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    Use "encourage" in a sentence

    encourage example sentences





    1. try and encourage them to think of ways that they can earn some

    2. Encourage your daughter to try new things, to move out of the

    3. Encourage her to evaluate options when solving a

    4. worked, what did not work and encourage her to reflect on the

    5. Plant the proper planting for the season Planting the wrong type of vegetables and flowers in your garden at the wrong time will encourage snail activity

    6. We should listen to them, appreciate differences, encourage risk-taking (within limits) and discourage blind conformity

    7. Poor ventilation in crawl spaces will encourage moisture and dampness will occur which is again great conditions for the termites to live in

    8. Women are transformational leaders; they encourage people to transform self-interest into that of the group

    9. The fact that others have achieved this power, may encourage and interest us but it does no more unless we ourselves take some definite action

    10. Barney grins at me, banging his spoon on the table as his father tries to encourage him to eat his lunch … I can’t help feeling that Barney is far more interested in me than his food

    11. Continuing his good work, I encourage her to get changed out of her formal suit and to come and help me in the garden

    12. The preacher was to instruct these to encourage and respect one another as members of the body of Christ

    13. But I encourage him, asking questions and occasionally giving my opinion, and he seems to appreciate my interest

    14. (28) The preacher ought to encourage men of faith to stand strong

    15. Recently, in discussing with a fellow preacher his desire to encourage the congregation where he was preaching to appoint elders I told

    16. Preachers, need to put forth every effort to encourage the younger to prepare and the

    17. to please encourage our young men (even teens) to begin early to prepare for their role in the leadership of the church

    18. Maybe it will encourage me next time I’m have a bad moment, reminding me that I’m probably not as bad as I think I am

    19. encourage their male peers when they are preparing and participating in various services of the church

    20. Every female body on the male side was a perfect houri, designed to taste, with a personality designed to be pleasant and encourage the man to talk about himself

    21. A congregation without elders to lead and encourage them should pay special attention

    22. especially congregations who do not have shepherds (elders) to guide and encourage them

    23. The horse returned to him, nudging his head with its nose as if to encourage

    24. encourage her to take rest

    25. What I want to encourage you with is that when we take up our own crosses for the sake of Israel, we too will feel this same anguish

    26. No-one quite knows how it works and the kahtmasters do not encourage investigation, but all the same, we are very grateful that it does work

    27. I shall do all in my power to encourage, support and protect you through the coming years

    28. Most online dating websites will encourage you to have a short profile header line that is used

    29. Women begin to look for the man that will be able to encourage them, to help them reach their

    30. While we eat, I encourage him to tell me about his work

    31. While not a common thing for her to do, she had, of late, started to encourage her husband to spend the odd evening in the lounge bar of the Red Lion, especially on a Thursday when his inevitable armchair snoring disturbed a particularly good night on the box

    32. This is not said to encourage drug use

    33. may align your group with this text and encourage your loved ones to do the

    34. Yellelle looked at the guys, but did not encourage them

    35. That’s what I mean when I say, Karen didn’t encourage him

    36. ” Harry paused to allow himself a moment to gather fully his resolve, “I will attempt to encourage her thirst

    37. ‘Anna, can’t you leave it here? It would encourage me to think that you will be coming back if I see your toothbrush there

    38. Mandy could not have been more pleased and proud of her protege, whom she had originally taken on to handle odd jobs around the kitchen and to simply encourage his native cooking and baking talents

    39. trying to encourage him not to do whatever it was he was thinking

    40. Even though we are all on our own journey, he gives us others to walk with whom we can encourage and who can encourage us

    41. I encourage you to open your heart to the Father and allow him to bring healing

    42. All the more as the day approaches we should encourage and strengthen each other

    43. During worship he would encourage the children to listen to God

    44. Encourage the children as they sing, to close their eyes and let the presence of God fill their hearts

    45. This truth is found in Isaiah chapter 58 and I encourage you to read and study Isaiah 58

    46. The reality of the message from this dream is that the next generation should go farther than we do and we should encourage them to do so, yet the intercessor was struggling for years to hold the same ground and was offended when someone finally broke through

