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    wondrous Beispielsätze


    1. The things we overlook as simple and "ordinary" are truly wondrous

    2. The ocean was truly a wondrous place

    3. Like the magnificent form of the human body, the earth has the wondrous capability of healing itself

    4. Sooner or later the earth swallows up everything, all the big and wondrous works of the past

    5. new, wondrous and as of yet, undiscovered

    6. She soon calmed down and relayed the wondrous news of Daowyn’s arrival

    7. "What have those wondrous yoonberry eyes seen? What works behind them? What is your essence?"

    8. Alan thought Luray was a wondrous creature, just the style that was so popular among the Angels

    9. They finished the cheeseapples, and she brought out some more of the wondrous honey-grapes

    10. That meal was one of the most wondrous events of

    11. It was also something he would never forget, for it was perhaps the last thing of beauty left in his once wondrous world

    12. the Catholics’ joy was wondrous when converted him

    13. Around his breast a wondrous zone is rolled,

    14. But Andrastus thought it was an ancient staff possessed of wondrous magic

    15. It is that wondrous

    16. this wondrous game called “life on planet earth”; the

    17. Let’s take a look a look at that other wondrous aspect of

    18. Each of us has the potential to create a wondrous

    19. I turned to the couple and again thanked them; this couple who had so graciously brought me to this wondrous household

    20. One could sit inside and have the outside also, with these wondrous things

    21. It was wondrous for a few seconds – untrammelled, pure – until he began to notice the cold, until the memory seeped back

    22. “It is a wondrous thing that has happened

    23. They invented a most wondrous phrase that recognized blame

    24. “They are wonderful exhibits of nature’s ability to create the most wondrous

    25. Such is the wondrous mystery of God that some would otherwise confuse with being one‘s own ―god‖ rather than the offspring of

    26. Yet never have I seen a wonder such as this! Never have I beheld such a wondrous thing!

    27. What a wondrous and beautiful place!

    28. Nature, presented to an observer in its (most) primitive, ‖unrefined‖ and starkest form can be both terrifying and wondrous to behold (provided that the observer has sufficient imagination to perceive a diamond in the rough)

    29. I would like to propose a hypothetical question to the progressive reader: If given a choice, which of the following options would you choose: having been created in God‘s (own) Image or having descended from the apes? Should you choose the former, how come so many of you are willing to embrace evolutionary arguments that have been widely discredited rather than entertain the Divine Wisdom of scriptural teachings that offer a more plausible explanation for our existence? Why restrict your beliefs to worldly perceptions or ideas encumbered by the limits of your (finite) senses rather than explore the wondrous miracle of the human imagination, both moral and intellectual, or ―a capacity for self-transcendence‖ (Reinhold Niebuhr) uncommon among the Beast?

    30. “Well Beth,” she said pleasantly without a hint of the venom spewed in the kitchen, “did you enjoy your ride?” Beth described in glowing terms her appreciation for the horse and the many wondrous sights, whereupon Sylvia extended an invitation to join her for tea on the outside deck after her swim

    31. Finally, we drove ahead into the open make out area where, according to Mia, so many kids had had their very first adventure into the wondrous world of sexual fun and games

    32. It was indeed wondrous what the human mind could attribute to persons of unimaginable power

    33. Once the keystone went in, an entrance opened up as if by magic: it was a wondrous affair

    34. “Is that what it did before? That’s wondrous! It makes way for us! The passage is wider now! Look!”

    35. Had it been the simply immeasurable vastness of the vista around them, this huge shaft that no mind could lay claim to even imagining it? Was it the sudden realization of having returned home in a most inexplicable, wondrous, and even uncanny fashion? Was it the combination of both? What had weakened his strong, determined mind? What had broken a man who was ready to give up his life for his unborn child, for a different, if not a better future? Hilderich could not tell, and only thought that it was an ineffable loss

    36. In fact, whether it is a wondrous machine or human evolution itself that progresses toward infinite knowledge turns out not to be in the least critical to the thesis

    37. It was wondrous beautiful with spires, bays, columns and tall arched windows and doors in several stories

    38. Some humans turned their heads with wondering eyes as if they had seen a change in the light over the field or heard a line of wondrous music that came out of nothing, but there was nothing to see for them

    39. 10 For you have made Heaven and Earth, and all the wondrous things under the Heaven

    40. 14 Listen to this, O Job, stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God

    41. 32 For all this they sinned still, and believed not for his wondrous works

    42. 22 Wondrous works in the land of Ham, and aweful things by the Red sea

    43. 18 Open you my eyes, that I may see wondrous things out of your law

    44. Cannot compare to the wondrous, beautiful reality of creation

    45. CONSIDER The Wondrous Works Of God

    46. Hearken unto this, O Job: stand still, and consider the wondrous works of God

    47. Consider the wondrous works of God

    48. Have you taken any time lately to just look around you? To observe your surroundings and to reflect on the awesome power of Almighty God? Consider the hands that created the world? Look at the Grand Canyon or Mount Kilimanjaro! What beauty can be seen if we will take the time to look! Look at your children! From a tiny, microscopic cell, life grew and was formed into the wondrous masterpieces sitting before you

    49. 25 For in it be strange and wondrous works, variety of all kinds of beasts and whales created

    50. This must be the wondrous John I have heard so much about and this must be my sister Mahwissa

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    Synonyme für "wondrous"

    fantastic grand howling marvellous marvelous rattling terrific tremendous wonderful wondrous marvellously marvelously superbly terrifically toppingly wonderfully wondrously