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    Verwenden Sie „prospering“ in einem Satz

    prospering Beispielsätze


    1. before you, and prospering in whatever they do, more

    2. There were a few businesses still operating here, a soap maker was one she passed, one who was obviously not prospering, and deservedly so from the smell

    3. all, and not only surviving, but prospering – as this man

    4. For the growing number of African Americans who are prospering economically, incidental to government programs and more in keeping with their own private initiatives, innumerable others continue languishing economically and socially

    5. “…considering the large number of prospering factories, storage

    6. " How many times have you seen someone doing wrong, yet prospering? How many times have you been envious of their gains? Here's another thing to consider

    7. Eight hundred years have gone by and the Realms were prospering under the rule of the Two Kings, Hades and Poseidon, and of Governor Elijah

    8. It must have been a miracle what occurred in Taxi when one prospering

    9. What shall you be obliged to do? You shall not have to hide on the day of the great judgement and you shall not be found as sinners and the eternal judgement shall be far from you for all the generations of the world; And now fear not you righteous when you see the sinners growing strong and prospering in their ways: be not companions with them but keep afar from their violence; for you shall become companions of the hosts of Heaven; And although you sinners say: "All our sins shall not be searched out and be written down" nevertheless they shall write down all your sins every day; And now I show to you that light and darkness day and night see all your sins

    10. Everything seemed to be alive and prospering

    11. Siblings or sibling figures are prospering this year, probably travelling, but domestically it is a ‘status quo’ kind of year

    12. This power in the 8th house shows that your spouse, partner or current love is prospering this month – he or she is in a yearly financial peak now

    13. Librans know that everything and everyone is connected and that it is impossible to help another to prosper without also prospering yourself

    14. A parent or parent figure is prospering and seems very involved and supportive of you in your financial life

    15. Friends are prospering and are financially supportive

    16. Children and children figures in your life are prospering

    17. On a more mundane level, this transit indicates that the spouse, partner or current love is prospering

    18. He or she is prospering and is very generous

    19. Grandchildren are prospering in the latter half of the year, but moves seem ill advised

    20. Siblings and sibling figures are prospering then too and your relationship with them will improve

    21. Your spouse, partner or current love is also prospering

    22. Friends are prospering too and seem supportive; you have their financial favour

    23. The parents or parent figures are prospering this year – they prospered last year too

    24. Egypt was the only prospering people in a famine

    25. to newly prospering nations,

    26. eternally prospering in the life

    27. prospering often opened opium dens in the back streets; these gave the

    28. That is the throne, second only to Pharaoh himself, and even Pharaoh was prospering because of Joseph

    29. They chose to rely on divine fantasy instead of cooperating and prospering by their labor

    30. into the land that He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, prospering us

    31. It does not mean that if I'm being blessed and prospering, that I'm a disciple of Jesus, because there are people in many countries suffering, enduring hardship, losing their lives

    32. ‘Even migrant workers from diamond factories in Surat came home and told their community members stories of how Gujarat was prospering under Modi,’ says Bansal

    33. It does not mean that if I'm being blessed and prospering that I'm a disciple of Jesus, because there are people in many countries suffering, enduring hardship, losing their lives

    34. Any that had survived the failed extermination were hardy mutants, and evidence here pointed to a very prospering subterranean population

    35. Ebooks and guides on various subjects have been prospering in

    36. His cowardly act of lawlessness destroyed a prospering family

    37. Their prospering ways were robbery by legislation

    38. The railroad began to stop in the small town once it was established as a prospering farming and ranching community

    39. But now it appeared that Segall was an unemployed accountant while Olin was a prospering entrepreneur and that placed the lad higher on the ladder of authority

    40. creating a border of death between the prospering suburbs and

    41. stuck to his face, the beard prospering wildly and untamed

    42. "I have already said, that for my prospering there, I am sensible I may be indebted to you, sir

    43. She thought she was prospering finely, but unconsciously she was beginning to desecrate some of the womanliest attributes of a woman's character

    44. Opposite his house, flourishing and merry, was the family of the chemist, with whom everything was prospering

    45. “Kingsbridge seems to be prospering,” he said

    46. still prospering, despite the effects of the king’ s French war,” Merthin replied

    47. Rex was not prospering quite as well as had been predicted; he remained on the fringe of the Government, prominent but vaguely suspect

    48. The cost of doing this is a lower ROE (and perhaps stock price) than would otherwise be the case in buoyant periods when the business is prospering

    49. A registered secondary might be accomplishable only via an underwriting, the cost of which might run from 7 to 10 percent of the gross proceeds, and at that, might be accomplishable only during periods when both the new-issue market was doing well and Corporation itself was prospering

    50. Prospering with Gold and Precious Metals

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    booming flourishing palmy prospering prosperous roaring thriving profitable going along fine successful surviving