    47. It is sometimes good for people to explain what words meant to them, and it will encourage you too

    48. If this demand is continually increasing, the reward of labour must necessarily encourage in such a manner the marriage and multiplication of labourers, as may enable them to supply that continually increasing demand by a continually increasing population

    49. They encourage the cultivation of the remote, which must always be the most extensive circle of the country

    50. The numerous hands employed in the one species of cultivation necessarily encourage the other, by affording a ready market for its produce

    1. They should be encouraged to think differently as long as it is not harmful or dangerous

    2. Human nature is such that he always tries to benefit at the cost of others and in the process if palms have to be greased, it is accepted and in some cases even encouraged to take undue advantage of the loopholes

    3. Encouraged by his matter of fact tone, I put into words the thoughts I had while I was walking along the railway walk

    4. The culture encouraged one to make the least impact possible

    5. Alfred was encouraged by the way the hearing was going and began wrapping up his speech, "…And God had so made his Universe that when mankind attained full understanding we were resurrected and freed from death itself

    6. They gave them great leeway in their lessons and encouraged them in developing their telepathic abilities

    7. As the great politician tried out different tones of voice and different facial expressions, as he opened his stance and practised his smile, the two doctors of spin encouraged and enthused; "Oh, sublime, Sir

    8. As we returned to shore, Nikos encouraged Alessandra to steer the boat

    9. encouraged in the Oppositionist because it is essential to mental health

    10. stance and practised his smile, the two doctors of spin encouraged

    11. Creativity is not only encouraged in the Worldly Oppositionist religion it is

    12. His father encouraged him as much as he

    13. Encouraged by her words both men vowed to give their lives to protect Lord Tarak

    14. He encouraged me to make up stories and to work out why things were as they were

    15. ’ I said, encouraged by his confidential tone

    16. Anvil! Show us the way,’ he encouraged

    17. the military, was that the students were actively encouraged to think

    18. In any case, these families encouraged the youngsters of each

    19. Encouraged by the Sergeant, the group managed to pull

    20. White Feathers turned his hand to cooking, encouraged by Mandy to turn simple dishes into feasts

    21. Staff and regular visitors were encouraged to

    22. This she both encouraged and enhanced, so that while each must rely on the other in an activity they could not perform individually, neither required the constant assistance of the other to accomplish those tasks which were just within the capability of one

    23. When White Feathers took up cooking as a hobby for himself, he encouraged Jameson to also experiment with the activity

    24. Encouraged, he set off along the path, his boots crunching on the gravel

    25. Belle not only encouraged this behavior but had them make reports, synopses and essays over the information, concepts and conclusions drawn from their readings

    26. “Anything we practice we will improve upon with time,” encouraged the guest

    27. encouraged by their training

    28. ‘Mr Hartley-Jones was impotent, Mr Middlesex, he encouraged other men to have sex with his wife

    29. ’ Joshua Mganga said, ‘But that he’d been encouraged to have sex with Chrissie Hartley-Jones

    30. She encouraged his music in that she didn’t actively make it difficult for him to do it, but she never got involved on a personal level

    31. ” Harry encouraged his friend

    32. Architecture was as challenging and fascinating as he'd hoped it should be, and the Waterhouse firm encouraged his input and creativity, though in moderation

    33. ” Harry encouraged gladly

    34. encouraged to find out that God is speaking the same things to others that he is speaking to you

    35. For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged

    36. Jesus encouraged his followers to watch and

    37. I think there is a reason Paul strongly encouraged the

    38. The servers were always encouraged

    39. He encouraged Onk to utilize his powers of invisibility for snooping around the palace, so long as he remained visible while in LeCynic's presence

    40. The jailer's daughter saw that the topic was doing him as much good as the tea, as indeed it was, and encouraged him to go on

    41. Marriage is encouraged in China, not by the profitableness of children, but by the liberty of destroying them

    42. Paul encouraged Timothy that anyone could be a

    43. "Good," she said and rubbed his chest, which encouraged him to do likewise to her, one of life's greatest thrills even though she was much softer and smaller than Shinvei

