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    1. Men need to learn to deal with stress through mental shielding which involves developing the ability to disengage from hostile comments and remain in control, first by achieving a calm, relaxed state, and then creating a mental shield between yourself and person responsible for causing stress

    2. It is important to have times when you disengage from this narrative

    3. remained silent for a few seconds, fumbling to disengage from his own vexing contemplations

    4. He moved to disengage himself from the raft and turned to crawl up the slick bank to its drier center

    5. Feel free to disengage what automation you need to in order to do your job

    6. disengage the child from the birth canal

    7. As the last one went in he yelled back to Jan to disengage and follow

    8. Now was the time for me to disengage and head down the hill again

    9. Garnak instinctively understood that he was in someway being setup and instead smartly chose to disengage, he back-peddled for space, as he did so, sending his hammer swinging upwards in an unexpected uppercut towards the man’s chin

    10. As the breathing and mental activity (and the equivalent neuronal activity in the brain) become more regular and reduced, the meditator learns to disengage from external reality and the impact of sensations so as to bring awareness carefully to bear on the stream of consciousness

    11. {Unit-2,} you command via the umbilical, {on my mark disengage and switch off

    12. To service and work on the freezing apparatus, the Tank section had to disengage from the cab to enable the hinged hatch to be opened

    13. The downed pup wanted nothing more than to disengage from this tiny bundle of toothed energy and began squalling like a banshee

    14. “Peter, please disengage the P I ships after we have cleared the local traffic and send them with all relevant information and ships’ logs directly to Eretz

    15. You are not alone, you have resources, you have lessons which appear, reappear, disappear, and the method in which you engage or disengage is purely for your development and growth, but just as you do, so do others

    16. " The boys glanced at each other before watching her disengage the alarm system via the electronic panel, near the patio door

    17. off them, in a clumsy attempt to disengage from the covers - some cots overturned

    18. 'If you happen to have a screwdriver handy, you can quite easily disengage the droid,' Grobut whispered, and Stazl's eyes widened

    19. able to engage the other opponents, but since he was unable to disengage from the second guard, his options were limited

    20. Moreover, is there a way to disengage the dynamite of our repressed hatred so we don’t blow up with the ship?

    21. Lea asked to hold Iason and helped disengage him from Ceres

    22. Instead of blindly obeying the emotion, simply observe your own internal sensations for a minute (racing pulse, knot in your throat, throbbing face, heaviness on your head and shoulders…) it will help to disengage you from the impulse so that it may subside

    23. All you have to do is disengage the safety and press the trigger

    24. disengage this drive but whoa is the preferred

    25. She feebly tried to disengage herself

    26. strove in good earnest to disengage from the idiot, was-now produced by

    27. Reluctantly, with a pissed off sound, the woman in my arms tries to disengage

    28. unresisting condition, that he had actually completed his entrance into me so far, that weakened as I was by all the preceding conflicts of mind I had suffered, and struck dumb by the violence of my surprise, I had neither the power to cry out, nor the strength to disengage myself from his strenuous embraces, before, urging his point, he had forced his way and completely triumphed over my virginity, as he might now as well see by the streams of blood that followed his drawing out, as he had felt by the difficulties he had met with consummating his penetration

    29. Her gallant began first, as she stood, to disengage, her breasts, and restore them to the liberty of nature, from the easy confinement of no more than a pair of jumps; but on their coming out to view, we thought a new light was added to the room, so superiourly shining was their whiteness; then they rose in so happy a swell as to compose her a well horned fullness of bosom, that had such an effect on the eye as to seem flash hardened into marble, of which it emulated the polished gloss, and far surpassed even the whitest, in the life and lustre of its colours, white weined with blue

    30. Thus Emily, who knew no art but that which nature itself, in favour of her principal end, pleasure, had inspired her with, the art of yielding, coyed it indeed, but coyed it to the purpose; for with all her straining, her wrestling, and striving to break from the clasp of his arms, she was so far wiser yet than to mean it, that in her struggles, it was visible she aimed at nothing more than multiplying points of touch with him, and drawing yet closer the folds that held them every where entwined, like two tendrils of a vine intercurling: together: so that the same effect, as when Louisa strove in good earnest to disengage from the idiot, was-now produced by different motives

    31. So I’ve got it out and away from my body, trying to avoid getting pecked to death, and I climb up on the wobbly toilet seat and very slowly when the wingbeat subsides put bird and board and then my head out through the transom, where the sun is just coming up, praise be to the dashboard Jesi, red morning, streets beginning to articulate again, but there’s no time to commune with you, New York, I disengage the wing from the glue, and then I’ve got to do the legs, too, but soft, so as not to rip anything, which occasions another flurry, and all of a sudden I’m furious at the position I find myself in, I don’t know if I mean in the bathroom or in this city or as a human being or what, but I’m yelling, ‘Hold still, goddammit’—and everything I ever told you is a lie if the thing doesn’t go completely still, pluck pluck, the legs come unstuck, and without thinking I open my hand and it just … plummets

