not reply; they sat staring at him, assailed by a numbing realization of the truth of his assertion

    40. Is it better to use a gum numbing ointment

    41. experienced a calming, numbing sensation, a safety from the storm

    42. " Exhaling, Mitchell could taste the numbing chemical again infiltrate his mouth and throat

    43. numbing effect on his mind and body as he watched a young couple,

    44. arousing effect on him, numbing his mind that was still hazy from

    45. It took a few minutes of avid conversation for another skein of the web of coincidence to be unravelled; a few numbing minutes which left each man speechless and surprised by the other’s involvement

    46. The impact hurts like hell, and there would be bruises and numbing, but she is still alive

    47. He shook his head, the whole unbelievable scope of the project numbing him to silence

    48. He mentally probed his body looking for sensation, but it was all a black hole of nothing, like what his jaw had felt liked when he was having a tooth replanted and the doctor had administered a numbing agent

    49. This numbing experience was worse,

    50. He was cold and fearfully tired, gasping for breath in the thin air, a numbing sensation clawing up his legs, his feet faltering

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