    44. Paul encouraged the Corinthians to

    45. encouraged by the news that he was now only a few

    46. not wishing to oppose it, supported – even encouraged

    47. Silently, I encouraged her to direct her will, which would cause the element to respond

    48. When it was a steady rhythm, I sought my orb of power and encouraged it to spin

    49. encouraged a stray newspaper page to fly and land on top of the

    50. It is probable that it was partly upon account of this advantage, and partly upon account of the encroachments which the sovereigns, always jealous of the great lords, gradually encouraged their villains to make upon their authority, and which seem, at least, to have been such as rendered this species of servitude altogether inconvenient, that tenure in villanage gradually wore out through the greater part of Europe

    1. This provides for deep watering, encourages root development, provides oxygen to the soil

    2. This Niyama encourages us to let go of our false sense of control and to connect to the Divine or that which gives us the sense of wholeness and sacredness

    3. The one that hears and discerns the Spirit the greatest is no better than the one that encourages

    4. This audio encourages the production of

    5. The liberal reward of labour, as it encourages the propagation, so it increases the industry of the common people

    6. But the same cheapness of provisions, by increasing the fund which is destined for the maintenance of servants, encourages masters, farmers especially, to employ a greater number

    7. encourages me, saying that "philosophy keeps its

    8. The capital of the merchant exchanges the surplus produce of one place for that of another, and thus encourages the industry, and increases the enjoyments of both

    9. You said it, yourself -- your father trespasses in this cave, then encourages his followers to steal provisions

    10. Abundance, therefore, renders provisions cheap, and encourages a great number of workmen to settle in the neighbourhood, who find that their industry can there procure them more of the necessaries and conveniencies of life than in other places

    11. By opening a more extensive market for whatever part of the produce of their labour may exceed the home consumption, it encourages them to improve its productive power, and to augment its annual produce to the utmost, and thereby to increase the real revenue and wealth of the society

    12. But it will be most likely to buy cheap, when, by the most perfect freedom of trade, it encourages all nations to bring to it the goods which it has occasion to purchase ; and, for the same reason, it will be most likely to sell dear, when its markets are thus filled with the greatest number of buyers

    13. It is much better to work at a job that encourages Flow, than to work at one that continually strengthens the bonds of self-centered resistance and desire

    14. The energy that nourishes, incubates and encourages our

    15. Swami Satchidananda encourages us to “cultivate selfless thoughts

    16. The liberal reward of labour encourages marriage

    17. What encourages the progress of population and improvement, encourages that of real wealth and greatness

    18. While Great Britain encourages in America the manufacturing of pig and bar iron, by exempting them from duties to which the like commodities are subject when imported from any other country, she imposes an absolute prohibition upon the erection of steel furnaces and slit-mills in any of her American plantations

    19. In its natural and free state, the colony trade, without drawing from those markets any part of the produce which had ever been sent to them, encourages Great Britain to increase the surplus continually, by continually presenting new equivalents to be exchanged for it

    20. It is chiefly by encouraging the manufactures of Europe, that the colony trade indirectly encourages its agriculture

    21. The establishment of such a conpany necessarily encourages adventurers

    22. It encourages the importation of the materials of manufacture, in order that our own people may be enabled to work them up more cheaply, and thereby prevent a greater and more valuable importation of the manufactured commodities

    23. But still it really, and in the end, encourages that species of industry which it means to promote

    24. This total exemption front trouble and front risk, beyond a limited sum, encourages many people to become adventurers in joint-stock companies, who would, upon no account, hazard their fortunes in any private copartnery

    25. It encourages production, and thereby increases the competition of the producers, who, in order to undersell one another, have recourse to new divisions or labour and new improvements of art, which might never otherwise have been thought of

    26. The uncertainty of taxation encourages the insolence, and favours the corruption, of an order of men who are naturally unpopular, even where they are neither insolent nor corrupt

    27. It neither encourages nor discourages improvement

    28. The extensive market which such provinces enjoy, encourages good management both in the cultivation of their vineyards, and in the subsequent preparation of their wines