    32. Then, just as I was about to disengage from my Interceptor and remove my helmet, I saw the surface of Europa crack open beneath me, breaking apart like an eggshell as a giant chrome orb rose out of the hidden ocean below, ripping a massive, circular hole in the surface ice as it zoomed up into orbit and began to hover in space directly in front of my ship

    33. 4 The ability of the stock market as a whole to disengage itself rapidly from that disaster is indeed an extraordinary phenomenon, bringing back long-buried memories of the similar invulnerability it showed to the great Florida real-estate collapse in 1925

    34. It was impossible to disengage him otherwise than by lifting the vehicle off of him

    35. Once ensnared, the animal’s struggles will disengage the snare arm regardless of the direction from which it originally approached

    36. At last Henry shook his head, as though to disengage it of cloying thoughts

    37. He stooped towards me to disengage it, and his ungloved fingers rested on my arm

    38. It is the perfect use of this mystery that constitutes the symbol: little by little, to evoke an object in order to show a state of the soul; or, inversely, to choose an object, and from it to disengage a state of the soul by a series of decipherings

    39. With his last strength Barnabas had choked his enemy, whom he still held firmly in his deadly grip, and they were obliged to cut off his hand in order to disengage the Wallachian's body

    1. Those other banks, therefore, were enabled to get very easily out of that fatal circle, from which they could not otherwise have disengaged themselves without incurring a considerable loss, and perhaps, too, even some degree of discredit

    2. ” I disengaged myself and scrambled amongst the dead and managed to find a couple of water bottles that were half full I drank mine down in one and although it was warm and tasted stale nothing ever tasted as good

    3. Monique disengaged the link

    4. Some professor from a well-respected institution started a 5 minute seminar on how this was a classic example of Al Qaida led attack and how white-Anglo working class reaction which was disengaged by mainstream politics was reacting to these attacks

    5. As he disengaged, he kissed her and rolled onto his back

    6. “I can’t tell you how relieved I was when I saw you still standing as the Inka disengaged

    7. ” Dizil said, and disengaged from the Speaking

    8. Tui disengaged, stood up, and watched Bubba for a few moments

    9. Without waiting for an answer the President disengaged his arm, strode to the table and banged his fist on a photo of the Thanh Hoa Bridge, and said, "I've got to tell Ho Chi Minh that unless he stops his aggression in South Veet-nam, that I'm going to hammer hell out of him; and at the same time I've got to tell, to convince, the American people, that I am not going to escalate this Veet-nam war

    10. sentry ship has disengaged and is pulling away," said Sarah

    11. For myself I thought that if he had heard the latter, perhaps he had heard the other thing too and, of chivalry, had been done the disengaged

    12. At last Thoth disengaged his hold and scoffed

    13. As the seals disengaged, there was a loud gust of air that began to whip up

    14. If you use text only then your visually orientedlisteners will feel disengaged

    15. Jared disengaged from him so fast that one would have thought that Martin suddenly caught fire

    16. Once Suwanee called that the inner airlock door was closed, the two Marines at the end of the tube disengaged the tube from the station, but not from the ship

    17. Disengaged to the information, refusing to listen, walking away,

    18. The lock would have made noise if it had been disengaged

    19. ‘Ari? Is it true? Did he rape you?’ She disengaged from their hug

    20. Saddlebrook disengaged the Missile Launch Systems and leaned back in his seat while he waited for the Droid to bring back Stazl

    21. The NCO soon was able to enter the airlock, at which time Michel disengaged the manual opening handle to let Kaltigins use the normal controls inside

    22. though, because Loisra had electronically disengaged the mechanism

    23. “He disengaged the safety protocols on the holodeck,” Doctor Crusher said

    24. “We’ve disengaged from the New Constitution on

    25. He disengaged the wormhole and the luminescent membrane snapped off like a monitor that had had its power disconnected

    26. Through her forehead, she could feel the vibrations in the airlock door when the pod disengaged, and she imagined she heard the sound of it

    27. The autopilot has been accidently disengaged

    28. productivity than the other teams; overall this is a very disengaged

    29. disengaged from her, I thought

    30. She disengaged herself from Bill and peered around the darkness

    31. A fragmented self can only have a certain degree of disengaged engagement, e

    32. He completely forgot to be disengaged and

    33. After she’d been asleep for quite awhile, Joel disengaged his hand from Kathy’s, leaned over and kissed her tenderly on the cheek, before straightening up

    34. disengaged from the process, but my mouth is speaking

    35. Conderley, who couldn't bear Fanny, of all people, to be humble, held her arm very close to him the rest of the way home--no, not the rest of the way, but most of the way, for he gently disengaged himself when they arrived within sight of the house

    36. With the truck’s bed up, it’s load disengaged and slammed onto the concrete drive

    37. Pulling in alongside an old, beat-up suburban, Kurt disengaged the vehicle and cupped his face into his hands

    38. The pilot disengaged the engines and the rotors turned to a slow idle swing, and then stopped

    39. Fortunately, when Don appeared on the horizon to announce that tea was about to be served, they were disengaged from each other and merely chatting