    29. greatest newspaper willingly covers all expenses of the investigation, and encourages further search

    30. Allowing notions of Evil to seep into our consciousness, even as dialectical counterarguments to Good, encourages standards of debate that Evil does not justly merit; that is to say, Evil poses a potential (spiritual) risk to individuals who (unknowingly) provide it with a plausible forum to deceive receptive viewpoints by (intentionally) mischaracterizing its harmful designs

    31. It is Evil‘s custom to shield itself from criticism in the (artful) manner it encourages (a) Moral Neutrality by obfuscating notions of Good and Evil, a condition of the mind susceptible to individuals who have failed in their efforts to cultivate a proper spiritual and moral awareness of the fundamental agencies separating the two and therefore likely to arrive at the conclusion that such differences are either objectively unverifiable or the product of social convention(s)

    32. The absence of Truth encourages Ignorance and Falsehood:

    33. ―utility‖ is not necessarily the overriding factor but rather how such subject matter encourages a mind to think or to reason clearly by compelling it to operate on a higher intellectual plane

    34. Plenty of physical playing and exercise encourages a healthy hunger for meals and is necessary for good health and development

    35. Unlike many developing economies Thailand is attractive to foreign investors because it encourages free enterprise and has a good infrastructure

    36. The Government officially encourages foreign investment and has done so for many years

    37. This system encourages each state to overstate its costs and it appears that they do so

    38. used to help these countries but is used to pay banks which then encourages them to loan more money to

    39. Science feels that it has discovered the genetic expression that encourages that behavior, called the Oxytocin gift as described earlier

    40. The Light encourages new Knowledge, Rational Understanding, and Re-Evaulation, while holding to the physical and moral principles that allow unfettered growth within communities

    41. Such understanding encourages us to act constructively in the future – and not to neglect opportunities for kindness and service when they appear

    42. but rather encourages the soul to learn from the experience; a tacit imploration to improve and

    43. It’s your support that encourages me to keep doing it

    44. But, at the other end, what visitors can always anticipate are the charming old days of that marvelous city where the environment encourages them to recline into the past and live history

    45. Often a friendly and personable tone encourages the best levels of interaction with your followers

    46. only does this allow the two-way dialogue to open up but it encourages

    47. allow the two-way dialogue to open up but it encourages others to join in the

    48. This encourages the

    49. Anything that encourages any of the above must be avoided at all costs

    50. encourages turning in Jews to the Nazis

    1. Have you though her how to read a map? How about encouraging

    2. Step back and try to see any patterns will also be encouraging natural predators as compost at work behind the placement of the tunnels

    3. Once the event occurs our cooperation to authorities, encouraging the younger lot to provide help to the needy, taking some sort of control to prevent theft and arsons, regulate the crowd that usually collects and hampers rescue efforts and the doctors amongst us to provide urgent medical aid are some of the tasks we can take upon ourselves and thus be relevant for the society even at this age

    4. ‘Just the tower of strength being encouraging

    5. point, he accused them of encouraging slothfulness and encouraging rebellion

    6. value in encouraging the young men to aspire to the leadership of the church

    7. He opened the passenger door and helped Kara in before stowing the baggage in the boot and encouraging Angie into the back seat

    8. their appreciation and best wishes encouraging her to

    9. Marshall was encouraging them

    10. The young man and his bride jetted off to their honeymoon paradise sponsored by a company that made coconut filled chocolate bars, and in return for a few more photographs, a short video and some encouraging words, they were given a wonderful time on golden beaches lapped by azure seas

    11. “That is encouraging, can the signature tell us anything more?”

    12. repetitive exposure if that exposure is encouraging and wanted

    13. ‘My wife didn't like her either and passed that on to my son, which is why he was doubtless less than encouraging when you rang him

    14. Belle told George and White Feathers the story and what she planned, eliciting both their encouraging consent

    15. It is encouraging

    16. Instead of encouraging me all these

    17. "…not out of the woods, although the signs are encouraging

    18. But at least it was encouraging news that I had a chance to get a student in here

    19. Notice that it wasn’t very encouraging in and of itself, but as I asked the Father, I found an encouragement to give him through it

    20. the instructor by shouting encouraging phrases, such as:

    21. heavily against the roof outside was hardly encouraging,

    22. received encouraging news during their interview with the

    23. encouraging hand on his charge’s shoulder

    24. rejuvenated with food, rest, and encouraging words, and

    25. To diminish the number of those who are capable of paying it, is surely a most unpromising expedient for encouraging the cultivation of corn

    26. The bounty, it has been thought by many people, by encouraging tillage, may, in a long course of years, have occasioned a greater abundance, and, consequently, a greater cheapness of corn in the home market, than what would otherwise have taken place there

    27. During this short period, its only effect must have been, by encouraging the exportation of the surplus produce of every year, and thereby hindering the abundance of one year from compensating the scarcity of another, to raise the price in the home market

    28. She had no intention of encouraging their master

    29. All merchants, therefore, and almost all men of business, find it convenient to keep such cash accounts with them, and are thereby interested to promote the trade of those companies, by readily receiving their notes in all payments, and by encouraging all those with whom they have any influence to do the same

    30. She thought she was encouraging her daughter’s unique sense of style, but really her creations were ridiculous

    31. By encouraging extraordinary dexterity and ingenuity, they serve to keep up the emulation of the workmen actually employed in those respective occupations, and are not considerable enough to turn towards any one of them a greater share of the capital of the country than what would go to it of its own accord

    32. The plentiful supply of the home market was not the direct object of those statutes; but, under the pretence of encouraging agriculture, to raise the money price of corn as high as possible, and thereby to occasion, as much as possible, a constant dearth in the home market

    33. Adrianus nodded, clapping an encouraging hand on the Imperial’s shoulder once more and wove his way through the lines until Roscius could no longer see him

    34. This second way of encouraging the colony produce, by bounties upon importation, is, so far as I have been able to learn, peculiar to Great Britain: the first is not

    35. I gave him an encouraging nod and started to move towards the front of the aisle

    36. Nevertheless, some of us remain an atheist because religion too, has become a bone of contention, as it has been misused for encouraging discrimination and division

    37. It is chiefly by encouraging the manufactures of Europe, that the colony trade indirectly encourages its agriculture

    38. By encouraging the importation of foreign linen yarn, and thereby bringing it into competition with that which is made by our own people, they endeavour to buy the work of the poor spinners as cheap as possible

    39. The most effectual expedient, on the contrary, for raising the value of that surplus produce, for encouraging its increase, and consequently the improvement and cultivation of their own land, would be to allow the most perfect freedom to the trade of all such mercantile nations

    40. That system, by encouraging manufactures and foreign trade more than agriculture, turns a certain portion of the capital of the society, from supporting a more advantageous, to support a less advantageous species of industry

    41. ‘Have some wine,’ the March Hare said in an encouraging tone

    42. ‘Dr Heigener has said some encouraging things about your progress

    43. It was in this manner, by facilitating the acquisition of their military and gymnastic exercises, by encouraging it, and even by imposing upon the whole body of the people the necessity of learning those exercises, that the Greek and Roman republics maintained the martial spirit of their respective citizens

    44. The state, by encouraging, that is, by giving entire liberty to all those who, from their own interest, would attempt, without scandal or indecency, to amuse and divert the people by painting, poetry, music, dancing; by all sorts of dramatic representations and exhibitions; would easily dissipate, in the greater part of them, that melancholy and gloomy humour which is almost always the nurse of popular superstition and enthusiasm

    45. God in their midst and encouraging one another in the

    46. not in the forefront as much as encouraging the flock to

    47. in spiritual things but Bridget was more encouraging

    48. Yet, that may have been my mama’s way of encouraging me

    49. was codependent, a cat enabler, encouraging antisocial behavior

    50. Kiri stood still, neither reciprocating nor encouraging him

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    Synonyms for "encourage"

    encourage advance boost further promote nourish invite bolster advocate nurse brace spirit assure brighten animate comfort revitalise revitalize cheer

    "encourage" definitions

    contribute to the progress or growth of

    inspire with confidence; give hope or courage to

    spur on