    40. I pulled my arm that was her pillow and disengaged from our embrace

    41. disinterested, or disengaged from the idea that Jesus’ return could

    42. I disengaged the stop button and the elevator rose to the last floor that it reached to

    43. He disengaged her

    44. Let us see whom she affects, and what society and converse she seeks in virtue of her near kindred with the immortal and eternal and divine; also how different she would become if wholly following this superior principle, and borne by a divine impulse out of the ocean in which she now is, and disengaged from the stones and shells and things of earth and rock which in wild variety spring up around her because she feeds upon earth, and is overgrown by the good things of this life as they are termed: then you would see her as she is, and know whether she have one shape only or many, or what her nature is

    45. disengaged them from her stays, in scorn of whose confinement they

    46. out IT started; and now, disengaged from the shirt, I saw, with wonder

    47. As soon as he had disengaged, the charming Emily got up, and we

    48. He often appears disengaged, preferring the company of his own thoughts to time with family and friends

    49. Had there been one there sufficiently disengaged to become a close observer, he might have fancied that the services of the young chief were not entirely impartial

    50. The fifth and only Huron disengaged at the first onset had paused a moment, and then seeing that all around him were employed in the deadly strife, he had sought, with hellish vengeance, to complete the baffled work of revenge

    1. We have become immune to words by volume, once there is so much chatter, our filter disengages

    2. When the vessel reaches the other world it is plunged several fathoms down into the ocean where it disengages from the particle beam

    3. A scene disengages itself in the observer's memory, evoked, it would seem, by a word of so natural a homeliness as if those days were really present there (as some thought) with their immediate pleasures

    4. When game is caught the trigger bar disengages and prey is lifted off the ground

    5. When the game takes the bait, which is on the end of a separate bar, the bar disengages and the toggle flies up carrying the snare (and hopefully the game)

    6. " And this "Father," who has always been accustomed to believe himself a special and privileged servant of Christ, and who is usually quite unconscious of his false position, enters the room where the recruits who have been admitted are waiting for him; he puts on, as a vestment, a sort of brocade curtain, disengages from it his flowing hair, opens the Bible wherein an oath is forbidden, lifts the cross, that cross on which Christ was crucified for refusing to do what this person, his supposed servant, commands men to do, and all these defenseless and deluded young men repeat after him the lie so familiar to his lips, which he utters with such assurance

    1. The federal government‘s half-hearted attempt at reducing budget deficits is tantamount to a terminally ill patient disengaging his or her life support system

    2. After disengaging himself from Elizabeth, Quarles said, “Major, would you be so kind as to have the other members of Sergeant Colling’s party brought here?”

    3. Anxious prayers came out of the lips of parents and children while looking with horrified eyes at the burned cars hundreds of yards below… How to get out of the immediate danger? With a heavy heart and a desperate prayer, Roger put on the hand brake, pressed hard on the gas pedal while slowly releasing the clutch and suddenly disengaging the hand brake… The car shot forward with a burst of speed, and a great sigh of relief was heard from everyone

    4. Quickly disengaging, Moshe struggled to keep from being unhorsed in the midst of the pack as

    5. Michael put off disengaging himself from her

    6. Thankfully, the Japanese fighters that had been pursuing the eight P-40s at low altitude seemed to have also run out of ammunition, with no results to show for their wild firing, and were now disengaging, slowing down and climbing back to altitude

    7. Carefully disengaging her hands from the rungs, Nick pushed Angellina to the bottom of the shaft, then levered himself around and below her

    8. Ingrid then started the delicate procedure to come out of her dive, throttling down her engines and disengaging their thrust reversers before pulling on her stick and retracting her dive brakes

    9. The difficulty of disengaging from the Kelvan computer was similar in difficulty to stopping a romantic encounter after foreplay had taken the participants past the point of no return

    10. “It is always an honor,” the Vulcan said, disengaging his screen

    11. horse parlance, a sort of "disengaging the heins-quarters

    12. ” After all, when you have a low visitor or traffic throughput to your new site, you cannot afford to lose those prospects because you have a disengaging creative

    13. She’d have to initiate forward primary propulsion, which meant disengaging the mooring anchors that held the city in place

    14. But her father cheered her, and said at last, gently disengaging himself from her enfolding arms, "Take her, Charles! She is yours!"

    15. "Don't!" she said, disengaging herself

    16. " D'Avrigny turned round and uttered a very feeble "Yes," but Morrel, disengaging his hand, rushed to the bed, and after having pressed the cold lips of Valentine with his own, hurriedly left, uttering a long, deep groan of despair and anguish

    17. Disengaging myself then from his embrace, I made him sensible of the reasons there were for his present leaving me; on which, though reluctantly, he put on his clothes, with as little expedition, however, as he could help, wantonly interrupting himself, between whiles, with kisses, touches and embraces I could not refuse myself to

    18. Alexey Alexandrovitch, frowning, got up, and disengaging his hand, moved her a chair

    19. And, disengaging the hand which Marius held, he added,

    20. “We know,” Llurdis said, disengaging herself

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    Synonyms for "disengage"

    disengage free withdraw release unfasten loosen undo set free liberate

    "disengage" definitions

    release from something that holds fast, connects, or entangles

    free or remove obstruction from

    become free